Recent content by Chances_Ghost

    1. Chances_Ghost

      New Power and viable shapes

      Ive been playing with the new power systems finally and for the life of me i cant find a viable shape that isn't either a cube, a giant stick to whack people with, or an Italian dinner. Has anyone, found any non-exploity way of designing a reactor that doesnt end up as swiss cheese or my aunts...
    2. Chances_Ghost

      New Power System, Did we get Nerfed?

      nice i like that application of your stabaliser efficiancy argument best so far JoJo, it illustrates the point you were trying to make in the other tread alot better visually speaking. we might actually have found a 2nd viable ship shape, the borg cube has been reborn once again i can...
    3. Chances_Ghost

      Casual's perspective of the forum war

      yeah pretty much, PVE/RP players giving advice about ship building when their only experiance is with making large pretty and horrifically inefficiant noob ships (even if they are powerful in compairison to NPC content. the skill gap between a dedicated PVPer and a PVE/RP player is huge, and...
    4. Chances_Ghost

      HowTo build a ship in the new dev build

      e/s to mass ratio is meaningless, end of story. please dont give advice to improve e/s to mass to people, as its crappy advice.
    5. Chances_Ghost

      HowTo build a ship in the new dev build

      were not trying to contradict it, were trying to point out that its both meaningless and creates an infiror ship to build this way all your doing is trying to minimise surface area
    6. Chances_Ghost

      HowTo build a ship in the new dev build

      we are questioning why its even useful to try to meet those goals, were saying its pointless and means nothing even if you can get a high e/s to mass ratio. and that building to optimise for a e/s to mass ratio effectly gimps your ship and makes it innefeciant at whatever you would want it to do...
    7. Chances_Ghost

      HowTo build a ship in the new dev build

      what even does a high e/s to mass ratio even do????? tell me why ANYONE should care about it
    8. Chances_Ghost

      HowTo build a ship in the new dev build

      so everyone? i think i did it guys, threads over
    9. Chances_Ghost

      HowTo build a ship in the new dev build

      that there is the main problem, you dictate your entire building stragegy on a completly useless compairson of e/s to mass ratio
    10. Chances_Ghost

      HowTo build a ship in the new dev build

      and the way you suggest to build ships is to use more reactor/stabaliser blocks to achieve the exact same performance, i get what your doing, your trying to remove as much empty space as you possably can, i understand perfectly. but ultimatly the meta is moving away from ultra compact/dense...
    11. Chances_Ghost

      HowTo build a ship in the new dev build

      stop confusing ship e/s with a ships overall power aka its strength and ability to perform its duities, you build ships like that they will be lighter and in a lower mass class, but still underperform against the ships in that lower mass class becuase its built super inneffeciantly to save mass...
    12. Chances_Ghost

      HowTo build a ship in the new dev build

      power production, but not overall ship strength to mass ratio. a ships weight and power generation are not equal to its strength as a ship. its mass is irelevent to this why on earth are you so obsessed with how much a ship weighs? its meaningless.
    13. Chances_Ghost

      I want to see the spaghetti meta.

      long live spaghetti
    14. Chances_Ghost

      HowTo build a ship in the new dev build

      this is classic PVE vs PVP conflict.
    15. Chances_Ghost

      Casual's perspective of the forum war

      The arguments all stem from the PVE crowd constantly conflicting with the PVP crowd, both are extremly passionate about the game but both having wildly different perspectives on what the game is, and what it should be