Automated Ship Fabrication


    3D Art Director
    Jun 26, 2013
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    So I just had an idea which expands on a few other ideas I’ve seen around. I don’t know if anyone has mentioned this exact idea as I currently don’t have time to dig through the forums, but as far as I’m aware it’s an original concept.

    So a lot of people have mentioned before that they would like a system which would allow them to create ships from a blueprint using some sort of factory. I don’t know what all is planned, but I know I’ve heard that the dev team is wanting to create a factory which will work on ships, as opposed to just stations which I think would make this even more feasible.

    Okay so here’s the idea, an assembler (I can’t remember if that’s already a factory block name or not, but the name isn’t important) would be linked to an empty docking module. You would then link up that computer to storage blocks, which could have factory blocks attached to them, filling them with various hulls, systems, etc.

    Using the “assembler” you could choose a blueprint from your blueprints menu and starting with the core the assembler would construct the ship. (OPTIONAL: you could potentially choose a priority for generic block type to place, systems, hulls, etc.) This would use the materials pulled from the storage blocks, and would consume a HUGE amount of power, so that not any ship or station could do it, and even a capital ship would pretty much be dead in the water to create a large entity (I’m thinking fighters or small pods it could still move, but not be combat-ready.)

    Now there are several ways it could go about constructing the ship, but my main idea is to first calculate the dimensions of the ship, determine if the area is clear using the same system as docking modules, which calculate a ships size (the blue or pink box around your ship when you’re docked). Then it would place the core in the appropriate place, and begin bringing in blocks one at a time. There are a lot of variables here, or potential options (build as many blocks simultaneously as you have assemblers connected to it, at the cost of even more power) but this was just to present the basic idea. Essentially we just need one additional block, and the rest would use existing modules and code already in-game.

    Anyway let me know what you think, and if you have any input @schema , @Calbiri , @Omni , @kupu let me know.

    Edit: I almost forgot, this next feature I’m not as sure would be as easy to pull off. But if you docked up a ship to the docking module that had been heavily damaged and input the original blueprint into the assembler, the ship would have all destroyed blocks replaced per its original blueprint’s design. How you would control that, to keep from loading a different blueprint I’m not sure, as I don’t believe ship’s reference what their original blueprint was in their code but I have no idea on that. So theoretically the assembler could be used to both build, as well as repair ships.

    TL;DR – Use one new “assembler” block, docking modules, storage and factories all linked together to create automatic ship fabrication/repair system.
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    Aug 7, 2013
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    Sounds neat, I don't think I'd stick it on ships but definitely something that would be good to see, like you could have it set up so that your space station has a whole area dedicated to the fabrication and repair of ships. Also you could then buy blueprints for ships just like factories and input them just like with micro/macro/capsule assemblers


    3D Art Director
    Jun 26, 2013
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    The primary reason I was thinking ships would be for big ships (like capitals) on long journeys could build/repair things like small fighters/shuttles, small turrets and escape/drop pods. As I said though it would consume a huge amount of power while it was running, so you couldn't do much while a ship was assembling/repairing.


    Precentor-Primus, pro-tempore
    Jul 13, 2014
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    The primary reason I was thinking ships would be for big ships (like capitals) on long journeys could build/repair things like small fighters/shuttles, small turrets and escape/drop pods. As I said though it would consume a huge amount of power while it was running, so you couldn't do much while a ship was assembling/repairing.
    Great idea. It has been suggested before, and people get excited about the idea of a more realistic shipyard system.

    I don't think it needs to be wildly power-hungry. Since it would effectively build the ship a few blocks at a time, I think that fact alone would be enough to make the system relatively balanced. Maybe the player could add more assemblers to use more energy and build faster. (Maybe 500e/s and 1 block/s for every factory block available (server configurable); that's 20 randomly placed reactor blocks for every factory block).


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Shipyards are confirmed. With them, we'll move away from buying ships from shops (besides maybe prefab starter ships people can buy) and move towards building our ships from blueprints in a shipyard.


    Social Media Director
    Jun 25, 2013
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    I thought this was always the plan honestly. Both those suggestions I have heard before. Definitely want!
    Jun 21, 2013
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    so now we can finally have self-sustainable fighter launching platforms?

    Even better with this idea we can make automatic torpedo (bomb blocks on a ship core with thrust and ai) pods that reload themselves?

    I agree with this
    Sep 14, 2014
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    While I feel that full ship assembly may not be necessary, I definitely like the repair ability. I would say you should have a "block PLACEMENT beam" that could be LINKED to a "pattern storage module" and an AI set to repair mode.

    The AI definitely need a "repair mode" that will target damaged ships and fire repair beams at the damaged portions. If you could have a system that would, from internal inventory, replace missing blocks, this would be even better.

