Recent content by MuilConnaire

    1. M

      Build mode suggestions.

      I agree with all those ideas, you probably just forgot to mention this, but to add to your 4th point, make it so you can control the direction turrets return to when idle.
    2. M


      I can see how this can be especially useful for repairs. Say you were in a fight and half your flagship has been blasted away. The money to buy a new one is enormous and you can\'t remember what the original layout was. You can dock your broken ship with the shipyard, load its blueprint and...
    3. M

      Fighting Gigantism in Starmade

      What about having all entities in the game be detectable relative to its size? Ships with 10mass only appear in Nav within 50m or something whereas ship of 100mass can be detected within 500m etc. These numbers are arbitrary. This can apply to everything, asteroids, shops, stations, not just...
    4. M

      Possible ways to boost performance around large entities.

      This seems even more important to me now that my ship is so large that it lags like hell whenever I add a new block. Which is a problem seeing as I\'ve only done the hull. I support this greatly.
    5. M

      Fighter / Capital Ship distinction

      Seems better thought out and better explained than what I said, and definitely in my interest. So yeah, what he said.
    6. M

      Fighter / Capital Ship distinction

      To be honest I don\'t really understand what your argument is at all. Is what you say a criticism of the main post and an alternative solution? I couldn\'t make out any alternative so I\'m sorry to point this out but you are coming across as someone whom just wants to point out problems without...
    7. M

      Fighter / Capital Ship distinction

      Bobby impact missiles? YES! This is good. The engine part I feel someone would need to make the engines so large that their turn rate would slow to point it would counter the benefit. As for your other points, they were mainly just things I felt would improve the game as whole and are secondary...
    8. M

      Fighter / Capital Ship distinction

      Good idea man, to be perfectly honest I thought you already could, but I only tried with homing missiles and just assumed they turned forward immediately.
    9. M

      Fighter / Capital Ship distinction

      I\'m afraid the part where you said that many broadside guns make things look strange rendered your entire comment ridiculous and outlandish in my eyes. I never deny there are forward facing guns in sci fi, just that not all their guns face forward. Ships with all guns forward are standoff ships...
    10. M

      Enemies (Aliens)

      Anything that adds to gameplay I cannot disagree with. And I feel the need to point out how much Google translate seems to have improved if that\'s all you used.
    11. M

      Fighter / Capital Ship distinction

      Now I do love Starmade, I like nothing more than spending many hours just building bigger and better ships. But one thing that my ships have in common with eachother is that they are intended to be aesthetically pleasing rather than for actual combat. No matter what I do after I've completed a...