Buying Ships with faction points


    GDPR 302420

    As of the new update recently you now can no longer buy ships with credits but rather buy a "blueprint" that gives you the necessary blocks, now i am not suggesting this should be changed back but rather a way to buy built ships with faction points, As the current state of starmade goes you gain more ships than you lose, Why this is the solution you may ask its simple...

    Ships will have a "Faction point cost" to buy the ship assembled this cost will be based on the mass of the ships and value of the blocks used (so a ship made of hardened hull will host more than a ship of normal hull)

    Naturally to prevent abuse you have to be of a certain rank to buy ships with faction points, this allows faction points to be depleted more easily and makes them valuable and encourages raiding other factions to gain points.

    So for example a 100 mass ship made of normal hull could cost 10 faction points for example, or a 100 mass ship made of advanced hull costs 25 faction points.

    Also the bigger the faction the bigger the cost for a 100 mass ships in comparison to a smaller faction (this is for balance as it gains resources slower) the "size" of the faction could be measured in the number of sectors they control and/or the number of members they have for example.

    Like i said before it makes faction points more valuable and easier to lose.
    This also can dis-encourages (is that even a word) hiding in your home base.
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    Jan 19, 2014
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    Doing this would hurt small factions more and make being in a large faction more powerful via game mechanics than it already is. Large factions could gain the resources to acquire ships with FP while getting the resources to get ships with materials. This isn't too unbalanced, considering how several small factions could all pull the same resources as one large faction, they just cant net the same resources though. The small factions would be losing to the bigger factions simply by means of basic costs interfering with the amount of FP they can net in any given hour of play.
    I want to compare this a bit better,
    |1x faction, 10 members|10x faction, 1 member|-----|FPG=Faction Points Grossed|
    | FPG | RG | FPN | RN | FPG | RG | FPN | RN |------|FPN=Faction Pointes Netted|
    | 100 | 100 | 99 . . | 100| 100 | 100 | 90 . . | 100|------|RG =Resources Grossed . . . .|
    --------------------------------------------------------------|RN =Resources Netted . . . . . |
    In this table I'm assuming you would get 10 FP for every member, same with general resources, but that you are losing 1 FP for every home base/claimed sector (if any faction does not claim a sector, they will not get 6x mining bonuses and will gain less resources per hour than a similar faction using the 6x mining bonus). I don't think this is a bad thing though, I think it might encourage people to come together and work together to make something better, but part of be still wants *balance* where any given 10 people with the same dedication and skills can do exactly the same regardless of how they align themselves. :3

    (I don't understand how this will discourage homebase camping though, I really wish it would, but I just don't see it :< )
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    Sep 4, 2013
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    Maybe faction size can influence purchases.

    So a larger faction needs to spend a lot of points than a smaller faction for the same ship, since income is also lower.
    Nov 16, 2013
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    I like this idea, and there will hinder the one man factions in servers and promote working together.

    GDPR 302420

    Maybe faction size can influence purchases.

    So a larger faction needs to spend a lot of points than a smaller faction for the same ship, since income is also lower.
    You have a point there this has been added to my suggestion, Thank you