Recent content by James2568

    1. James2568

      Alternative weapons

      Oh My God, YES! THat would be amazong, cause it would be set up to be floating like a little semi translucant asteroid. efectively setting a little mine. IT would be so fun, because it would give spacial awereness a bit more importantce. Right now its just, \"Keep faced towards the enemy\" in a...
    2. James2568

      Alternative weapons

      While I get what your saying, think that most of these weapons are more pro fighter (Way at the top I said this is what I had been thinking to be neat to give to AI controlled fighters). Anyways, I like your idea on the matter cannons, it might be better if it was temporary matter, simply...
    3. James2568

      Alternative weapons

      It would be awesome, kind of like the Curithwin\'s explosive decoupler. though it has the issues that I mentioned up there with it as well. :/
    4. James2568

      Alternative weapons

      That would be cool, but it sounds more like a buff to that other power drainer thingy.
    5. James2568

      Alternative weapons

      You could even make a load of zords, that group to make a mega zord! (power rangers reference) Which i just realized means you could also use this to assemble ships in parts, merging a new gun or something on to an old ship, or combining a load of smaller ships from your hanger.
    6. James2568

      Alternative weapons

      But two of them probebly wont work. The idea of going through shilds, would need to have some risk vs reward. Theyre already nerfed a little, but they would need to be nerfed even more, somhow. EMB cannon is awesome, I see no issue with this, as long as shields need to be taken down first...
    7. James2568

      Alternative weapons

      Salvage cannons. That would be a problem, but everytime either of the ships moved with small salvage cannons, they would need to start salvaging again. And if the ship has enough salvage canons to get all the way down to 0.05 seconds, then even if you just replaced all those blocks with weapons...
    8. James2568

      Alternative weapons

      Explosive decoupling block Is awesome, but like I said earlier when someone was sugesting it for escape pods, the fact that you slow down, would be a problem. I would maybe suggest working in a grace period, where the torpedos dont slow down, for several seconds. Anti Capitol laser This...
    9. James2568

      The Starmade's main problem

      If you are starting on a planet, who says it needs to be an uninhabited planet? I mean that hardly makes sense anyways, since how would you have gotten to the planet in the first place? How about starting it on a planet, with a city. That way, you have some resources you can cannibalize, if you...
    10. James2568

      Alternative weapons

      Non-traditional Weapons! I was thinking about when we will eventually be able to have an entire fleet, of AI controlled ships, and it made me wonder, would they all shoot guns? As it is, we would have some that shoot ant matter canons, and others that shoot the various types of missiles. But we...
    11. James2568

      Make mass a custom value per block in the BlockConfig.xml

      This would change the mass off all blocks of that type. Well it would give you lightweight ships more easily, it would also rediculously over power the heavy ships. I get what youre saying though, and I love the idea. Maybe it would be better to just have a new hull type, being \"Lightweight...
    12. James2568


      I mean you would have a deralict space shuttle, floating around there somewhere, thats already half destroyed, that attackes you when you get close. So you would need to, somehow neutralise, or defeat your own ship, then board it. Then you would need to kill all the evil thingies before the core...
    13. James2568

      Shipyard Implementation

      That would be so usefull! Also the code could probebly be used with some sort of contoll block, that compares your current state to your saved state (the same way the ship yard would, before repair), and then give a little message whenever something gets damaged. \"Hull breached\" \"Power...
    14. James2568

      Perpindicular Modules

      Ships tend to be long, with long guns down the centre, right? Well precision guns would be that main gun and turrets. This would be more like a wide area of effect barage. instead of having a singlepowerfull weapon, you would have hundreds of weak ones, all shooting at the same time. Most of the...
    15. James2568

      Escape pod docking port

      That would actually be really cool, cause you could eject ships that are just a core, and explosives, using them sort of like a torpedo. Though I guess the problem with that is the was that ships decelerate. Maybe if it had a sort of \"grace peroid\" after ejection, where it didnt slow down......