•Kuat Drive Yards•

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    Note: These ships meant for role playing purposes and will not excel in non-role play combat. If a ship was not originally equipped with shields in the Star Wars universe, then none were added to it. All speeds/acceleration/weapons are relative to how the actual craft performs in the Star Wars universe. Shielding is also minimal for fighters/smaller ships that carry deflector shields. Feel free to refit and customize any of the ships if you feel like. I also take requests if you'd like for me to build one of your favorite ships.

    I'm currently in the process of updating my ships, as a lot of them are old and their ship's systems are very outdated. When I've completed updating all of them, I'll continue to start a new project.

    Personal Cruisers
    ►Slave I◄
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    A 1:1 scale Slave I, which was a modified prototype Firespray-31-class Patrol and Attack Craft used by famed bounty hunters Jango Fett and his cloned "son," Boba Fett. Also features rotating wings to distinguish between flight mode / landing mode.

    ►Sith Infiltrator◄
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    Scimitar Star Courier / Sith Infiltrator, as seen in use by Darth Maul in Episode I. The Scimitar (or Sith Infiltrator) was an extensively modified version of a Sienar Design Systems prototype stealth-ship for an advanced Star Courier.

    The Rebel Alliance

    T-65 X-Wing
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    RZ-1 A-Wing
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    BTL Y-Wing
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    A/SF-01 B-Wing
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    ►T-47 Snowspeeder◄
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    A 1:1 scale T-47 Snowspeeder from Incom Corporation. The T-47 was an atmospheric vehicle designed for industrial cargo handling that was modified by the Rebel Alliance technicians into a patrol and combat craft, becoming commonly known as the Snowspeeder.

    Galactic Empire

    TIE/LN Fighter
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    TIE/IN Interceptor
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    TIE/sa Bomber
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    TIE Advanced x1
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    ►Imperial II-class Star Destroyer◄
    (Still a work-in-progress) ~ Special thanks to Arnoritter
    The Imperial II-class Star Destroyer was an iconic class of warships that was designed by Lira Wessex and built by Kuat Drive Yards. This craft was produced in large numbers and was the premier warship class of the Galactic Empire. The Imperial-class Star Destroyers, along with Imperial stormtroopers, represented the might of the Imperial Military throughout the galaxy during the reign of the Galactic Empire.

    ►Lambda-class T-4a shuttle◄
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    A 1:1 scale Lambda-class T-4a shuttle, was a standard light utility craft in common use throughout the Imperial military as a transport for troops and high-ranking individuals. The Lambda was reasonably well-armed, with three double blaster cannons (one rear-mounted) and two double laser cannons. The shuttle class was so well armed that it was able to travel across the galaxy without an escort, thus making it suitable for covert operations.

    ►TX-130T Fighter Tank◄
    (Download will be available soon)
    A 1:1 scale TX-130T fighter tank, also known as the IFT-T, was a repulsorlift combat assault tank manufactured by Rothana Heavy Engineering. TX-130T was an upgraded version of the TX-130 Saber-class fighter tank repulsorcraft employed during the Clone Wars, equipped with added shielding and protection. The TX-130T was used to support infantry assaults and was also used in an anti-armor role.

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    A 1:1 scale All Terrain Scout Transport (AT-ST) was a bipedal walker used by the Galactic Republic during the late Clone Wars and, later and more extensively, the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War. The AT-ST is a heavily armed light ground combat vehicle, that is able to trek various environments. It was designed to be a recon hit-and-run vehicle. The AT-ST was lighter than its bigger brother, the AT-AT and could withstand standard blaster fire, but was vulnerable to heavy laser fire and missiles, as well as physical attacks to the legs and the side of the head.

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    A 1:1 scale All Terrain Armored Transport (AT-AT) walker, also known as the Imperial Walker, was a major part of the Galactic Empire's army. It was one of the most heavily armored land vehicles in the Imperial Army, but was also known for its relatively slow speed. Designed for the dual purpose of crushing and demoralizing enemy forces, and also serving as a transport for Imperial troops and light vehicles, the AT-AT was among the most fearsome vehicles in the Imperial Army inventory. Its intimidating and powerful presence often earned it the distinction of being the first vehicle into a combat zone.

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    Jun 27, 2013
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    Galactic Republic
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    A 1:1 scale Aggressive Reconnaissance-170 starfighter, also known as the ARC-170 starfighter. The ARC-170 was a heavy starfighter that saw widespread use by the Republic Navy in the later days of the Clone Wars.
    Armament includes 2 wingtip cannons, 2 proton torpedo launchers and 1 rear gunner position. More AMC blocks can be added to the wingtip cannons, if desired.

    ►Eta-2 Actis-class Light Interceptor◄
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    A 1:1 scale Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor, sometimes referred to as the Jedi interceptor due to its extensive use by Jedi pilots, was a Republic starfighter used late in the Clone Wars. While the size of its guns provided it with respectable firepower, the fighter's limited power systems restricted its ability to fire continuously. The standard Eta-2 was not equipped with shields, as Sienar Systems reasoned that agility and speed were its best defense. However, a later variant did include shields, as well as slightly heavier armor and a stronger hull.

    ►BTL-B Y-Wing◄
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    A 1:1 scale BTL-B Y-wing starfighter. The BTL-B Y-wing was a heavy assault starfighter that flew combat missions for the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. The BTL-B was designed as a bomber, using such weapons as proton bombs. Also contains a bubble-turret utilizing two light ion cannons for defense against enemy starfighters.
    Armament includes 2 front laser cannons, a light turret for gunner, 2 proton ordnance launchers.

    ► Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing◄
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    A 1:1 scale Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing starfighter, often simply known as a V-Wing starfighter. The V-wing was a short-ranged starfighter deployed late in the Clone Wars by the Galactic Republic. Very rarely are V-Wings equipped with proton bombs, despite all of them in Star Wars Battlefront having them.
    Armament includes 2 side laser cannons.

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    A 1:1 scale Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry (LAAT/i), often referred to as the Republic Gunship, was a specialized gunship designed for aerial-based support and infantry transportation. It was produced by Rothana Heavy Engineering and used by the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. The Galactic Empire also used it for a brief period after the conclusion of the war.

    ►TX-130 Saber-class fighter tank◄
    (Download will be available soon.)
    A 1:1 scale TX-130 Saber-class fighter tank was equipped with twin laser cannons and a large payload of concussion missiles. Some models had a beam cannon turret on top. With a limited speed boost, Jedi pilots could remove themselves from tight combat situations, and then use the TX-130S's powerful optical zoom on the main turret to eliminate vehicles and personnel from a safe distance. The repulsorlift tank 's armor was light enough to maintain its maneuverability, allowing the fighter tank to be used in an anti-vehicle and infantry support role.

    (CIS) Confederacy of Independent Systems
    ►Droid Tri-Figher◄
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    A 1:1 scale Droid Tri-Fighter, also known as the tri-droid fighter or simply tri-fighter, was a deadly Confederacy droid starfighter designed as a fast, agile and powerful space-superiority starfighter, built to excel in dogfighting. It would be used in large numbers in the later parts of the Clone Wars by the Confederation of Independent Systems. The fighter was armed with one heavy laser cannon protruding from the central ball, and two to six missiles of variable payloads were housed within each arm.

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    A 1:1 scale Armored Assault Tank (AAT-1 or AAT) was a medium-sized repulsor tank used mainly by the Trade Federation and the Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS) prior to the rise of the Galactic Empire. The Armored Assault Tank was a formidable vehicle; it was augmented with heavy inches-thick frontal armor that allowed it to plow through walls.

    ►IG-227 Hailfire-class Droid◄
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    The IG-227 Hailfire-class droid tank, also known as simply the Hailfire droid or the wheel droid, was a droid tank constructed by Haor Chall Engineering for the InterGalactic Banking Clan prior to and during the Clone Wars. The Hailfire droid was a self-aware mobile missile platform capable of destroying enemy vehicles and entire platoons of enemy soldiers. It ran on large hoop-like wheels on either side of the main armored command module, which enabled it to operate on almost any terrain at impressive speed.

    ►OG-9 Homing Spider Droid◄
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    A 1:1 scale OG-9 Homing Spider Droid, sometimes referred to as the spider walker or the Separatist spider droid, was a droidwalker manufactured for anti-vehicular combat by the Commerce Guild before and during the Clone Wars. The homing spider could cover wide areas of the battlefield with its four all-terrain legs. Because of its great height and extendable hydraulics, the walker could position its homing laser above its fellow droids at enemy targets or move to higher ground to blast at air vehicles.

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    I asked a couple different mods to delete it, but I have yet to get a response. I started a new thread because of the 20 or so picture limit in one post. So, I reserved the 2 posts below the original.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    Looks very nice! Always cool to see other star wars based shipyards!
    I especially like your ability to get such minute details with the new wedges.
    Jun 27, 2013
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    Special thanks to Arnoritter. Pictures of a work-in-progress. I maxed out all the graphics settings, but the game couldn't render the entire ship. So, I attempted to do pictures from different angles.

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    Reilly Reese

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    A good replacement for tho old Ixis ISD.
    Jan 22, 2014
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    Special thanks to Arnoritter. Pictures of a work-in-progress. I maxed out all the graphics settings, but the game couldn't render the entire ship. So, I attempted to do pictures from different angles.

    I wanted to say something starting with "Holy", but I decided to do this instead: WEDGES!
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    I wanted to say something starting with "Holy", but I decided to do this instead: WEDGES!
    So far, that's on my to-do list. It'll eventually get done, but only after a few other priorities are settled with on the ship first.
    Jun 27, 2013
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    Can the walkers work?
    Both the AT-ST and AT-AT have their head on a swivel, which enables them to fully rotate and fire at targets without the entire vehicle facing the same direction. This means that they both require a driver and a gunner. As for the legs, I don't believe that it is possible to make mechanical legs in StarMade, yet.

    ...How big is that?
    Are you refering to the ISD? If so, it is just under 1,600 meters in length. (About 1,580 or so)


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
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    Both the AT-ST and AT-AT have their head on a swivel, which enables them to fully rotate and fire at targets without the entire vehicle facing the same direction. This means that they both require a driver and a gunner. As for the legs, I don't believe that it is possible to make mechanical legs in StarMade, yet.

    Are you refering to the ISD? If so, it is just under 1,600 meters in length. (About 1,580 or so)
    time to make the
    Executor-class Star Dreadnought
    in 1:1 :P
    Jun 27, 2013
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    This thread contains so many images, loading takes 3 minutes.
    With the exception of the Star Destroyer, each ship gets 1 image. I'm able to view this thread without any problems from my phone, and it only gets 1-5Mbps download speed. Perhaps it's your internet speeds?