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    • Welp, it's been two years, and it's January (I missed the 8th, dammit). Time for a status update? I guess?

      So uhhh, see y'all again in 2025... Or maybe tomorrow. Live life unpredictably, you know?
      Does anyone from five-ish years ago still play this game? Old StarMade feels like mythology at this point.
      Malum Phasma
      Malum Phasma
      Started in 2015. Had small breaks until latter part of 2019. Have not technically returned so much as I am considering it, if that makes sense. IRL free time is hard to come by, and I imagine things have massively changed so I started here (forums) and going to dig around youtube and wiki to hopefully find out how best to use my time during the learning curve when I reinstall on my new system.
      Some things never change. They are everlasting, eternal, immortal. The top 5 of the community content page is one of them.
      Slowly getting back into some StarMade building. It seems some time off is good to get the creative mojo going again. :D
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