Recent content by DaS_BrOt_2MaL

    1. D

      Ship Docking "area too small"

      Im testing the dev zip right now. I still have huge size-differences between turret/ship and the dock it should fit in. things I noticed: * when Im in a turret and try to dock on the docking module, I get an \"area too small\" and the blue bounding box for the turret appears. However, it is...
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      Checkerboard Mining Broken for months now

      Sometimes, the game generates a weird output position for you (i had that on my battleship, chich fired 12 rockets from the same position near the core when in reality, the 12 rocketlaunchers were somewhere else). Try this: * Go into space as your character (not buildmode) * Approach your...
    3. D

      New turret update suxxxx

      this has already been noted in the comments of the patch-news. Im pretty sure this is a bug
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      StarMade 0.093941: Next one

      Bottom and Side Turrets either need super large Boxes or can dock at all. I have a 5x6x8 Turret and cant seem to fit it into a dock 3times its visual size (and yes, i am using faction units etc correctly)