I'd like to suggest a new weapon type- Tesla Coils. Many have tried to suggest an electrical weapon (whether through a primary, effect, or a similar "reflecting" style of weapon, but, in my opinion, none of them have fit what I think an electrical weapon should be like. So, after seeing yet another idea on electrical weapons, I've decided to make my own complete idea from the various thoughts and posts I've had about them over time.
Electric Coils are a new weapon system. On firing, a 100m beam is released. At the end of this beam, a new beam is released, which is angled ~5* towards the nearest enemy ship.There is a small delay between each new beam firing, maybe 1/8th or 1/4th of a second. The first beam will be "stuck" to its output, and stretch between it and the original ending point of 100m, until the beam makes contact with another ship.
Beam is textured to look like electrical bolts.
Upon making contact, the beam does its damage, and then another beam is spawned facing the opposite direction. This new beam has halved total range, halved individual beam distance, and halved damage. This beam will try to hit a new target within range, but if there is none, it will arc back around to hit the ship it rebounded from. It can rebound 4 times, allowing it to hit something a total of 5 times, though each time is smaller and less damaging.
Primary and Secondary Effects
Coil : Nothing (just here as a standard) - In between Beams and Cannons in range. 100m beam lengths. 4 rebounds. 5s reload.
Coil : Cannon - Slightly beneath Beam range. 75m beam length. 2 or 3 (please help me find a balanced rebound number) rebounds. 1 second reload. Better for close range and fast targets.
Coil : Missile - In between Beams and Cannons in range. 100m beam length. Splits into up to 4 splits as you scale up to 100% secondary on the initial rebound. Initial rebound distances, damage, and beam length are divided based on the number of splits. After the initial rebound, each rebound is only a single beam, with halved of the rebound it came from. 5s reload. Best used for heavily turreted ships.
Coil : Beam - Sniper distances. 200m beam length. 4 rebounds. 5s reload. Most useful for slightly aim corrected sniper shots or for hitting multiple smaller ships in a formation.
Coil : Pulse - In between Beams and Cannons in range. 100m beam length. High damage. Continuously fires as long as the trigger is held, allowing for continuous charge to hit an enemy ship. Energy cost is exponentially increasing cost the longer the trigger is held down. Reload time is based on how long the trigger was held. 2 rebounds. Mainly anti-capital, focusing on hitting the main ship as much as possible.
Coil : Coil - In between Beams and Cannons in range. 50m beam length. 8 rebounds. 12s reload.
Coil : Minelayer (one can dream it'll finally be implemented one day) - Beam ranges. 250m beam length, but splits apart into 4 half length and quarter damage beams at that point with a 15* angle between them, creating a sort of electrical flak at that range. 5s reload.
Cannon : Coil - Cannon ranges. Fires a tad slower velocity three round burst with slight (5*) turning. 1.2 second reload. Reload counter is 1.2s to account for burst time, since cannons normally have 1s timing.
Alternate Cannon : Coil (Suggested by Megacrafter127 in chat) - Cannon ranges. Fires a three round burst of cannon rounds. On impact, releases a short coil beam in the opposite direction with short beam segments.
Missile : Coil - Cannon ranges. Lock-on. On impact, missile throws out up to 4 heatseakers in the opposite direction, depending on Coil secondary percentage. Heakseekers will end up turning around if there aren't any enemy ships in the direction they flew off towards, and either hit a turret or the main ship itself on missile rebound. 30s reload.
Beam : Coil - Beam ranges. Beam travels as normal, but if other entities are within 150m of the main beam, an offshoot beam will fire off at them from the main column, dealing 1/4 damage of the main beam. One beam per entity in range. 5s reload. Good for crowd control and anti-turret, or if your accuracy is off by under 150m. Special thanks to JonasWalker for helping me out with the Beam : Coil system.
Pulse : Coil - Pulse ranges. If the edge of the pulse at the end of the bubble's expansion hits a block, a second, slightly smaller and powerful bubble will be generated on that spot. Only one new bubble per entity hit by this pulse. The second bubble will repeat the process. Repeats 4 times. Mainly a risk to larger ships. Smaller ships if hit once will have the second bubble miss them and the rebound combo will fail. Larger ships will have the bubble hit them on the inside pretty much every time, wrecking havoc. 60s reload.
Minelayer : Coil - Drops an electrified mine, which has 50m beam lengths, releases 8 beams aimed towards the ship that hit the mine, which each rebound 8 times.
I made some concept images of a Coil : Cannon system in action.
A small corvette and fighter escort are travelling through space, when suddenly a larger corvette drops out of warp behind them and opens fire with one of its Coil : Cannon arrays. The two ships are 140m away.
The pilot, in his rush after dropping out of warp, aims a bit low with his coil : cannon. But this is not an issue, for at the beam break point, the electricity arcs upwards 5* to hit the enemy corvette.
The deadly electrical blast hits the back end of the corvette, and then rebounds upwards and arcs back down onto the fighter escort, hitting in on one of the wings. The coil shot rebounds and then curves downward again, the beam distance now cut in half twice of what it was before. It hits a small turret on the corvette, and the rebounds and makes a short arc back down onto the corvette one more time, running out of rebounds.

