Questions on Pirates.

    Jan 29, 2014
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    I am Trying to build some pirates with lots of variations. I am wondering how Pirates work with docking blocks and turret docking. If i give a large ship a few fighters will the pirates scripting send out the fighters and will they work. last if i add turrets to a ship will the pirate use the turrets at all?
    Aug 14, 2013
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    Turrets will work but pirates will not send ships off of docks. I believe docked ships will function as stationary guns.


    I got N64 problems but a bitch ain't one
    Oct 18, 2013
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    If your small fighters are bigger then the default docking size of 7x7x7 couldn't you build and save the large carrier ship with /docking_validation false and the fighters docked to non-enhancered docks so that when the large ship spawns in they are un-docked automatically by now having /docking_validation true?
    Aug 30, 2013
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    If your small fighters are bigger then the default docking size of 7x7x7 couldn't you build and save the large carrier ship with /docking_validation false and the fighters docked to non-enhancered docks so that when the large ship spawns in they are un-docked automatically by now having /docking_validation true?

    ...which is a good idea but they can glitch out, with the sensitive docking mechanics they will just bounce to the back and then the game will lag hardcore.

    Also OP needs to remove the doors first or else they'll just constantly bump into doors.
    Jan 29, 2014
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    When i started i had a few 200-300 mass fighters and started building around that but now i am building 100,000 mass ships and the small fighters are no fun to shoot. I Want to keep the fighters in play, so i wanted to attach some fighters to the larger ships and remove the fighters from spawn. So instead of Spawning 4 fighters and a dredknot the game would spawn a load out of cruisers battle ships and they would spew out fighters.

    On a second note. I got bored and Spawned 4 ships of my own added Bobby Ai and then hit /initiate_wave 5 20...... 2 200k mass ships spawned inside one another and lagged the game badly.. looks like big ships is not a good idea.
    Aug 14, 2013
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    When i started i had a few 200-300 mass fighters and started building around that but now i am building 100,000 mass ships and the small fighters are no fun to shoot. I Want to keep the fighters in play, so i wanted to attach some fighters to the larger ships and remove the fighters from spawn. So instead of Spawning 4 fighters and a dredknot the game would spawn a load out of cruisers battle ships and they would spew out fighters.

    On a second note. I got bored and Spawned 4 ships of my own added Bobby Ai and then hit /initiate_wave 5 20...... 2 200k mass ships spawned inside one another and lagged the game badly.. looks like big ships is not a good idea.
    Well there is one way to make pirate ships spawn with fighter escorts.... but it's a secret.
    Jan 22, 2015
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    Figured this would be a good place to ask another question on pirates...

    Is there a way to get the pirates to use more than 8 different ships?

    Did a bunch of testing with custom pirates last night and found that no matter how many ships I set for enemy use, there was never more than 8 different ships spawning. I'd prefer more as it gives me a lot better control over difficulty via having more variants of smaller ships for the early waves and then just a few variants of the larger ships for later waves.