Recent content by Cooler_sk

    1. Cooler_sk

      Somewhere around.

      Somewhere around.
    2. Cooler_sk

      Salvage cannons transfer loot to linked storage

      You have my support on this too, this should really be in the game to help it be more enjoyable.
    3. Cooler_sk

      Research block and modified items and weapons through research.

      This is good idea. Though part about Tiering stackable modules requires alot of discussion, especialyl since there will be damage types implemented later.
    4. Cooler_sk

      Spherical Planets made out of unbend blocks

      Of why spherical planets are pointless
    5. Cooler_sk

      Spherical Planets made out of unbend blocks

      Have you even read the thread above? People explained why it wont work.
    6. Cooler_sk

      Spherical Planets made out of unbend blocks

      Glad you did that picture and explanation, now i dont have to draw it (: