Looking for a Streamer or Writer(s)

    Feb 17, 2015
    Reaction score

    Hi there indie mmo fans!

    My name is Alex and I have recently launched a website called True Indie MMO (TIMMO) for short. It’s been something I have been thinking about for a while now as my passion for online gaming has evolved over the last couple years to be heavily focused on indie titles. Sure I still play AAA titles like Wow and ESO, but I’d be lying if I said they still held that awe for me.

    Since 2014 and Steams introduction of their Early Access page I have seen myself spent almost triple of what I normally would supporting indie titles. This doesn’t include all of the kickstarter backing I did in 2013/14 but it easily could!

    The reason I am reaching out to indie gamers is I am hoping to find people that have a similar passion. As more and more AAA companies request for gamers to buy into their early access, I feel compelled to focus more on the titles we never hear about. Or rather the ones we should be supporting.

    The things that are being made in Unity and UE4 for example. Some unfunded, and understaffed. The true indie mmos! I have already been researching and interviewing developers. But I realize that I can’t just focus on those because there are so many good titles that have come out by fantastic indie companies. They deserve some more coverage then they get. Things by KEEN Software House, Nerd Kingdom, BitMonster, Pathea, Black Eye Games, Signal Studios, really the list could go on and on. I didn’t want to list any titles as I don’t want to feel I am excluding any of the brilliant talent out there. But if I'm posting here its one of them :D

    The line between what should be considered indie and what gaming bodies do consider indie(E3 and SoTA winning Indie title 2014) should be redefined. We are at a pivitol time in game development where I believe the quality of true indie content is going too far surpass expectation in years to come. I’d like to help push multi-million dollar “independent” companies out of the indie spectrum when it does.

    The resounding point of me posting this is I want people that want to talk about these amazing games to collaborate with me on my project. It would be our project. I want indie content makers that write or stream and are interested in promoting themselves as well to utilize www.trueindiemmo.com as a place to do it!

    IndieDB will always remain a tool for players to find indie content as posted by developers. What I want to do is legitimize how we see these titles just as large mmo websites do. Their writers, as good as they are, should give us indie writers a chance to cover material we want to see! No more hoping the see this game that we know of and write a post on it. Instead let’s rise to the challenge and do it ourselves!

    If this is a collaboration you’d be interested in, I want to hear back from you. And to help ease the facilitation of this, I am looking for gamers that want to cover these areas;

    - Space Sim/building MMOs

    - Sci-Fi or Post-Apoc MMOs

    - Survival Sim MMO’s

    - Fantasy/RPG

    - Building/Exploration

    Of course the above mmo classifications are open for interpretation as many titles encompass more than just one area. I just thought it’d help for people if they have a specific area of interest. I will of course cover titles that other writers or content creators do not want to cover, but hopefully as a committee of sorts we can cover everything everyone wants.

    In closing I hope this strikes the interest of some people out there. If you have every had a gaming blog that you gave up on, maybe it’s time to get back in the saddle!

    Please contact me here in this thread or at [email protected] or twitter; @trueindiemmo

    Thanks, Alex (a.k.a) Notyeti
    Oct 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    Insert Meme of "Aw, you do have a heart" here
    Some of my friends and I are working on an indie game. At least I know someone is looking out for all those tiny games! I could be a writer if you wanted (although my time is extremely limited during certain months).


    Social Media Director
    Jun 25, 2013
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    I am wondering, what specific plans did you have in mind for streamers? Were you going to get them to produce content, showcase games etc? I know there are a few people that are a part of this community that stream a variety of indie titles very often.