Recent content by Breakfast Buddy

    1. Breakfast Buddy

      Jumpdrives; Leveraging existing game mechanics

      What if it was even simpler... I was thinking just energy needed from power blocks relative to ship size. Therefore smaller ships can getaway quicker when forced to fight larger ones. Also, your power would needto be full. That way you can\'t just warp into a sector, spam lasers, and warp away.
    2. Breakfast Buddy

      Flat planets are absolutely horrible. An idea on how to make them round. changed

      Yeah, after thinking about it, flat planets would be best to fit the world. Would the sides reflect night and day? as in, when it is night on one side the other is day? seems like righ now only the sky changes, with the ground still being lit.
    3. Breakfast Buddy

      Music / Ambience

      So I decided the only way I could get the feeling of the music was to play the game for a few hours then immediatly create a track. About 20 minutes of just playing around and I feel it\'s a good start, although it would need to be cleaned up a ton. Later in the song, I incorporated a track...
    4. Breakfast Buddy

      Flat planets are absolutely horrible. An idea on how to make them round. changed

      What about cube planets? When you reach the \"edge\" you just go to the other side.
    5. Breakfast Buddy

      Music / Ambience

      The music could \"grow\" with your ship or fleet, like this; In a certain area it could calculate the music based on two things: Sizes of ships, and number of ships. Both of these factors will add certain elements to the track. More ships means more subdivisions in the track, as in, 1 beat per...
    6. Breakfast Buddy

      Music / Ambience

      thanks for the positive feedback, I work web time doing web-design and this is a new hobby of mine (along with playing Star-Made, haha). I\'m going to try to make a track that fits with just flying around in this game, I\'ll post it here. A lot of inspiration coming my way! And I haven\'t gotten...
    7. Breakfast Buddy

      Music / Ambience

      It could just be as simple as if there are multiple enemy ships in a sector, it could play more tense music. Also, planets could have different music depending on what they are.
    8. Breakfast Buddy

      Music / Ambience

      Hello, I am a huge fan of the game and a music composer. I have noticed a lack or music or ambience, and although I'm sure a ton of people play thier own favorite tunes, I feel like Starmade could have some pretty need tracks included with it. Being in the music industry, I have worked with a...
    9. Breakfast Buddy

      Project Ishkur

      im pretty sure I saw this get destroyed