The first law of motion - A roadmap to more satisfying space flight.

    Jan 23, 2015
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    For what it's worth, I'd like to say that I shelled out $60 for Elite Dangerous a few days ago, played for a day or so, saw and near-immediately purchased Starmade on Steam and I'm pretty sure I'll be uninstalling Elite. Not that they are direct competitors but, I thought someone might appreciate the comparison.

    I have to assume it's been suggested before, and if so, I'm going to make a case for it once more. I'll layout something of an implementation path as well.

    I believe the current thruster implementation, Newton-mocking space friction, and a lack of stabilization is letting the game down on multiple levels. There is an obvious path to address this shortfall that will add multiple dimensions to ship building, combat, enjoyment of space-flight, and make the game more accessible to all players.

    1) A directional thruster block that respects moment of inertia, meaning thruster position determines moment-arm of the force, or in other words: position matters.

    Note that I didn't say "replace" thrusters. It may be that a physics based angular acceleration simulation is unnecessarily complex for some, or it may not fit into their preferred flavor of sci-fi. Not to mention, a wholesale replacement of the current thruster implementation would break older ships. So leave them in place. Server Admins could conceivably disable one block or the other if they preferred the more complex thruster based angular acceleration over original thrusters or vice versa.

    If you are a developer, you might be thinking that wiring up these thrusters to the standard user controls is going to be complex; and it certainly could be but it doesn't have to be. I would suggest a quick and clean way to accomplish this would be to let the user define an orientation position (preferably not a physical block) that marks both the desired center of rotation and orientation of the ship. A helm controller block (that hopefully the player would stand at) when initialized will locate all directional (and likely standard?) thrusters on the ship, note their orientation, and should probably warn a player if there are missing thrusters to achieve +-rotation on all axis. Essentially the helm block just fills its axis-thrust slots while initializing, e.g., Any thruster located forward of the X axis that thrusts along Y+ (assuming Y+ is up and Z+ is forward) can be used to pitch forward. All matching thrusters are thrown onto the Pitch Forward axis (technically we might also want to grab all Y- facing thrusters behind the X axis as well), and onto the next control axis.

    Now you might be thinking, if a player gets creative with their thrust placement or thruster power (or one thruster in a group is destroyed making that group produce less force), the ship is going to fly poorly. If I have two units of y+ thrust on the front left and three units on the right, the ship is going to roll uncommanded when I pitch forward. Thrusters positioned further from the center of mass have more moment and will have more authority over rotation for a given thrust/mass.

    You got it. That's where the flight controller comes in. If you build an unstable ship, no problem. Although the care and feeding of your flight controller becomes more important; see below.

    2) A flight controller block that, utilizing available thrusters and user input, to stabilize the ship. If in real life I can buy a Naze32 for $20 that will stabilize my Quad, a flight controller should probably be a block in Starmade. By stabilize I mean, If while I'm rolling left, I put the stick back at center, the flight controller should automatically attempt to stop the ships roll. Borrowing from Multirotor flight controllers, multiple modes would be ideal, e.g., stabilization, auto-level/orient, off, and so on. This is going to make flight more accessible to all players and unify some control concepts in the game ("Shift" and "c" can essentially be handled by the controller) Not to mention, if your flight controller is shot-out in combat (or perhaps runs out of power?) things are going to get a little more interesting. The ships still flys but you are on your own.

    3) Do away with space friction. Although I appreciate that limiting max velocity is nearly required for many reasons including fun (I would appreciate not having to start my deceleration at the midway point in a journey) – the friction in space is only detracting from the fun. A simple flight controller concept (that will attempt to counteract accelerations) can keep unmanned ships from floating away and probably curtail griefing to some extent.

    Nice work guys; I don't have much time to donate to the cause but feel free to contact me. Most of this is near-trivial to implement.
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    Deleted member 433088

    Newtonian flight doesn't really tempt me to be honest, and it's not due to not having played with it in other games, believe me. While doing away with space friction would mean we can accelerate our non-jump-able ship to top speed and let it cruise to far away lands without having to hold the controls down, and newtonian physics allows for some interesting maneuvers, it would also make both flying and building ships a LOT more complicated, especially to preserve our current 6DOF flight style. It would make StarMade a lot more of a sim and a lot less of a sandbox, I believe.

    Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you can already configure your server to have zero space friction if you want.


