Recent content by lazeckvar

    1. L

      Viper Project

      I should probobly lessen the width more before i finalize it for sure
    2. L

      Viper Project

      I have noticed alot of battlestars on this site, yet the only vipers i could find were vastly to small compared to them, as they were ment for there creators much smaller scale battlestar. As I searched more for good viper schematics for my server, alas, I found none. So, I have decided to make...
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      Crime against Cannon Faction Server [PvE][Factions]

      SERVER IS Currently IN DEVELOPMENT WARNING: If you are a fan of Starwars, Battlestar Galactica, and/or Startreck and cannot stand to see the lore torn up in front of you, then this server may not be for you. If you love those 3 series and are open to creative re-working of how they can...
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      Homeworld Class Flagship

      you make great ships man. its a shame no one has taken notice.
    5. L

      were is the old texture pack

      ok. thanks for the info. i see your point, its just, i can get a bit nastalgic at times. still, thanks for the info!
    6. L

      were is the old texture pack

      i was wondering how i might be able to obtain the old official starmade texture pack to use in the current version. i always thoght it looked a bit cooler in my opinion, but thats just me. anyway, can anyone help?
    7. L

      need help with servers on server providers

      ok. thanks
    8. L

      need help with servers on server providers

      ok, ran into a new problem. what is the linux command for running the sh file for the server? i tried rpm -UvH command, but that did not seem to work. anyone have some advice? yes i installed java.
    9. L

      need help with servers on server providers

      ok, thnaks for the quick reply. i really needed this info
    10. L

      need help with servers on server providers

      im trying to figure out how to run a server on a virtual personal server threw a provider, im just not sure how to configure it properly. could anyone give me some help? maybe a basic run down of what to do? because i cant seem to find that anywere.