Recent content by AlveKatt

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      Critter Beam

      Oooh. I like this one. +1
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      Ship Core Exit Point

      I have a ship that I fall out of the bottom when exiting, Very annoying. Could be solved by simply saving the player postion relative to the ship when entering the core, then eject the player to the same position he/she entered from.
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      Arstotzkan Star Cruiser "Exelion"

      I recognize the texture pack, can be downloaded here:
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      New Turret Design Idea

      Made a mockup of how it might work. Any blocks connected to the pivot point block would follow when the turret aims. While it\'s true this gives you one block less and might cause you to need to give some leeway for the moving parts this doesn\'t really matter. They have clearly stated...
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      New Turret Design Idea

      I suggested this very thing a while back, and I still want it to happen. Would love it to become true. Edit: I would want negative inclinition to be possible though. I really think this should be calculated on a case by case basis depending on the geometry of the turret and the ship it\'s on.
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      Texture Pack – Low Res, Minecraft Style + Clean GUI

      I have been editing the pack to suit me, would you be okay if I shared my remix?
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      Artificial Horizon and other stabalization needs

      You can press ctrl to do a much more controlled roll. Which solves a lot of these problems. Personally, I would want the direction ball to be integrated in a radar update. The current radar is not very useful. I have no doubt it\'s just a placeholder until the game gets something better though...
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      Gravity block docking block style suggestion

      Make a gravity block similiar to the docking blocks. Have the "docking area" be the area of influence. Use gravity block enhancers to enhance the influence area of the gravity. The current gravity blocks are liked because you can make grav lifts with them. So, as to not remove this...
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      Space bombs

      I did make this once. In the old version though, without collision damage, so it didn\'t really do anything. The dis-integrators could safely explode in the hold without the bomber shields going down.
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      Alpha trees

      Been messing about with the textures in this: It uses the normal map from the realistic textures. Other than that, I just made some holes in the dark parts of the texture packs original texture.
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      Space bombs

      We need a space bomb block. That shoots space bombs. The define charachteristic would be that it continues in the direction you dropped it. All it gets is the momentum of your ship, with no slowdown. The tradeoff is that it makes a big boom. Making it possible for a squadron of small bombers to...
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      Exploration blocks - for the future when Starmade is more feature complete

      2. If it\'s factioned it probably means it\'s already explored anyway. You could have a little ship with the translator though. 3. I am more for the KISS method here. \"There is a planet with some kind of technology/life fifteen sectors that way, let\'s check it out!\" 4. Stealthinator, you...
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      Exploration blocks - for the future when Starmade is more feature complete

      I would like some features for us that aren't always just gun happy. Sensor computer, with sensor blocks. For finding ores/materials or life signs on planets. More blocks, bigger range and/or penetration. Universal translator block, for talking with scripted Aliens. Bring it with you. Pop it...
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      Copy and Paste feature

      Yes. Would save soo much time!
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      Allow low rez texture packs to actually be Low rez

      Ah, yeah. For Lower rez you want the LOD change to start further away, don\'t you?