    A pattern storage module would just be a way to tell the AI what blocks to replace. I would say that you should use the "selector beam" that links hyperspace gates with each other. Just shoot the ship you want it to link to, then link pattern storage, and it will store the shape of that ship and try to make any ship you have it target look like that.

    This may have an offensive capability as well: No one considers a weapon that adds blocks to ships, but if you had a way to spray hull onto enemy ships, that could slow them down and block vision.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    While I feel that full ship assembly may not be necessary, I definitely like the repair ability. I would say you should have a "block PLACEMENT beam" that could be LINKED to a "pattern storage module" and an AI set to repair mode.

    The AI definitely need a "repair mode" that will target damaged ships and fire repair beams at the damaged portions. If you could have a system that would, from internal inventory, replace missing blocks, this would be even better.

    A pattern storage module would just be a way to tell the AI what blocks to replace. I would say that you should use the "selector beam" that links hyperspace gates with each other. Just shoot the ship you want it to link to, then link pattern storage, and it will store the shape of that ship and try to make any ship you have it target look like that.

    This may have an offensive capability as well: No one considers a weapon that adds blocks to ships, but if you had a way to spray hull onto enemy ships, that could slow them down and block vision.
    Spray Disintegrators all over a ship. Once their shields go down, they'll take a ton of block damage instantly as they all chain explode.


    3D Art Director
    Jun 26, 2013
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    so now we can finally have self-sustainable fighter launching platforms?

    Even better with this idea we can make automatic torpedo (bomb blocks on a ship core with thrust and ai) pods that reload themselves?
    Yep, that was the main inspiration that made me think of this, I wanted a way I could have drop pods/escape pods regenerate themselves after being launch, rather than having to stop this ship, buy them, then redock them inside. It would be way easier to just have them re-construct themselves inside the ship on the go. =)


    Building masochist
    Sep 26, 2013
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    This isn't the first suggestion of the type, but it's the most well thought out and structured I've seen so far. Good job!

    Such a system would be incredibly welcome, I wouldn't have to swap out drones racks after every launch :P .


    Precentor-Primus, pro-tempore
    Jul 13, 2014
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    This may have an offensive capability as well: No one considers a weapon that adds blocks to ships, but if you had a way to spray hull onto enemy ships, that could slow them down and block vision.
    Spray Disintegrators all over a ship. Once their shields go down, they'll take a ton of block damage instantly as they all chain explode.
    These are wonderfully, gloriously evil ideas. I want it!

    On a related note, we need whipped cream and colored-slime blocks. :p
    Aug 28, 2013
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    Okay, this is the best idea yet for shipyard systems. Why? Because you can take any docking port and rebuild something on it. I could use this to rebuild internal reactors, no problems.


    3D Art Director
    Jun 26, 2013
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    Okay, this is the best idea yet for shipyard systems. Why? Because you can take any docking port and rebuild something on it. I could use this to rebuild internal reactors, no problems.
    That's why I wanted to post it, I know I've seen similar ideas, but none broken down like this. At least with a game like this, you want to keep things as modular as possible, and reuse as many systems in different ways as you can, so you can develop new functionality using existing blocks.

    But thanks. =) I'm sure they have something like this planned regardless, but just in case I thought I'd put it out there.
    Aug 28, 2013
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    The docking module is the master, right?
    Plus, if they make it work using turret docking modules, you can use it to rebuild your turrets out of combat. (Of course, you would probably want to go to a station.
    Also, you might want to make an Adv. Build mode template that you can paste on to your ship when you want to rebuild a bunch of turrets.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    This may have an offensive capability as well: No one considers a weapon that adds blocks to ships, but if you had a way to spray hull onto enemy ships, that could slow them down and block vision.
    Spray Disintegrators all over a ship. Once their shields go down, they'll take a ton of block damage instantly as they all chain explode.
    Spray area triggered dis-integrator templates :p

    It would be nice if parts docked as ships but with all CPUs / Cores in one plane and nothing beneath could be flagged as "hull plating" and share shields.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    that's the first thing that came to my mind

    If i remember well some people thought about it in a shipyard thread before but it's still a good idea


    Maiden of crashes
    Oct 15, 2013
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    I think it should be power hungry enough that a direct weaponry based ship like a battle-cruiser couldn't spew out fighters but a purpose built carrier that sacrifices most of its weapons for more power should be able to build fighters while still powering its shields in combat. Combine that with undeathinators on ships and you can have player controlled fighters where the player can re-spawn inside the carrier and grab a new fighter.
    Jun 27, 2013
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    My my, SupCom style factories and carriers? Count me in. My Tempest could really use a system like this, and it would finally give me a reason to play normally and use Salvage beams.

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