    Jan 19, 2014
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    Yes Moku, you can make space friction = 0 in the server.cfg.
    Jan 23, 2015
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    Newtonian flight doesn't really tempt me to be honest, and it's not due to not having played with it in other games, believe me. While doing away with space friction would mean we can accelerate our non-jump-able ship to top speed and let it cruise to far away lands without having to hold the controls down, and newtonian physics allows for some interesting maneuvers, it would also make both flying and building ships a LOT more complicated, especially to preserve our current 6DOF flight style. It would make StarMade a lot more of a sim and a lot less of a sandbox, I believe.

    Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you can already configure your server to have zero space friction if you want.

    Note that my complaint is with the friction, not the speed limit. The current speed limit really does need to stay for many reasons I'm sure, but it can be implemented without a friction coefficient, e.g., reality has a universal speed limit as well - Starmade's should just be quite a bit lower. I definitely will look into the removal of friction on my server though so long as it doesn't mean no top-speed, thanks.

    Inertia+Directional thrusters would add complexity but I don't think it's beyond the grasp of the typical Starmade player. I think it would add another fun element for new and established players alike. Also, like I said, leave the current thruster block in-place for users who don't want to mess with it.

    And yes, it is possible to disable "linear damping" - the top speed remains in place (perfect) although I saw no change with rotational damping. There's a reason this was my 3rd point; directional thrusters and a flight controller are worthwhile with or without friction.
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    Nov 10, 2013
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    I was going to read this, but I have a headache atm, but I will point to towards General Discussion. There is a sticky thread about new thruster mechanics (being planned, eta = God knows when). I do plan to read and offer a proper comment, but until I can I would point you towards the official Dev thruster idea (and it's many pages of posts). Might have some answers for you there, or alternatives, or even offer something new to suggest, derived from it.
    Aug 6, 2013
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    OP, it sounds like you are looking for Space Engineers, not Starmade.


    Aug 30, 2013
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    I don't understand why so many people disagree with the OP. Probably because they don't want to rebuild their ships.

    Deleted member 433088

    I don't understand why so many people disagree with the OP. Probably because they don't want to rebuild their ships.
    "So many" so far have been only two persons, me being one, and I have already given my reasons for disagreeing.


    Jul 9, 2013
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    directional thruster blocks have suggested for a long while now. ;) Which would go well on large (waiting for 20min to rotate) ships that just don't turn.... and I make my larger mass ships with space to place the new thrusters (in case we have point them towards the center of the craft) when they are added.


    Nov 10, 2013
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    OP, it sounds like you are looking for Space Engineers, not Starmade.
    Finally read the idea, and this is a tad more complex then just Space Engineers, where everything is automatically centralized. Adding in various controllers to normalized uneven thrusts is actually a lot closer to From the Depths than it is SE.

    As for the OP, it's interesting, but I think I would pass. While the actual concept in play isn't really all that hard to use, it creates another headache while building (Last I checked, system blocks like thrusters don't auto-rotate in symmetry) and it would limit creativity to some degree. How? Because you would need room to place all of the thrusters. A ship with a narrow bow wouldn't be able to get good turning, or stopping, because the front of the ship is already smaller than the rear, plus you have to account for the weapons. It would work fine on most ships where the front and back are equally wide, but not all ships are.
    Hence why I am supportive of the thrust pool idea that Calbiri has planned, it's unrealistic, but supports a wide range of ship designs (not really narrow, stringy stick ones, but nothing really supports those).

    The idea isn't as complicated to use as many may think, but I worry about the restrictions/limits it might subtly apply (may feel intimidating to new players as well).


    Aug 30, 2013
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    "So many" so far have been only two persons, me being one, and I have already given my reasons for disagreeing.
    That is a lot in a thread of like 3 posts.

    Also, this limiting creativity thing is bs. Gameplay >shipbuilding


    Nov 10, 2013
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    Also, this limiting creativity thing is bs. Gameplay
    A creative sandbox is where people can build anything. The Devs and community more or less agree that the option that allows the greater amount of creativity is the preferred option. Nothing is stopping from building your ship's thrusters in clusters that would support said motion (with the planned assignable thrust to make it legit enough), but to dictate that all ships must do so?
    Options to create your own universe > Advanced realistic motion laws. In a sandbox anyways.


