option to disable opengl?

    Jan 13, 2015
    Reaction score
    Howdy all, just curious if there's an ingame/advanced option to disable or turn off Opengl?


    Cmdr Deathmark
    May 29, 2013
    Reaction score
    OpenGL is the only way to have any graphics. If you just want to run a dedicated server the option is right there in the launcher. But there is no way to play the game without something to render the things and stuff. And StarMade does not have an option to use any renderer but OpenGl 2.1.
    Aug 30, 2013
    Reaction score
    OpenGL is the only way to have any graphics. If you just want to run a dedicated server the option is right there in the launcher. But there is no way to play the game without something to render the things and stuff. And StarMade does not have an option to use any renderer but OpenGl 2.1.
    Can someone explain why you'd not want to use it? Is this what's causing issues with Intel gfx?
    Last edited by a moderator:
    Jan 13, 2015
    Reaction score
    I was having issues just recently when playing this game and would suddenly and frequently crash. I eventually traced the problem to my video card not rendering OpenGL properly. Dunno if it has to do with java specificaly or not.

    Other people have vaguely similar problems when they played Minecraft and, from what I understand, an option was eventually put in to adjust something about the OpenGL of the game. I believe it toned down the graphical use of the game or somehow adjusted the way the graphics were rendered in game (haven't looked in detail), but while it did make the game *even more* ugly, it did let them play whereas before they could not.

    While my video card is having very noticeable crashing issues, it seems a decent number of Minecraft/Nvidia users in general had similar issues that go beyond simply updating their drivers. The ONLY way I got Starmade to work was by allocating priority of the OpenGL rendering to a secondary, (very low end) graphics card. All other graphical functions are handled by my main workstation graphics card, which admittedly is less intended for gaming performance. In this way I can play the game, which is great, but even at the lowest graphics settings I can dip into single digit fps when staring at a planet.