Recent content by Bruh

    1. B

      Better lights!

      No, this isn't about lights shining more. So I was mining with my special mining ship that i have, but when i try to mine an asteroid that's not lit with sunlight light, i find that it gets a bit dark and hard to see ores sometimes when i go inside(yes, i go inside with my ship to mine). So i...
    2. B

      Factory help

      I have about 50 enhancers to each of my factories, and yes i did do the selection thing. But for some reason they still pull very little NVM i reset the connections, i was attacked and that must have reset the connections to the factory,
    3. B

      Factory help

      I have my small factory to create what i need fairly quickly, but the problem is that my factories only pull just enough from the storage to create 1 of what is needed to make. Is there a way to speed this up or and i doing something wrong?