Ship Combat in Starmade

    Oct 15, 2013
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    With the future addition of the Hp system, and the potential for a new more flexible turret system, Starmade space combat seems to be on the way to becoming a more epic version of the developing ship combat game "dreadnought".

    Personally, with a similar, yet more customizable movement system (to support people's designs) and heavier emphasis on faster longer range combat, emulating the style of this up and coming game might be a continued step in the right direction.

    Do you, ladies and gents, feel that a similar system for combat in Starmade is a good idea? Or do you feel that only forward facing guns and equal thrust in every direction is better?

    Ps. sorry for the lack of detail and briefness of this post, I have my hand tied right now yet just got excited.


    Nov 10, 2013
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    only forward facing guns
    I actually support forward firing, and quite a few of us want to reduce the Firing arc on the weapons (if not remove it entirely), so that they weapons can only fire straight. But I think what you meant is turret based combat? More options for controlling turrets, or grouping them would be really nice, as well as overall improvements.
    equal thrust in every direction is better
    There is a thread in General that talks about the planned changes to thrust (Pinned Thruster Mechanics thread), but I think everyone wants that changed anyways.

    heavier emphasis on faster longer range combat
    There are servers that do accomplish that, if you poke around general again, you might see a server fleet battle posted by Bloodlance. Some people say battles should last longer as well, as often ships die fast apparently, but that is something for configs to balance really.
    Oct 15, 2013
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    Ya I know about like the pinned Thruster thread, I would love if it was implemented. However there have also been other worth will suggestion on the subject that I know the Devs are also looking at.

    As for faster longer range/faster combat (I should have clarified) I ment in contrast to the Dreadnought game itself.

    Also... I really would like to see viable broadside combat, like in Dreadnought, but that just me personally. :]



    Nov 10, 2013
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    If firing arcs were narrower, I would put broadsides on my ships via a Chain Docking setup, but right now the aim can pretty much 75+ degrees to the side, so anything of that design needs to be pushed to the edge and set on a flat surface for maximum exposure.

    Broadsides would be great to have viable, exposing a larger face for more damage/block destruction, but as it stands, I don't think you can really do that without limitations. Multiple groups on a computer receive a power penalty, and using logic removes the ability to converge the shots. Fixed docking mounts get around both of those, but need to have independent shields (might give fighters a greater use though), and Turrets have that issue of tracking things they can't hit or getting sidetracked by small targets (greatly exposed as well).

    I think I rambled, sorry xD but broadsides seem to be more of a 'choice' that a group would need to agree to, maybe a server might be willing to adapt such a concept as norm.
    Apr 21, 2013
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    Broadsides would be great to have viable
    Don't you dare get me going, they are the LEAST viable tactic in terms of space combat. The only reason they were useful in the age of sail was because the ships were all traveling the same direction.

    if you poke around general again, you might see a server fleet battle posted by Bloodlance.
    That video is actually mine and I'm only a little bit upset that he posted it without my permission and without giving credit because I keep seeing posts like this


    Nov 10, 2013
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    Don't you dare get me going, they are the LEAST viable tactic in terms of space combat. The only reason they were useful in the age of sail was because the ships were all traveling the same direction.
    Least viable? Maybe, but it would still be nice to have as an option. Noticed how I said you probably couldn't make a system to make them viable (limitations)? And would need a server community to more or less adopt it? It's just something I would like to play with really, and there are a few that would also enjoy it really. A sandbox should give the option of choice after all, the main point to take away there was the ability to limit firing arcs.

    That video is actually mine and I'm only a little bit upset that he posted it without my permission and without giving credit because I keep seeing posts like this
    Only reason I said his name was because the thread was made by him, makes it easier to find. I actually didn't know who took the video though, But I knew it wasn't his cause he admits that he was the one being fired at, my bad.
    Oct 15, 2013
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    Well in three dimensional combat, turrets would technically be the most effective way of mounting weapons. ( not that missiles need them).
    Forward facing weapons also minimizes silhouette...etc
    But broadside means... *deep breath* MOAR DAKKA! Come on Comr4de nothing is as epic as plow through enemy fire only to smash the enemy with heavy, short range guns (rail guns perhaps which are relatively slow compared to light :) ) as you burn past them.

    Your LOTGH has NOTHING on Warhammer 40K!
    Well if you discount practicality anyway...
    Oct 15, 2013
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    It would be interesting to have a turret system similar to Deadnought, than again it might just be cooler to have crews controlling them so that you could command to focus fire/target X thing/fire at will.