Food storage blocks


    Aug 30, 2013
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    Quick, simple, way to put in food. There'd be a hunger bar on your person, and when it reaches zero you'd slowly loose health. To keep it up, you would walk to a food block and press r.

    The food block would have a certain amount of food in it, shown by a bar on the block. The more food, the more of the bar it replenishes. You increase the amount of food by dumping into the block - a lot It would take a lot of plants to become decent food. 1 plant would mean one percent of hunger charge or whatever dropped.
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    Aug 30, 2013
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    A hunger bar? You slowly die when it runs out? This has never been in a game before.
    You're pretty sassy for a guy who joined today.

    It's a simple way to implement hunger, something RPers have been wanting for an eternity.
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    Nov 10, 2013
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    something RPers have been wanting for an eternity.
    Yes and No. There are people who want hunger, but most are hesitant because it's easy to get it wrong. It can be too easy or too demanding, meaning it could become trivial and a wasted feature, or be too time consuming opting players to disable it entirely.

    Where to get the food in the first place? How much would players need? How do players transport and consume (answered here at least)? What happens if there is no food at spawn (you cant just punch grass to get seeds here, and space is large)? Will there be any advantages to keeping it full/disadvantages when low aside from HP drop?

    I know one of the Devs (Omni I think) wanted to make a plant system though, so hopefully we can get a crop-like system if we ever get hunger (I like farming, sue me).
    Jan 15, 2014
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    this is a planed feature please read the forum before posting stuff like this and try to keep in mind that this game is still in alpha testing which means not everything is implemented yet but yes this will be good to have but also the need to breath will be added so no helmet less walks through space :)


    Nov 10, 2013
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    this is a planed feature please read the forum before posting stuff like this and try to keep in mind that this game is still in alpha testing which means not everything is implemented yet but yes this will be good to have but also the need to breath will be added so no helmet less walks through space :)
    Gonna have to point me to where it is confirmed exactly. Common and accepted maybe, but not Dev-confirmed last I heard.
    Feb 24, 2014
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    I'd love to have a reason to harvest plants. Right now they basically take up space
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    Cobalt-Blooded Bullet Mirror
    May 12, 2014
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    And hey! Food is another reason for people to wage wars in servers! :p And to keep people from destroying planets, they would have a greater use.


    Precentor-Primus, pro-tempore
    Jul 13, 2014
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    Is anyone else thinking "temperature controlled future vending machine", which would basically be a plex storage block, with per-slot vending prices? You'll also want it to be linkable to permission blocks. ("Er, sorry, ensign. You can eat from the regular food ration lockers, but the top class lockers are for top brass only. No lobster or soylent orange for you.")
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    That crazy cyborg
    Oct 27, 2013
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    Quick, simple, way to put in food. There'd be a hunger bar on your person, and when it reaches zero you'd slowly loose health. To keep it up, you would walk to a food block and press r.

    The food block would have a certain amount of food in it, shown by a bar on the block. The more food, the more of the bar it replenishes. You increase the amount of food by dumping into the block - a lot It would take a lot of plants to become decent food. 1 plant would mean one percent of hunger charge or whatever dropped.
    To be honest, we could just put in a "food replicator" like in star trek that works like the medical cabinets. It wouldn't do much or be very fun, but it would give my RP galley a purpose. Soon after, or a while later, plant seeds and finite food and medical supplies could be added.

    Plant seeds would be dropped when a plant is harvested by hand or a specialized machine, and could be placed and grow on "grass" or grass-like blocks on their native planets and would grow to maturity without further attention. Some plants would be used for food, and others for medicine.

    Hydroponics: the only way to grow stuff on ships and stations.
    • Yields slightly less than growing on a planet (for balance)
    • Requires a fair amount of power (something like 500 e/sec, significant but sustainable)
    • Requires fertilizer/nutrient solution made from plants and terrain from the plant species' native planet type.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    No thanks, I'd rather not have a generic food system. You'll just have a lot of starving noobs and people with much more food than they'll ever need.


    Nov 10, 2013
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    Hydroponics: the only way to grow stuff on ships and stations.
    • Yields slightly less than growing on a planet (for balance)
    • Requires a fair amount of power (something like 500 e/sec, significant but sustainable)
    • Requires fertilizer/nutrient solution made from plants and terrain from the plant species' native planet type.
    I'm not sure I like that, since it would imply that you'd only need a small hydroponics to support a faction, making it more or less a trivial thing (unless you're suggesting we'd need 2000+ of them, since a station could easily support that many).
    The nutrient thing sounds interesting, but it sounds like more reason to harvest planets if you use stations exclusively.
    And I'm not sure how slower growth on stations means balance, seeing as they already need a block plus power, and stations need more work to build in the first place.


