Recent content by bridgeburner

    1. bridgeburner

      Block images

      Are there pictures of the new ones anywhere? Apparently the wiki is outdated.
    2. bridgeburner

      Block images

      Added images for hull blocks on this page: Comments? Too big/small?
    3. bridgeburner

      A bunch of dumb questions

      Is there a \"creative mode\"? Like a way to get infinite blocks for the purpose of building ships to fly around or test new constructs?
    4. bridgeburner

      Easier advanced block placement

      I'm new here, so sorry if this has already been suggested. I ran into some issues when trying to place angled blocks. Mainly, it's really hard to figure out what direction it's going to face with the advanced window. Quick suggestions: A bigger image preview, and/or show the block before...
    5. bridgeburner

      A bunch of dumb questions

      Thanks for the info guys. Ok, more questions. Can someone explain navigation to me? I see a planet and start flying towards it.. and then sometimes the screen flashes and the planet will disappear and I\'ll have to find it again... Am I moving between solar systems? Are there solar systems?
    6. bridgeburner

      A bunch of dumb questions

      Hello all! Newest space cadet. I have a bunch of newb questions for you vets. How do power blocks interract with other blocks? Do I need to have them connected? Do they need to be x many blocks away from other blocks? What is the benefit of placing several of the same block in a row? (Like...