Recent content by KennyKatsu

    1. KennyKatsu

      Speed limits

      The speed limit is changed in the server configuration
    2. KennyKatsu

      Infinite Credit Creation Bugs

      And so the servers get flooded with huge ships again...
    3. KennyKatsu

      50km Speed LIMIT

      You can toggle the limit on server settings
    4. KennyKatsu

      How do I protect my ships when logged off?

      Completely ignoring my comments...
    5. KennyKatsu

      How do I protect my ships when logged off?

      It needs to be docked in the planet. Other wise it can be salvage cannonned
    6. KennyKatsu

      How do I protect my ships when logged off?

      Put a faction module on the ship, it gives protection to your ship and you can set it home to prevent attacks
    7. KennyKatsu

      How do I protect my ships when logged off?

      Claim a planet and put the ship there
    8. KennyKatsu

      km/h To Something else

      That would mean the people are pretty big. They would be giants...
    9. KennyKatsu

      Waypoints and Stargates

      The stargate could be frames that allow you to go through to a different stargate. You\'d have to press a button like when making a space station it would put one frame there and you\'d have to buy rest from a shop. The larger you\'d make it the faster it would recharge, but also be more...
    10. KennyKatsu

      Weapons behind Shipcore don't shoot

      What if you connect the cannon to the rest? And can you shoot through blocks?
    11. KennyKatsu

      Weapons behind Shipcore don't shoot

      Try putting another weapons computer near the not working one, and where\'s their power source?
    12. KennyKatsu

      Selling Partial Stacks Deletes All of Same Item Type

      I split the stack ABOUT to attempt to use the dupe glitch, then I realized it was fixed and just sold the half. And *poof* all of that item is gone. I find this quite ironic actually.
    13. KennyKatsu

      Putting Star Made on next gen concolls

      Yes let\'s put a game in it\'s alpha to a console! Fantastic idea!
    14. KennyKatsu

      Character Selection Screen

      Don\'t we already have skins?
    15. KennyKatsu

      Radial gravity block

      I can already imagine people in spawn getting dragged into giant ships and spamming the chat