Several Suggestions


    Jun 26, 2013
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    1. Repair option in shops. This would only be possible if the blueprint was created and saved prior to ship damage. In addition, each ship would require a tag that identifies the blueprint. When selecting repair, the shop uses the blueprint and repairs blocks and replaces the missing blocks. Cost depends on the type of blocks.

    2. More advanced AI. It seems that the AI is not able to use defensive computers or radar jam for their benefit.

    3. Weapon Master computer. For instance, you be able to link a "machine gun" (cannon linked to cannon) and rapid dumb-fire missiles to the master computer and have both fire at once. The machine gun would continue to fire while the missiles reload.

    4. Smaller planets. Even with the update, planets load too slowly. Halving their size would be beneficial.

    5. Hats and Taunts. Teamfortress 2 style.

    6. An ability on the Galaxy menu to plot a course to nearest shop. I have had trouble finding them since the update.

    7. Explain better the formula for calculating defensive bonuses. I have had a lot of trouble optimizing them. In some cases the effectiveness decreases as I add more defensive effect modules.

    8. Make it so ships actually require the correct number of warp drive modules to jump. Because it is possible to jump with a computer an less than the required number of modules.
    Jul 6, 2013
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    1. Yes

    2. Yes

    3. Yesh~ (Then again it would make sense to have multiple people in a ship/use turrets instead of making a giant lazor of death)

    4. No (You may need a better PC/Internet connection, that has nothing to do with the game)

    5. Absolutely not, find a mod for it instead.

    6. Yes, yes yesyesyesyes

    7. Maybe, not quite sure but if it's that complicated then perhaps the system needs changed.

    8. What is the requirement? (Maybe)


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    1. Repair option in shops. This would only be possible if the blueprint was created and saved prior to ship damage. In addition, each ship would require a tag that identifies the blueprint. When selecting repair, the shop uses the blueprint and repairs blocks and replaces the missing blocks. Cost depends on the type of blocks.
    Going to be implemented with the HP system, alongside upgraded repair beams and shipyards.

    2. More advanced AI. It seems that the AI is not able to use defensive computers or radar jam for their benefit.

    3. Weapon Master computer. For instance, you be able to link a "machine gun" (cannon linked to cannon) and rapid dumb-fire missiles to the master computer and have both fire at once. The machine gun would continue to fire while the missiles reload.
    This will be possible once we get the ability to link logic blocks to the hotbar. No need for a weapon master computer.

    4. Smaller planets. Even with the update, planets load too slowly. Halving their size would be beneficial.
    No. Do it yourself in the config.

    5. Hats and Taunts. Teamfortress 2 style.
    As a TF2 player, no. Just no.

    6. An ability on the Galaxy menu to plot a course to nearest shop. I have had trouble finding them since the update.
    Sure, why not.

    7. Explain better the formula for calculating defensive bonuses. I have had a lot of trouble optimizing them. In some cases the effectiveness decreases as I add more defensive effect modules.
    Weapons Graph.png

    Make sure you're following this correctly. Going over the max will lower efficiency.

    8. Make it so ships actually require the correct number of warp drive modules to jump. Because it is possible to jump with a computer an less than the required number of modules.
    The required number of modules for jumping is ONE. You only add more for increased time efficiency. I believe it starts to cap out around 5%.
    Aug 23, 2013
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    1. Repair option in shops. This would only be possible if the blueprint was created and saved prior to ship damage. In addition, each ship would require a tag that identifies the blueprint. When selecting repair, the shop uses the blueprint and repairs blocks and replaces the missing blocks. Cost depends on the type of blocks.
    I think (I'm not sure and it may just be a rumour) that this is might be planned as part of a "shipyards" feature.

    2. More advanced AI. It seems that the AI is not able to use defensive computers or radar jam for their benefit.
    Yes; more advanced (but not too advanced). I wouldn't want AI to become smarter than a player.. :)

    3. Weapon Master computer. For instance, you be able to link a "machine gun" (cannon linked to cannon) and rapid dumb-fire missiles to the master computer and have both fire at once. The machine gun would continue to fire while the missiles reload.
    Yes please!

    4. Smaller planets. Even with the update, planets load too slowly. Halving their size would be beneficial.
    This is already in the game (the PLANET_SIZE_MEAN and PLANET_SIZE_DEVIATION settings in the server's configuration).

    6. An ability on the Galaxy menu to plot a course to nearest shop. I have had trouble finding them since the update.
    Yes. I'd also like a "select faction home" button/shortcut in the galaxy map (just because it's a frequently used destination).

    7. Explain better the formula for calculating defensive bonuses. I have had a lot of trouble optimizing them. In some cases the effectiveness decreases as I add more defensive effect modules.
    I'm hoping that the official StarMade wiki (which was only started recently) will eventually contain all the default formulas for everything.
    Aug 18, 2013
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    Only one thing to say about 4: Make the core much smaller, so we could still have more than one layer of blocksbefore hitting the core, in case we reduce the size of the planets! Make it around 2-5 blocks in diameter. And reduce it's stats a bit... this way blowing up a small planet would be easier than a big one...


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Yes, but then the co-pilot couldn't aim if they were limited to running around a cockpit and hitting buttons.
    We're getting logic on the hotbar. I said nothing about a co-pilot running around and hitting buttons.
    Aug 28, 2013
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    Yes, but without a seconardy core or whatever, how are they supposed to access the logic? Running around and hitting button?


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Yes, but without a seconardy core or whatever, how are they supposed to access the logic? Running around and hitting button?
    What advantage would you possibly be hoping to gain by having a second person in your ship? What could you do with two people in the ship that you can't do with one?

    Also, secondary cores or pilot seats is definitely not what that "master computer" thing is suggesting.
    Aug 28, 2013
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    Woops, I misread the original suggestion. Sorry.
    But as for your question about what a co-pilot could do, you could have one person controlling the main guns while the other person handles the anti-hull weapons and the defensive effects or something like that.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    The 'copilot' should be able to control any system from their own hotbar just like the pilot, even logic blocks... I don't see the problem. Just wire up a logic trigger to a bunch of weapon computers and hotkey it.