    That crazy cyborg
    Oct 27, 2013
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    I'm not sure I like that, since it would imply that you'd only need a small hydroponics to support a faction, making it more or less a trivial thing (unless you're suggesting we'd need 2000+ of them, since a station could easily support that many).
    I'm thinking 5-10 per person, depending on level of physical activity. The idea of the power draw is that you can't just put 1000 of them on a 2000 block ship.

    And I'm not sure how slower growth on stations means balance, seeing as they already need a block plus power, and stations need more work to build in the first place.
    It's less about balance and more about making planets mildly overpowered for farming so people farm on planets instead of never setting foot on them.


    Nov 10, 2013
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    I'm thinking 5-10 per person
    5-10 per person per... what? Per hour? Per day? Keeping in mind activate factions would have a person running around their base or surrounding area, allowing to plants to grow even for offline players, who's hunger would not deplete since they are offline (Imagine a bot just sitting there 24/7, even dead the sector would be loaded). Would also kinda render 'slower growth' more or less moot, cause it's still always growing, and it wont take more then a few hours to grow at most.

    It'd be hard to balance food requirements considering food couldn't grow if the sector was unloaded I assume, so what would be balanced in SP would be trivial in MP.

    And I agree we need more reasons to step foot on planets, but that should be done via unique features, like cities, ruins, things to explore and mobs, rather than merely "This grows better here". Substance over what I think would be considered "meta".


    That crazy cyborg
    Oct 27, 2013
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    And I agree we need more reasons to step foot on planets, but that should be done via unique features, like cities, ruins, things to explore and mobs, rather than merely "This grows better here". Substance over what I think would be considered "meta".
    Slower or faster growth... whatever. Honestly, I think food growth should be almost trivial on planets and difficult in space. It just makes sense to me gameplay-wise that way.

    5-10 per person per... what? Per hour? Per day? Keeping in mind activate factions would have a person running around their base or surrounding area, allowing to plants to grow even for offline players, who's hunger would not deplete since they are offline (Imagine a bot just sitting there 24/7, even dead the sector would be loaded). Would also kinda render 'slower growth' more or less moot, cause it's still always growing, and it wont take more then a few hours to grow at most.
    I wouldn't worry about that at the moment. This is all theoretical as no one in starmade has ever played with a food system. The closest thing is probably people playing Minecraft survival, but that's a far cry from Starmade to say the least. Don't forget configurability - individuals and servers can adjust food growth rate and player needs. Honestly we just need to get something in-game that works reasonably and decide on better defaults after people have figured out what works well.

    Quick, simple, way to put in food. There'd be a hunger bar on your person, and when it reaches zero you'd slowly loose health. To keep it up, you would walk to a food block and press r.
    Okay, this idea just kind of exploded out of my brain a little bit ago. Let's kill the cliche, add a flake of realism, and contribute to gameplay. A very simple "nutrition" system might be nice, but beware that making it too complicated will make it unenjoyable.

    The food bar could have three stages: Buff, normal , weakness, crippling weakness
    • Buff: Blue, top 20% of the bar: Increases a particular stat based on the food group(s) most recently consumed. Eating a variety of foods allows this to become quite strong.
    • Normal: Green, middle 60% of the bar: Does nothing. Your needs are satisfied.
    • Weakness: Sickly yellow, bottom 20% of the bar: Gives a debuff based on food groups you have not consumed recently.
    • Crippling weakness: Dark red, empty bar: Weakness debuff doubles and maximum health begins to be debuffed. By default, you lose 2% max health every 60 seconds, meaning it takes 50 minutes to starve to death AFTER you health reaches zero. This prevents the use of medical supplies to recover from starvation.
    These would not have to be descrete "steps" either - the effects could "fade" in and out in the 5% above and below each boundary. i.e. Buff begins to fade at 85% full bar, but isn't gone until 75% while crippling weakness begins to affect the player at 5% but doesn't reach full potency until the bar is actually empty.

    As far as balancing, I think it should take anywhere from 60 to 120 minutes to reach zero from a full hunger bar, but that's just me. All of this should be as configurable as possible. Everything from drain speed to the size of the "fading effect" regions of the bar should be exposed in the configs for players and server owners to balance to their liking.


    Cobalt-Blooded Bullet Mirror
    May 12, 2014
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    No thanks, I'd rather not have a generic food system. You'll just have a lot of starving noobs and people with much more food than they'll ever need.
    Time for Robin Hood in space! :p


    Aug 30, 2013
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    Eh. It could be added on it later. This is the most basic way to impliment hunger.