Recent content by Neo_Genesis10

    1. Neo_Genesis10

      Inventory issues

      Cargo could be an answer to my problems, just as soon as I get a 'Cargo Space' block. Since my inventory is maxed, I don't actually have the luxury of buying them or making them. I've had to contend with sticking dozens of smaller cargo blocks and placing small amounts of resources into each...
    2. Neo_Genesis10

      Inventory issues

      So, I'm returning to Starmade after a bit of a hiatus and it seems that inventory has been overhauled to the extent that making large vessels is more cumbersome than it needs to be. I'll be the first to admit the original inventory was a bit excessive, but I'm now faced with a conundrum. I...
    3. Neo_Genesis10

      power consumption and power output display

      One idea which I had which could address these issues is the inclusion of a \'status computer\' which could give information on the current running of the ship. This would include the power drain of firing shots from cannons, maximum power and regeneration, how much drain modules such as cloaks...
    4. Neo_Genesis10

      Dodecahedron Planets, easy implimentation.

      I think a lot of people don\'t realise how gravity currently works. It works by aligning your character with the vehicle or planets \'local space\'. No matter what shape the object takes, gravity will still only work in one direction currently so having rounded planets would be moot since you...