Recent content by Apollo848

    1. A

      Shaded glass blocks for star viewing

      Perhaps just having a NAV point for the star (like with ships, astroids,ect) but have a warning pop up saying you are close to a star. Right now it warns you when you start to take damage, but another warning saying you are nearing the damage threshhold for the heat of the star would be nice...
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      Salvage lasers shouldnt be weapons?!

      I personally think salvage beams should be able to salvage enemy ships, but only if there is no shield up. But perhaps we could have a block such as a \"beam disrupter\" block, that prevents salvage beams from being used on that ship. The block could be either REALLY expensive, or not be sold in...
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      New ships to fight

      As the others have said, it is possible, but be wary, as you never know how many pirates will form a fleet, so if you have a good ship that they can use, you may be the engineer of your own demise. Before I knew about this feature I built a large(ish) ship. Not very good looking, but with lots...
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      Individual Shield "Cores"?

      As of now, the shield blocks do not change their output in anyway based on their layout. I usually just fill in any spaces in weapon systems and power arrays with shields, and put more in whatever space I can find. This game is in Alpha though, so that could change with any update, so just a...
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      Big Ships are Terrible now...

      The game is in alpha, with new features being added and considered, and changes being made all the time. Shielding, armour, and weapons will all likely be changed multiple times in just the next few months. Schema and the others have a lot of work to do, focusing on making it 100% balanced for...
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      I am an alchemist, I turn soil into L5

      On the opposite end of the scale is Blitzkriegsler\'s post. 5 L3 ores, 2 L5 of one ore, and 4 L5 of another ore, and what do you get? Soil!
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      Worst recipe ever?

      Yes that\'s the one you found in your youtube video isn\'t it? Pretty horrid expense for soil. Any way, what do you plan on doing with your factory now?
    8. A

      Cloak/jammer and hulls

      And with what Bench said. perhaps it could even say double the time it takes shields to go up? As if it was adding time to switch the power from the cloak to the shields, and then charge them.
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      An update to inventory

      Rather than changing how plexistorage works, if we had a block such as a Cargohold block, it could be conected to your salvage computer so it will fill up rather than your inventory (or instead of it if your inventory is full), and any loot piles you go through will go into the cargohold as...
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      Target Reticles

      Would be nice, add a new aspect to the gameplay, not only armouring your core, but hiding it. I wouldn\'t mind see that implemented at all.
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      Some Must haves for coming Updates

      But I have a tip. To choose which part of a weapon array fires, you need to exit your ship, and go to the end of the array, then look at the one you want to be the one that fires (the \"Output\"). You\'ll see it says something along the lines of \" Press R to change output (off)\" (or something...
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      Armor Health Improvement

      But let me make a suggestion. Rather than increase the hull Health, introduce more varieties of hull (like of different metals, and perhaps with different mass. This would mean you could coat your fast attack craft with light armor that is more easily destroyed, but have only one or two layers...
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      Turret integration

      Some good Ideas here, I would be happy to see the kind of internal/contour turrets, would make things nice and tidy as well as protected. On the subject of docking in general (ship and turret) there should be another docking node block that you can put on you turret/ship so you do not need an...
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      Programmable Ai - CODING

      I like what everyone is suggesting so far. While having to use a programming language would cause troubles for what is likely the majority of the player base, being able to use pre-made scripts by other players would be great, allowing for even people with little or know knowledge of programming...