Recent content by Forsyth

    1. Forsyth

      Clef's Proposal (GCBS-Archangel)

      There are a lot of entities on Archangel, so it definitely can be taxing on a computer (especially with another capital ship in the mix)
    2. Forsyth

      Clef's Proposal (GCBS-Archangel)

      I can do that.
    3. Forsyth

      Clef's Proposal (GCBS-Archangel)

      Sure. I'm planning on doing a system reconfiguration once some final interior work is done, but here's the blueprint as it currently stands.
    4. Forsyth

      Clef's Proposal (GCBS-Archangel)

      Decided to do some preliminary combat trials on Archangel (mostly because I was bored). After looking on the StarMadeDock for some good ships, I downloaded sensei86's Arquitens Light Cruiser and DeepspaceMechanic's Asterope Destroyer for opponents. On their own, they each fell fairly quickly to...
    5. Forsyth

      Clef's Proposal (GCBS-Archangel)

      Me getting bored while figuring out some interior work. Decided to go to a planet and mess around for a bit.
    6. Forsyth

      Clef's Proposal (GCBS-Archangel)

      It took me a good while to convince myself to make this thread. There are a few reasons why. First, I wasn't quite finished, and part of me wanted to keep this to myself until completion. I've since reached the conclusion that feedback from the community will help me finish this quicker and to...
    7. Forsyth

      Turret AI Volley Fire

      Did a bit of further testing, and on a 6 group turret using one computer, the manual volley sustained firing rate is 1.67 seconds/shot (36 BPM). When the BOBBY AI is volley firing, the firing rate appears to be 5 seconds/shot (12 BPM), or three times slower. In addition, it only fires one group...
    8. Forsyth

      Server Returning NullPointerException

      Turns out that deleting the Floating_Items_Archive file worked. No idea why, but it did
    9. Forsyth

      Turret AI Volley Fire

      So, I've been working with some turrets for various ships, and I've had some interesting things happen when setting the AI to volley fire. Sometimes, they refuse to fire, and sometimes they take much longer to fire than if I'm firing and have the computer set to volley fire. Does anyone know why...
    10. Forsyth

      Server Returning NullPointerException

      Well, that solved that error, but now it's having issues with Meta items(...?), so yeah...log attached
    11. Forsyth

      Server Returning NullPointerException

      Ok, so the server is having problems with the TRADING.tag file which is currently empty. Will try creating a new world, maybe that'll fix something...
    12. Forsyth

      Server Returning NullPointerException

      ...and back to NullPointer...
    13. Forsyth

      Server Returning NullPointerException

      Well, did a reinstall (force download all & Overwrite), and now getting a completely different error. Log file attached.
    14. Forsyth

      Server Returning NullPointerException

      Here's the logfile. I haven't tried setting up a new world
    15. Forsyth

      Server Returning NullPointerException

      Basically what it says in the title, booting up a server, and when it gets to TRADING.tag, it is trying to use the file path Starmade\.\server-database\world0\TRADING.tag which returns java.lang.NullPointerException. Is there a way to fix this?