Recent content by Jaguars

    1. Jaguars

      Galactic Empire

      Reserving faction post. Please see old topic for now. More to come in the future.
    2. Jaguars

      Dev Q&A tonight

      Any support for multiple monitor resolutions, Nvidia surround/AMD EyeFinity planned? Once you get used to playing games across three monitors, it\'s hard to play on just a single screen. Minecraft supports it.
    3. Jaguars

      Galactic Empire

      One pixel = Aproximately 5 meters.
    4. Jaguars

      Galactic Empire

      Construction efforts continue...
    5. Jaguars

      Galactic Empire
    6. Jaguars

      Galactic Empire The new patch has seen the Galactic Empire starting from scratch and redesigning all the ships, hopefully to be more future proof. These ships have been designed from scratch and are not the same as the ships previously seen. Here are some of the ships under...
    7. Jaguars

      Galactic Empire

      To all those looking to join the Empire, you may find us on Teamspeak. You can reach us anytime at, but you will be placed in theAirlock channel until an admin is able to speak with you. Please make sure you are prepared to communicate using a headset for the best...
    8. Jaguars

      Galactic Empire

      We will take your position under advisement.
    9. Jaguars

      Galactic Empire

    10. Jaguars

      Galactic Empire

      Today\'s photos show a fleet of the Imperial Navy - in their efforts to promote peace throughout the galaxy, fighting off the criminal underworld and pacifying the corruption of a planet.
    11. Jaguars

      Galactic Empire

      Did I miss something here?
    12. Jaguars

      Galactic Empire

      We have no problem with custom ships, in fact we encourage it as in our description. The ship just needs to fit within our scaling convention. A lot of good work was done by Ansel Hsaio actually went from fannon to cannon when it was published in the Essential Guide to Warfare. Here is an...
    13. Jaguars

      Galactic Empire

      Today\'s photo; a group of Imperial ships undergoes repairs and refit.
    14. Jaguars

      Galactic Empire

      BACKGROUND AND FLUFF "We are an Empire ruled by the majority! An Empire ruled by a new Constitution! An Empire of laws, not of politicians! An Empire devoted to the preservation of a just society. Of a safe and secure society! We are an Empire that will stand for ten thousand years!"...