Here's the work around I do ( pretty much what Sven just said):
A quick method of collecting large amounts of loot fr destroyed NPCs in Starmade:
So, You've just wasted a space pirate, and He's dropped more loot then You can hold in Your personal inventory. You have storage units on Your ship though...
1: Fly into and park in the middle of the loot cloud. Your personal inventory will fill to it's limit.
2: Open Your inventory. Notice in the upper right corner there is a drop-down menu, with the first option saying "Personal"? This is the inventory unit You are currently on.
3: Left-click the drop-down arrow. You see all of those options marked "Stash"? Those are the storage units You have on Your ship. Select one.
4: Pick a slot in Your personal inventory (top window), Hold down left-shift, and left click the item. It will have quick-transferred to the inventory in the lower window (Your ship-mounted storage unit).
Notice how as soon as one item leaves Your personal inventory, a new one immediately takes it's place? That's because You're floating right in the loot cloud.
5: continue holding L-shift and spam the hell outta left-click. This will allow You to collect the items in the loot cloud quickly AND store them to one of Your ship's storage units.