Recent content by DrJaska

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      New player models coming up.

      Also Schema, my help offer still stands.
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      New player models coming up.

      I spy with my little eye some not very pretty deformation issues. The hips are especially bad. Just pointing that out. :/
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      WIP Wallpaper & New Player Model

      Whoops, nearly forgot about this. @alike I actually didn\'t have cylons in mind while doing that texture :P I also have a normal astronaut texture for it lying around but I guess with the new player model coming up this has become somewhat needless. I\'m not really a fan of the new model, but...
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      A couple of friends and I once tried to make torpedos, too. First dumb ones, then smart ones, then drones. None of those things appear to be particularly useful as of right now. Disintegrator blocks just don\'t seem to do enough damage to make torpedos useful. An AI option for continuously...
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      Navagations, Engines and Travel

      @VZ Snipez08 Impactz Physics tunneling is only a problem when something is in motion. Why would you move a ship at physics-breaking speeds when you can go the easy way and just change its position instantly?
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      Navagations, Engines and Travel

      Indeed it\'s somewhat bothersome to travel very long distances. I would love to see jumpdrives that require charging massive amounts of energy dependent on distance and ship mass, with a cooldown time.
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      WIP Wallpaper & New Player Model

      @Holydemon49 Oh sure thing! I\'ll just play around with it a bit more and put it here for download then.
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      WIP Wallpaper & New Player Model

      Oh I\'ll definitely stick around for a while :) So today (and yesterday) I tried to replace the current playermodel with the one in the picture. After some difficulties like an invisible model, spooky geometry from hell and others I managed to get it right. Aaaaand I forgot to get rid of the...
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      Activate all Turrets Button/Computer

      I fully agree. The AI menu should be a list similar to the weapons menu, listing all AI blocks of the ship and mounted turrets. Furthermore I think it would be nice if the AI turned off only temporarily when a player enters. It remains on standby when a player is in and as soon as he gets out...
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      WIP Wallpaper & New Player Model

      I was bored the other day and realized I haven't done any rendering with Blender in quite some time. Since the Starmade player model isn't that great looking I grabbed some old blocky human model I made long ago, turned it into an astronaut, swung my magic wand and voila! Click the image for...
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      Couple of Turret & Projectile Bugs

      Bug #1: Friendly Fire If a faction has "Consider Enemy Neutral" turned on and a player of that faction enters a factionless ship and leaves it again, turrets of the own faction will attempt to shoot at the player. This only happens if the turret has a clear line of sight to the player the very...
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      Antimatter Cannon Overhaul

      The only possible way I see would be to have damage radius dependent on the overall damage which is then scaled with the percentage of the ROF slider. The radius damage could be calculated in a different way than the missiles damage. They usually blow a nice hole into stuff, not many blocks are...
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      Antimatter Cannon Overhaul

      Hrm. I like how this idea started out, it was fairly interesting on how you could customize the AMC\'s differently. However, that changed when I read the part where you want AMC\'s to do AoE damage after a certain damage threshold. Such a change would make missiles completely obselete, and I...
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      Antimatter Cannon Overhaul

      Don\'t fear my little topic, I\'m saving you from drowning!
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      Antimatter Cannon Overhaul

      ### Antimatter Cannon Overhaul ### The following idea suggests some big changes in the way AMCs work and would, in my opinion, make everything more interesting. Note that all values just act as examples! # The Group Scaling and Settings # Adding more AMC blocks to one group only increases its...