colonel lacu's latest activity

    • colonel lacu
      I really like these light fixtures. The brown walls could use some variety, maybe some ingots or mother boards decoration or beige...
    • colonel lacu
      colonel lacu reviewed the resource SF4301 Racer.
      5.00 star(s) Belongs on a planet :)
    • colonel lacu
      colonel lacu reacted to docpenguindoc's resource DI Lethal Company Ship with Like Like.
      Doc Industries Lethal Company Ship The Company is expanding their operations to a galaxy near you! Watch the Ship Showcase here...
    • colonel lacu
      colonel lacu created the resource CRS-Bothnia in Roleplay.
      What do you do with decommissioned light cruisers? You razee them down and move them to secondary roles. This one has been turned into...
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    • colonel lacu
      colonel lacu created the resource CRS-Helsset in Roleplay.
      I was looking for ideas what to build and saber suggested a blockade runner. The ship is mainly focused on shield capacity and speed...
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