Bug Spawning in the middle of nowhere in 0.17

    Jul 12, 2014
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    Hi Guys,

    Since 0.17 it seems I always spawn some 1200 meters from a set spawn point in my single player experience.
    And yes, I did use a spawn block (can't remember the official name) on my humble station and set it using 'R'.
    Anyone else has this 'problem'?




    Dec 31, 2013
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    Do you use the default settings?
    Other sector sizes? If yes, does setting to default fix it?

    Is the spawn block at the station's centre?

    Did you mean the spawn after death or spawn after the game starts
    (the block is for the first, but (newer) peoples might not know that so please don't call it a stupid question :) if you already know it)

    Can you provide logs for testers?
    Jul 12, 2014
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    All is a default install, I'm too new to this to start changing things before I have tried all possibilities that are in there already. :)

    The spawnblock is one position next to the station center, the center is a buildblock. I didn't know btw that the spawn point is only used at the players death, so thanks for that info. ;-)

    It happens after a game start and I forgot to mention that I can't move either the first time at startup. When I close and restart the game I'm still 1200 meters plus out but luckily I can move at least. I wonder if it's some kind of database corruption, because, since v.0.17 is a clean install, it didn't happen when I spawned the first time startup near a shop as it should.

    I can drop the log.txt.0 in here and what else you need, but I can't seem to find the spoiler button in this editor, please advice. lol




    Dec 31, 2013
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    The spawnblock is one position next to the station center, the center is a buildblock. I didn't know btw that the spawn point is only used at the players death, so thanks for that info. ;-)
    You spawn at the block. I just asked because that excludes most errors made by multiplications.

    Probably you should also try it further away (in program code you often have to do something like b / (a-1).
    If a is now your position ...

    If you try it on different locations, look into logs, etc you can already exclude many possibilities - if you know how to do it.

    BTW The spoiler is in [Insert -> Quote | Spoiler | Code | Strike-through]

    ---------| The insert symbol

    . . .v
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    Jul 12, 2014
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    Well, I did two additional tests with other circumstances when I exit the game. One while in the core of a ship parked near my station and one while in build mode in the build block on the station. I both cases all works as expected, on game startup I'm located near either the ship core or the station build block.

    So, the "middle of nowhere" effect seems only to happen when I'm free roaming, so to speak, on exiting the game. I also noticed that the 1200 meter distance from my game exit position is spot-on on the y-axis above it. Maybe I've build the station - one can hardly call it that though, it's nothing more then a tiny 9x9x5 spec in vast nothingness <g> - right on a sector edge. Could that be a reason for this strange behavior, because in the previous version universes I did close the game all the time while not in a block or in build mode and never experienced this large offset from my exit position.

    And, while talking about log files, any hints or tips what are points to look for especially?




    Dec 31, 2013
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    The first error -> often causes sub-sequential errors.
    When getting log-files testers just look at every error and tell the sub-sequencial apart from the cause. If somebody trustworthy (main testers) can reproduce it it is forwarded to schema.

    In SMEdit for example no texture files in the expected folder caused a division through zero (no files = 0) which is not allowed.
    But there was no error message complaining about missing files. just the source code line number. (SMEdit is open source, SM not, thus it may be hard to figure out what this line means)

    Often there are errors which appear in other bugs too.
    When you test it with the last versions, then newer you can pindown it to a time when it got introduced (it is easy for schema to check the difference between files and thus find possible cases when the exact version it is introduced is known).

    For a bug the most important thing is reproduce-ability.
    Peoples often report things and later see that a shop can't check if you are in an allied faction or in the same faction because you have not placed a faction module (I changed my error report then into a miss-leading message issue :) )
    Only knowing or finding the triggering circumstances help testers to reproduce it.
    Sometimes it is even hardware or OS (Linux, windows, mac) specific.

    This seems to be an issue with that your player's position is recalculated when you leave a ship thus detached from a structure, thus subject of other code parts.

    EDIT I could reproduce it

    The problem appeared when I were in-between 2 sector borders.

    Spawning a core, flying at high speeds and deleting the core while I am in it (BTW: ugly :)) set my position to where I exited the game.

    I reported it here (and said that we both had it), seems to be a new one : http://bugs.star-made.org/issues/976

    Thanks for your help :)
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