Electric Coils are a new weapon system. On firing, a 100m beam is released. At the end of this beam, a new beam is released, which is angled ~5* towards the nearest enemy ship.There is a small delay between each new beam firing, maybe 1/8th or 1/4th of a second. The first beam will be "stuck" to its output, and stretch between it and the original ending point of 100m, until the beam makes contact with another ship.
Beam is textured to look like electrical bolts.
Upon making contact, the beam does its damage, and then another beam is spawned facing the opposite direction. This new beam has halved total range, halved individual beam distance, and halved damage. This beam will try to hit a new target within range, but if there is none, it will arc back around to hit the ship it rebounded from. It can rebound 4 times, allowing it to hit something a total of 5 times, though each time is smaller and less damaging.
Primary and Secondary Effects
Coil : Nothing (just here as a standard) - In between Beams and Cannons in range. 100m beam lengths. 4 rebounds. 5s reload.
Coil : Cannon - Slightly beneath Beam range. 75m beam length. 2 or 3 (please help me find a balanced rebound number) rebounds. 1 second reload. Better for close range and fast targets.
Coil : Missile - In between Beams and Cannons in range. 100m beam length. Splits into up to 4 splits as you scale up to 100% secondary on the initial rebound. Initial rebound distances, damage, and beam length are divided based on the number of splits. After the initial rebound, each rebound is only a single beam, with halved of the rebound it came from. 5s reload. Best used for heavily turreted ships.
Coil : Beam - Sniper distances. 200m beam length. 4 rebounds. 5s reload. Most useful for slightly aim corrected sniper shots or for hitting multiple smaller ships in a formation.
Coil : Pulse - In between Beams and Cannons in range. 100m beam length. High damage. Continuously fires as long as the trigger is held, allowing for continuous charge to hit an enemy ship. Energy cost is exponentially increasing cost the longer the trigger is held down. Reload time is based on how long the trigger was held. 2 rebounds. Mainly anti-capital, focusing on hitting the main ship as much as possible.
Coil : Coil - In between Beams and Cannons in range. 50m beam length. 8 rebounds. 12s reload.
Coil : Minelayer (one can dream it'll finally be implemented one day) - Beam ranges. 250m beam length, but splits apart into 4 half length and quarter damage beams at that point with a 15* angle between them, creating a sort of electrical flak at that range. 5s reload.
Cannon : Coil - Cannon ranges. Fires a tad slower velocity three round burst with slight (5*) turning. 1.2 second reload. Reload counter is 1.2s to account for burst time, since cannons normally have 1s timing.
Alternate Cannon : Coil (Suggested by Megacrafter127 in chat) - Cannon ranges. Fires a three round burst of cannon rounds. On impact, releases a short coil beam in the opposite direction with short beam segments.
Missile : Coil - Cannon ranges. Lock-on. On impact, missile throws out up to 4 heatseakers in the opposite direction, depending on Coil secondary percentage. Heakseekers will end up turning around if there aren't any enemy ships in the direction they flew off towards, and either hit a turret or the main ship itself on missile rebound. 30s reload.
Beam : Coil - Beam ranges. Beam travels as normal, but if other entities are within 150m of the main beam, an offshoot beam will fire off at them from the main column, dealing 1/4 damage of the main beam. One beam per entity in range. 5s reload. Good for crowd control and anti-turret, or if your accuracy is off by under 150m. Special thanks to JonasWalker for helping me out with the Beam : Coil system.
Pulse : Coil - Pulse ranges. If the edge of the pulse at the end of the bubble's expansion hits a block, a second, slightly smaller and powerful bubble will be generated on that spot. Only one new bubble per entity hit by this pulse. The second bubble will repeat the process. Repeats 4 times. Mainly a risk to larger ships. Smaller ships if hit once will have the second bubble miss them and the rebound combo will fail. Larger ships will have the bubble hit them on the inside pretty much every time, wrecking havoc. 60s reload.
Minelayer : Coil - Drops an electrified mine, which has 50m beam lengths, releases 8 beams aimed towards the ship that hit the mine, which each rebound 8 times.
I made some concept images of a Coil : Cannon system in action.

A small corvette and fighter escort are travelling through space, when suddenly a larger corvette drops out of warp behind them and opens fire with one of its Coil : Cannon arrays. The two ships are 140m away.

The pilot, in his rush after dropping out of warp, aims a bit low with his coil : cannon. But this is not an issue, for at the beam break point, the electricity arcs upwards 5* to hit the enemy corvette.

The deadly electrical blast hits the back end of the corvette, and then rebounds upwards and arcs back down onto the fighter escort, hitting in on one of the wings. The coil shot rebounds and then curves downward again, the beam distance now cut in half twice of what it was before. It hits a small turret on the corvette, and the rebounds and makes a short arc back down onto the corvette one more time, running out of rebounds.
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