Recent content by J03 51M5

    1. J

      Land vehicles

      This topic has been covered before, I know you\'re just trying to help with valid input but it\'d be more use if you actually searched the forums for this topic and commented on that thread, that way the thread gains (slightly) more popularity and you can see ideas already discussed by other...
    2. J

      Which faction should I choose and why ?

      Starwars is great :) building from referance is easier and it\'s good to see who can get the closest to the real ship. Although I think it\'d be fun to make some ships I dont know if I\'d want to be part of the faction \'full time\'. Thanks for the suggestion :)
    3. J

      Making repairing more useful.

      I really like the sound of this idea, well done for coming up with it :) I have one suggestion, that is entirely optional. What if you could \'load up\' a repair ship with blocks that you lost and it uses them to repair the wreck blocks perhaps at a faster rate and maybe it oesn\'t need an...
    4. J

      Armour resistance block

      I\'m not as keen on the armour block but I understand what you\'re saying. However the negative exponential nature of the effects of the block sounds like something that should definetly implemented. It would balance the game quite well in my opinion, it seems more relevant and somewhat more...
    5. J

      A more convenient block and building material.

      I imagined a panel to occupy the same three dimention properties as a regular block, except for it\'s hitbox of course. Therefore if you tried to place a full block on a panel, it would be placed one block away from the panel (as if the already placed panel was a full block). As for placing...
    6. J

      Which faction should I choose and why ?

      I\'m not rushing to join a faction, although I am rather keen to join one, for the simple reasons that you stated yourself I want to be able to play with members of a faction as a team and at a convenient time for all included, whilst still enjoing my experiance. I\'m taking time to look at...
    7. J

      A more convenient block and building material.

      I beleive that it is better, asthetically and gameplay wise, to try and leave areas of my ships uncovered. I mainly use hulls, wedges and corners to flesh out the shape of the craft once I have all of the functional components in place and opperational. I nearly always have my weapons exposed...
    8. J

      A more convenient block and building material.

      As a slight entusiast of modern fighter aircraft, i entirely agree with the statements you have put forwards. I know that modern fightes only seem small due to being compared to larger vessels designed for different purposess, however, like you correctly said they are sizable compared to their...
    9. J

      A more convenient block and building material.

      Thanks for noticing my thread, I\'m currently keeping an eye on it on my phone. I\'ll get back to you with a better response once I get on pc then we can properly discuss the technicalities of this topic :) hopefully this topic will get more attention :)
    10. J

      A more convenient block and building material.

      The other day I was playing around with some concepts, trying to make a small stealthy fighter, rather streamlined and areodynamic looking (not that either of those matter in space), when I encountered a problem. That problem was that it's quite difficult to make a small ship without everything...
    11. J

      Which faction should I choose and why ?

      I wasn\'t particularly scared, I just wouldn\'t be too please to be associated with a hostile or aggresive faction. Wouln\'t be welcomed much by other factions I presume. However I will re-evaluate your pitch and your factions revised plans. thanks for the update.
    12. J

      Which faction should I choose and why ?

      I have looked at both your forum and website, rather clean I have to say :) not sure how efficient your factions pollicies will be, as paying people right now on starmade is difficult as there is no player interactions, only the shops to my knowledge. However your purpose apears just and fair...
    13. J

      Which faction should I choose and why ?

      I based my reply on your pitch and website. However the colonists forum is entirely different. Not too inclined to join a happy face and name hiding a sinister plan...
    14. J

      Which faction should I choose and why ?

      Exellent pitch LoLzboi the Colonists sounds (and looks) like you\'ve waisted no time in commiting to your intended purpose, although you don\'t appear to have many member (according your website) I can instantly see the appeal to player looking to join a organised neutral and somewhat...
    15. J


      Ok, thats a fair enough reason. Thanks for the reply