Recent content by Lemoncreme

    1. Lemoncreme

      Exiting ship

      Yeah this happens to me as well, even after the supposed fix. ESPECIALLY when I exit the game while still in my ship, which one time teleported so far from my ship I couldn\'t even find it on my radar! THIS BUG REALLYNEEDS TO BEE FIXED!
    2. Lemoncreme

      50 km/hr speed limit in singleplayer?!

      Ok, got it to work.
    3. Lemoncreme

      50 km/hr speed limit in singleplayer?!

      Why can you only accelerate up to ~50 kilometers per hour in singleplayer sandbox with a ship? How can I change this setting, if it is a setting?
    4. Lemoncreme

      StarMade doesn't start after loading

      Yes I do have an Intel graphics card. Something happened to it and I can\'t fix my Radeon 6650 drivers.
    5. Lemoncreme

      StarMade doesn't start after loading

      Help me! When I start the launcher, update and press play, the game loads and then crashes, with no message. If you need the crash report, tell me. Please help!