Recent content by CrazyVulcan

    1. CrazyVulcan

      NPC Faction Update Video

      I paid/donated $3 in the fall of 2012 waiting for the game to gain this feature. Being able to play in a sandbox universe with a variety of groups that act and have a dynamic feel. I only ever play single player and so, very patiently, I have been waiting. It's been 4 years, what is a few more...
    2. CrazyVulcan

      Dodecahedron Planets, easy implimentation.

      I do like the idea of the doubled sided planet as it solves many of the afore mentioned problems. I would like to add this to the discussion. what if each side of the disk had a gradual slop rising toward the middle with regular variations in it for hills and valleys? This \"bump\" on both...
    3. CrazyVulcan

      Weekly Challenge #1 - 10/22/2012 - 10/29/2012

      Love the idea for the cocpit, have to try that myslef sometime.
    4. CrazyVulcan

      Weekly Challenge #1 - 10/22/2012 - 10/29/2012
    5. CrazyVulcan

      SUNDAY - New Server stress test

      Sunday afternoon sound good. Pending the unexpected I can be there.
    6. CrazyVulcan

      SUNDAY - New Server stress test

      Sunday afternoon sound good. Pending the unexpected I can be there.
    7. CrazyVulcan

      Forum Capcha

      It seams that the capcha for the forum when you make a post has been deactivated and as a result we are getting spam. Note: there is a capcha for new topics but not for posting on threads.
    8. CrazyVulcan

      Control Method

      The movement of the Player Character is fine for me. WS to move in and out, AD to strafe, QE to rise and sink. In the Adv. Editor they are, while taking some time to get use to, functional. Also having (R) be the active toggle for any interactive block is fine but I strongly suggest it is made...
    9. CrazyVulcan

      Sd docking unit y sd docking enhander unit, help

      I've made ships like that. just make the carrier with its bays having the Docking Unit facing up so the box is green and nothing is blocking it. than make a little fighter ship or what have you with a core on the bottom and use that to dock btw in case you did not know go into the weapons tab...
    10. CrazyVulcan

      New Chat (IRC)

      Its not as convenient as before so sadly whenever I'm in chat there never seams to be anyone on.
    11. CrazyVulcan

      Sd docking unit y sd docking enhander unit, help

      At present only cores can dock with a Docking Unit. so if you wanted to make two ships dock with each other one would have to have its core attached to the others Docking Unit. This is not ideal but I believe that a fix is in the works. My suggestion would be to have two types of Docking Units...
    12. CrazyVulcan

      Unique Crafting Approach for Star Made

      Which is what im suggesting, Im more just fleshing out the idea. You build factory forges and then they build valuable blocks based on the material placed in them.
    13. CrazyVulcan

      Unique Crafting Approach for Star Made

      Ok this is going to be a little rambelish as I am thinking of this as I type so bare with me. This game is in the lineage of the game Minecraft, like it or not, that is what the target players will think first is "Oh, nifty, Minecraft in space." There is no way to avoid it. Perhaps Minecrafts...
    14. CrazyVulcan


      I would like to ask for two small additions. One, have a chime for when someone messages you directly and a new chat window opens. It would help responding faster if you are on a deferent page than Second I would suggest a routine whip of the public chat that deletes any post...