Recent content by phantom16

    1. P

      Way to delete your server list?

      looking for an answer to this too
    2. P

      1:1 scale rifter

      really? I kept adding more guns until I could destroy some other hull blocks I placed and it seemed the turning point was at 100, at 98 damage it just hurt the block, at 101 it destroye the normal hull blocks in 1 hit. This is on my private, unmodified server too
    3. P

      1:1 scale rifter

      It\'s just about done now. Its stats are now as follows: Mass: 588 Power: 20,000 (39,498/sec) Thrust: 846 Shields: 18,070 (1,151/sec) I am not entirely sure how good that is because this is my first forray into actual ship building, but I would ideally like it to be semi-functional. I am...
    4. P

      Violations of Common Sense.

      HAHA, I mostly lurk these forums, but I had to definitely say that this actually made me laugh XD
    5. P

      1:1 scale rifter

      So when I used to play EVE online, one of my favorite ships was the rifter. I decided to recreate it as best as possible at a 1:1 ratio. It is mildly hard since I am not playing anymore, I can't get all the correct angles i need, and I am limited to Google image results. But I decided I would...
    6. P

      docking orientations

      I am not so much asking for help, as offering it, as I'm sure many others will have the same questions i did. I was trying to make a carrier for other smaller ships, and whenever i was trying to dock, it kept saying the area was too small, and it was frustrating me because i could fit the ship...
    7. P

      Camera shakes near larger ship

      I just downloaded this game. I am having the same issue, but it seems more with just about anything, not jusrt big ships. When i look at the station where the shop is it freaks out, even asteroids. This makes it pretty impossible to play :/ also, my sounds is looping annoyingly. not related...