Recent content by a1steaksa

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      New Years News

      Ignore me, I did some googling and found it.
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      New Years News

      Alright, thank you for the reply. Do you have a twitter for the masses to follow?
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      New Years News

      When that image says \"Massive charge Lasers,\" I don\'t suppose it means they can be resized/shaped similar to docking platforms, does it?
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      StarMade 0.093932: More Fixes

      Can I get some clarification on \"navigation waypoint is now absolute?\" I can\'t check right now, and I don\'t know how excited to be.
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      StarMade 0.093932: More Fixes

      Can I get some clarification on \"navigation waypoint is now absolute?\" I can\'t check right now, and I don\'t know how excited to be.
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      Fully Programmable Computers Suggestion

      I love this as an idea. As Puck said (Somewhat forcefully) a model similar to WireMod in Garrysmod would be ideal. There are two opetions therein; Gates or Expression 2. Gates are things such as Constant value outputes, buttons, addition, or gates, and gates, ect. In this case, I would say...
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      Warp speed

      This is pretty much exactly what I meant above. I was short on time typing it. It certainly should be balanced against ship size in regards to charge time and power consumption. I\'m excited to see where this game goes to in the later stages of its development
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      Warp speed

      If I\'m understanding you right, I agree it needs balancing with other game elements and the power systems, ect. But It entirely depends on what you mean by \"Not instant.\" If you mean a 10 second warping animation or something similar that would be fine by me. But a 10 minute wait would be...
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      Warp speed

      The way I see it, we would need a \"warp core\" block type. The more of them you have, the farther you are able to warp. As it stands, the game is essentually limited to the 100 sectors surounding the spawn. Once you go past there, you will find no other people and thus it is a dead part of...
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      Warp speed

      I would argue that an instant warp is plausable. At this point in history we have evidently devised a way to have an infinite power source (Breaks thermodynamics) as well as containing light into slow moving projectiles, lossless energy transfer via a beam and beams that are able to break a...
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      Miranda Class Starship

      That right there is a pretty great looking recreation. Curious to see interior and finished product. Keep us posted.
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      Warp Core

      I'd like to see some FTL in the game, and it wouldn't be that hard to implement. I envision entering coordinates into a menu like the one that exists for navigation. The computer calculates the distance between my location and the desired location, and my available distance to warp is...