Recent content by Raok

    1. Raok

      The Rant of Big Ship VS Little Ship

      I\'ve been away a few months waiting on updates but did they ever change the fact that small ships and large ships have the same top speed? If so then a large ship will destroy a small ship every single time as long as it\'s piloted by a somewhat decent pilot. All you have to do is keep the same...
    2. Raok

      StarMade is greenlit

      Just saw newspost on Steam! Deadly Premonition AND StarMade in greenlit! This might be my favorite batch yet!
    3. Raok

      Texture Pack,

      I feel like I might be alone on this but I kinda like the new Hardened Hull.... @Draco: Does it need to be simple and minimalistic? All of the other blocks are very detailed and \"busy\" EXCEPT standard Hull. If anything standard Hull needs to have a bit more detail so it doesn\'t look so...
    4. Raok

      Factory Improvements - RELEASED!

      So Beetle finally updated the Factories to a new system! Obviously this makes my mod obsolete but it\'s not the end. As I\'ve told people before, I\'m sure I\'ll find something I don\'t like about the new system so I might just end up adapting my mod with the new changes. Time to get factorying!
    5. Raok

      Texture Pack,

      Take a look at the Block Editor and BlockConfig.xml in Data/config/. If you don\'t mind \"breaking\" template and releasing a blockconfig.xml along with your textures you could do anything you want. Add completely new decoration blocks, animate the current ones, have a unique texture on each...
    6. Raok

      Factory Improvements - RELEASED!

      There has always been a second recipe to make Grey Hull. Rock+Sand+Protein 1000b. It\'s actually mentioned right below where I said I removed Rock+Plextanium XD
    7. Raok

      whats the easter egg

      Mrwhite is absolutely correct. There are many stars in the universe and all of them are approachable. Try 8,8,8 as that\'s the star in the first system.
    8. Raok

      StarMade 0.09378: Fixes, shield balance & new admin tools

      I just had to drop in and say the StarNet tool is pretty nifty when running a linux server!
    9. Raok

      Item Block Names and IDs (Quick find)

      This is actually how I find the block ID\'s when I\'m too lazy to go online and look. Just open the BlockTypes file.
    10. Raok

      Star-Made Server Tool [Auto-Restarter, Garbage Collection, Custom Args, Plus more!]

      If you want to set it to stop the server just have it launch the GUI-less StarNet and send the \"/shutdown\" command.
    11. Raok

      Remove Web chat popups

      Why don\'t you love us chatters? Why are you trying to run away from us? We just want you to love us as much as we love you!
    12. Raok

      whats the easter egg

      There are a few old blocks left in the game, most can\'t be acquired through normal means. The exception is Plexlanders which are still in the factory system despite having been replaced by docking modules. As for why they\'re still around, there are a number of reasons. Compatibility issues...
    13. Raok

      StarLauncher - A launcher in the stars (UNOFFICIAL)

      On one hand he is right that if you don\'t trust something don\'t run it. On the other hand Fum are you really judging a guy by his avatar? \"Black terrorist type of avatar with red glowing eyes\" sounds like one of the monsters your extremely racist grandparents tell you about. He\'s clearly...
    14. Raok

      How do you build ships based off pictures?

      There\'s a tool that can convert 3d meshes into voxel models. It\'s totally cheating (which is why I\'m not providing a link).
    15. Raok

      Texture Pack,

      Well it looks excellent. So far this is looking to be one of the best texture packs for StarMade in my opinion. I like the stylish look that manages to be detailed without looking too \"hyper-realistic\" and uncanny.