Recent content by MonkeyMan12

    1. MonkeyMan12

      How to post ships onto website

      I figured it out you have to go into the Ship Catalogue Manager and click upload.
    2. MonkeyMan12

      How to post ships onto website

      Well thanks but what i meant was how do i post my .sment files to the ships tab on this website next to download and gallery
    3. MonkeyMan12

      Can not start Singleplayer or my own server

      I don\'t know but I tried it in Administrater mode and it didn\'t help.
    4. MonkeyMan12

      How to post ships onto website

      Read the subject. PS. Sorry about 2 new topics i just really need to know.
    5. MonkeyMan12

      Server not on same version

      Try downloading old versions from until you find the version you want.
    6. MonkeyMan12

      crashing when I click spawn

      I think you\'ll have to reset your universe, thats all i can say.
    7. MonkeyMan12

      It's just not working :|

      Well first of all i would reinstall the game. Then I would try again If it dosen\'t work after that try reinstalling Java. Still not working? Reinstall the game again just to make sure. If it dosen\'t work after\'re screwed! Just kidding but seriously I don\'t know after that.
    8. MonkeyMan12

      singleplayer into multiplayer?

      If you save you upload your ship to local and then when you go on your friends server you can click upload from local and then you will have it but it will probably cost millions of dollars so you would have to find something like a pirate space station first :) Hope that helped.
    9. MonkeyMan12

      Can not start Singleplayer or my own server

      I reinstalled the game but no matter what i do it always comes up with: SQLSyntaxErrorException: user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.ENTITIES To help to fix this error, please send your /logs directory to [email protected]