Cannon Size.

    Feb 10, 2014
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    It seams to me that a cannon that has 1000 blocks should make a bigger hole then a cannon with 10 blocks. Now I know you can make the cannon shotguns but that's not the same thing as firing a bigger slug.

    What I would like to see is a way to increase size of hole a signal cannon shot will make. There are a number of ways you could do this. One you could make it so that the more blocks in a cannon the bigger the round. Or you could bring back the weapons settings so that the players can decide how big the round is. Of course if you do that you would have to do something like the bigger you make the round, the more energy it takes to fire it and possibly the bigger it gets the slower it is.

    Any way those are my thought on the subject, what about the rest of you?
    Jun 6, 2014
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    okay, i think the solution is "simple" (the idea is, i imagine the coding would not be), how about merging the weapon blocks, so a single block would shoot a tiny bullet, but a 3X3 square would "merge" into one large block, with shot size increased to scale... so if your gun had a 10X10 "face" (front most blocks), the shot would be 10X10 blocks (or more like 9.5X9.5), i'm not saying "cannons" here, because i'm talking about EVERYTHING. including lasers... salvage beams... repair beams... even missiles... (although there would have to be a penalty to speed and turn rate for that)


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    I'm pretty sure you want to make a MAC in starmade, I tried but you can't really get there unless you mess with the config.

    Something that gets really close to it is a cannon + pulse + punchthrough.
    You make a checkerboard pattern with long lines of this BUT you change your muzzle shape so all projectiles fire out like in a tight space with no gaps, it will appear like a glob of white hot metal when fired. Assuming your enemy doesn't have anti punchthrough/piercing effect enabled, you could easily make a 5 radius hole with around 90 group that goes around 400 blocks deep, depending on your weapon size of course.

    Another thing you can try is missile + cannon + explosive.
    Again you make a checkerboard pattern from like 4/5 ish groups but you make sure each output is right behind each other. This way you'll fire 5 missiles that appear like a hot slug and it will make a rather deep (and wide) hole if the array is big enough. You could use pulse support too of course although good luck getting enough power.

    Now, if you want to mess around with the config I would say increasing the radius of explosive effect and enabling punchthrough for explosive might give you what you want.

    So that would be something like <CannonExplosiveRadius>50</CannonExplosiveRadius> and <PunchThrough>true</PunchThrough> for the explosive effect. I haven't tried this in game but I'm wondering if that would work. I'm not even sure if that cannonexplosiveradius variable actually works.

    You could add a new effect block with those parameters too although I'm inexperienced with making new blocks.

    Something like a fragmentation effect, mentioned above would be very cool although all cool effects probably need a lot of balancing.


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    Someone above stated that the wider the cannon barrel, the wider the impact. That should probably come with a cost to overall power.
    Sep 14, 2014
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    I like the idea of weapon effects being modified by the actual shape of the blocks. Long skinny cannons should get more "punch" while short fat cannons should get more "blast". Wide missile arrays should fire rapidly, while long narrow ones should fire fast but long range.
    Feb 10, 2014
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    My reason for bringing this up again is that currently, slow, high damage, and long range cannons are at a disadvantage compared to rapid fire cannons.

    Raped fire cannons can make short work of an enemy ship, but other cannons are only doing pin pricks of damage.
    Aug 27, 2014
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    I am not sure what the problem here is because everything discussed is already doable. You can easily make a 10x10 cannon array, or make punch through, or explosive effects, or anything else you want.
    Feb 10, 2014
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    I am not sure what the problem here is because everything discussed is already doable. You can easily make a 10x10 cannon array, or make punch through, or explosive effects, or anything else you want.
    Yes but the checker patron cannon arrays are inefficient and are hard to field on some ship designs.

    What we are asking for is a way to make cannons fire larger caliber rounds. This I believe should be limited to the slow firing cannons. You should not be able to have a rapid fire cannon that fires 10x10 sized rounds, that would be very OP.