Recent content by RB101

    1. R

      Fleets cost FP to operate

      Fleets shouldn’t Cost FP, unless they are over a certain size. (How this “size” is determined is a bit difficult to work out)
    2. R

      The Importance of Planets

      SKW has all 3 of those already.
    3. R

      The Importance of Planets

      Too many blocks to load. Plain and simple. The game was never designed from the ground up to incorporate such a feature (where-as skywanderers is). Ill be honest starmade is not going anywhere fast at the moment (or in the foreseeable future), when skywanderers is released as an open Beta I can...
    4. R

      StarMade Dev Blog 15 March 2018

      The fact this blog has been up for around a day and only has 10 comments... (11 with mine) makes me worry about the future of Starmade...
    5. R

      Add Solar Power

      Pointless feature. The current game model would mean it’d be a waste of coding time on the development side, a wasted feature in game because reactors are better in every way, and finally a waste of space on your hardrive. This feature has little to no purpose, and the same conclusion has been...
    6. R

      Perma cloaking impossible now? (2.5% over the chamber limit?)

      I know that chmbers allow you to have specialised benefits. What about specialised drawbacks that let you regain some of your chamber points? E.g. Your shields drop when you cloak and have to start recharging from 0% when you de-cloak. This could allow for highly specialised ships with very...
    7. R

      Perma cloaking impossible now? (2.5% over the chamber limit?)

      What the actual hell? This was possible in recent releases? Why not now? Cloak is useless without jamming so there’s no actual point to it at all now. And with a short time limit It’ll make a great (unreliable) escape device but will be useless other than that. Does cloaking even hide the...
    8. R

      Bug Can't Get into Game because of shaders

      Firstly what processor do you have? (And don’t say just i5/i7, I need to actual cpu number e.g. “i7 4700mq”). If you can tell me, I may be able to solve this issue through a registry edit like I did on my old laptop. But just to be clear a cpu with an Intel 620 (intergrated graphics processor)...
    9. R

      Turret nerfs

      I just think overall turret mass should dictate maximum tracking speed. As for turret spam, I just think that there should be a maximum amount of automated turrets you can have active without investing into so kind of turret controll system (blockbased most likely) Manually aimed turrets also...
    10. R

      New Power and viable shapes

      The problem for now is that more reactor blocks = further distance for stabilisers. You can no longer have a 100% system titan. And that’s good. It somewhat levels the playing field in terms of combat making lone wolfing in a titan dangerous. I wish people would stfu and get on with playing the...
    11. R

      New Power and viable shapes

      I can’t believe players haven’t realised that what qualifies as “decent power” has change based on weapon reload functionality.
    12. R

      Remove Stabilizers

      Block decay would only be tracked on a primary grid basis. And if that grids rail decays with a turret or ship docked, then it simply undocks, the turret grid itself would not suffer block decay due to the motherships status. The same being true the other eay around, the mothership will not...
    13. R

      Remove Stabilizers

      The needle meta has two ways to be easily dealt with. Both have the same effect but effect performance differently. 1. Block decay & systems disabled for blocks or segments that are not connected to the ship main core body (This will effectively murder the needle meta, as well as spaghetti &...
    14. R

      Remove Stabilizers

      This game isn’t a triple A game. If you wanna role play accept the game will not line up with the source material for that role play. People can still play this game for free atm so the amount of complaints and self entitlement from players who have OCD issues is just unwarranted. It’s not even...
    15. R

      Chambers using fixed % sucks

      I can see bith sides here. I think that a balance can be brochured, what if the minimum working size for the chamber is what is required to use lvl 1 of a chambers function, but in order to level that effect up you would require a larger chamber? This could effectively allow for slightly smaller...