Recent content by lupoCani

    1. lupoCani

      Subsystem HP - Logging level correction

      As per title.
    2. lupoCani

      Subsystem HP - Version numbering update

      As per the title, no content changes.
    3. lupoCani

      Factory Automation Enhancement - Extended factory assistant support to storages

      Factory assistants (basic and advanced) will now also listen to the pull settings of any storage blocks they're slaved to. That is, if a storage block trying to pull up to 413 advanced purple armor blocks is the controller of a factory assistant, that assistant will try to manufacture up to 413...
    4. lupoCani

      Subsystem HP - Starmade version update and further total SSHP tweaking

      SSHP should now be compatible with the latest version of Starmade. Furthermore, the total SSHP of a ship (depletion of which triggers overheating) should now be more reasonably calculated. Finally, some bugs in how SSHP interfaces with the base game systems should now be resolved.
    5. lupoCani

      Subsystem HP - QOL improvements for total SSHP overheat.

      Also improved errors.
    6. lupoCani

      Subsystem HP - Compatibility, damage factor rendering.

      In the UI, the value by which raw damage is multiplied to SSHP damage is now displayed.
    7. lupoCani

      Subsystem HP - Corrected config values

      Please remember to delete your SSHP configs for this update to take effect.
    8. lupoCani

      Subsystem HP - Corrected release functionality tweak

      The mod is now actually tested to function as advertised on the release version of Starmade.
    9. lupoCani

      Subsystem HP - Compatibility with the release version of Starmade, overheat on SSHP loss.

      Sufficient SSHP loss now causes a reactor overheat. SSHP is now compatible with the release version of Starmade, using reflection to duplicate a neccessary feature in the dev branch.
    10. lupoCani

      Subsystem HP 0.1.009

      Most conventional ship systems are assigned an individual subsystem HP, which caps the performance of the system. When blocks of the system are destroyed, SSHP drops at a faster rate than the blocks are destroyed, causing the system to be nonfuctional before all blocks are destroyed. SSHP...
    11. lupoCani

      Factory Automation Enhancement - Provisional update

      No changes, hopefully compatible with Starmade 0.203.115.
    12. lupoCani

      Factory Automation Enhancement - Temporary fix for SOE

      The Skies of Eden server reported issues with FAE relating to the preceding update. While the ultimate cause of the issue appears unrelated to FAE, and the issue has not been replicated outside of SOE, making any real troubleshooting difficult, a handful of normally-redundant null checks...
    13. lupoCani

      Factory Automation Enhancement - Compatibility/versatility update

      This update removes a number of hard-coded values in favour of dynamically generated ones, permitting greater compatibility with other mods that affect factories, chiefly Ithirahad's RRS at the time of writing.
    14. lupoCani

      Factory Automation Enhancement - corrected metadata

      The previous version was accidentally uploaded without proper metadata set. Not sure how this affects automatic updating, please manually check your mods folder just to be safe.
    15. lupoCani

      Factory Automation Enhancement - bugfix

      Hopefully resolved issue causing an exception on server start.