    Aug 30, 2013
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    A creative sandbox is where people can build anything. The Devs and community more or less agree that the option that allows the greater amount of creativity is the preferred option. Nothing is stopping from building your ship's thrusters in clusters that would support said motion (with the planned assignable thrust to make it legit enough), but to dictate that all ships must do so?
    Options to create your own universe > Advanced realistic motion laws. In a sandbox anyways.
    That's a good point. I suppose it should be config edditable, so people who want physics like KSP can do so and those who just want to build anything can do so.
    Jan 23, 2015
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    All of the concerns over legacy ships, Difficulty/Complexity, and designs that are too small to accommodate a realistic number of thrusters are addressed by simply leaving the current universal thruster in place as well (Along with the devs current improvement plans). And don't get me wrong, I appreciate that reality often just isn't that much fun. ...but in this case, I think this could add some fun.

    Let server admins/players decide if they want to play with one or the other or both
    we apparently have FTL drives as well so I'm okay with a somewhat "Magic" thruster. You could conceivably make it so the high-tech 6DOF thruster requires a power threshold only larger ships can provide and smaller ships are forced to contend with more conventional propulsion.

    While we are one the subject, it would be a shame to implement just one part; adding the following would address some of the above concerns and toying with the cost/performance numbers (e.g, the .5 Axis produces the most thrust / costs the least) would add some more depth to gameplay:
    1) A (.5 Axis) directional thruster block that thrusts in only one direction.
    2) A (1 Axis) bi-directional thruster block that can thrust in either direction (positive or negative) along a single axis.
    3) A 2-Axis Thruster, Same as above but on two axis.
    4) A 2.5 Axis Truster. This block in the default orientation will thrust Positive and Negative along X and Z but can only thrust Negative Y (Away from the block it's mounted on).

    The 2.5 Axis block means you can get full 6DOF in just two blocks placed at either end of the ship. *Oops/Update* My mistake, you'd need three to four blocks, I forgot about longitudinal roll. I'd personally hate to see a Full 3 Axis thruster for obvious mounting/physics reasons. With that said, I'd also love to see all thrusting surfaces of the these blocks need to be exposed and their performance increased with a enhancer block that works for all (à la Docking Module/docking enhancer). In case there is any confusion, even a Full 3 axis thruster would still be a far cry from the current full 6DOF-In-One units in terms of realism.
    A creative sandbox is where people can build anything.
    I would argue that my proposal is considerably less arcane and more accessible than the current system that governs module output throughout the game. Group, Count, External Dimensions of the Group, Sometimes Positions from Center? Have I missed one? Currently I have to try and remember whether the layout of a group matters... sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. The restrictions this system places on ship design, especially when you start counting unit cost, are significant. Clearly the devs want a particular level of depth to the simulation; I don't think I'm talking about anything that is out of line with the ethos of the Starmade devs or community.
    Aug 23, 2014
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    Firstly, I agree that we should have 0 drag on the game, but there are a couple problems with doing it. First problem is that it is actually possible to "fall out" of your ship in several ways, causing your ship to leave you behind. In real life, this isn't possible as you'd just float beside your ship at the same velocity unless it accelerated or decelerated. On Mushroomfleet, we recently set the drag to .002 (originally .05) on my recommendation (they were thinking zero). This small amount of drag is low enough to slow the ship so you can catch up to it in a core, but not too slow to keep you from using it as a cruise control of sorts. It will also prevent AFK travel to far away galaxies (although some jumpships can travel several hundred times faster than max speed anyway).

    Personally, what I would like to see is the stop effect module or the bobby ai, either one really, being used to stop the ship when unmanned. The stop effect shouldn't just affect gravitational control, but also reduce your speed if you're not aboard.
    Bobby AI is the better solution though. You could use a check mark in the AI tab that says "auto stop". We need this anyway just to have drones with zero drag because they tend to drift off after battles. But this check mark would be independent of the AI feature.

    Deleted member 433088

    That's a good point. I suppose it should be config edditable, so people who want physics like KSP can do so and those who just want to build anything can do so.
    This is a good solution. Since this one is obviously not a matter we can reach an agreement on, make it moddable / opt-in and everyone is happy.
    Jul 15, 2013
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    I would like something like this to be in the game. It'll need to be done VERY carefully. But I'm getting totally tired of all the motion feature in this game and I don't think what the devs have in mind will fix it

    So I hope you will be listened, I support this, and keep checking news of this game even if I'm not playing it anymore