How to make side arms useful

    Jun 30, 2013
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    So ever since the pistol was introduced, there was not much of a reason to use it due to the fact that enemies rarely meet out of their ships, and the fact that it's damage is insignificant to shielded ships. Here's a suggestion, have pistols ignore shields, and gravity blocks accessible to everyone without a faction permission block. This way it would make boarding a ship completely possible.

    Let's give an example. Say faction A has a manned ship defending some sort of outpost. Faction B doesn't want to risk any major assets taking out said outpost, so they send in a single ship equipped with a jammer and a stop effect beam carrying a player strike team. Faction B's task force takes the enemy by supprise due to the ships jammer, then paralyses the enemy ship with it's stop beam. While the ship is paralysed the strike team leaves the transport and heads for faction A's ship's doors. Now since the pistols ignore shields they can blow through the plex doors instead of being locked out, they will also be able to activate a gravity block and commence with a battle inside the ship against the defending pilot.

    This would not only allow for player combat to be practical but also introduce a whole new way of capturing ships and having interior anti personnel defense turrets. Let me know what you guys think.
    Oct 11, 2013
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    I see a few issues with this. It would be interesting to have some way of boarding... However;
    1). Allowing pistols to negate shields just allows anyone to go and grief my ships.
    2). You can already grapple on to a ship by pressing the spacebar (or any other key you assigned to said function)

    This is also not very nice for those who wish to keep their ship designs somewhat private. For example, a player enters the ship, shoots the doors, smacks the core, enters the ship, saves it, and then - a few days later - a copy of your own ship slowly approaches to murder you. :/
    Jun 30, 2013
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    I see a few issues with this. It would be interesting to have some way of boarding... However;
    1). Allowing pistols to negate shields just allows anyone to go and grief my ships.
    2). You can already grapple on to a ship by pressing the spacebar (or any other key you assigned to said function)

    This is also not very nice for those who wish to keep their ship designs somewhat private. For example, a player enters the ship, shoots the doors, smacks the core, enters the ship, saves it, and then - a few days later - a copy of your own ship slowly approaches to murder you. :/
    Note pistols still take time to break through blocks, especially hardened hull, so chances of people using a pistol to grief your ship is unlikely unless said person has nothing better to do with his/her life. Also as it stands people are already capturing each others blueprints through dirty spy methods or simply causing the core to overheat with minimal damage then entering and repairing the damages.

    One way or another your blueprints will never be safe.
    Oct 11, 2013
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    Note pistols still take time to break through blocks, especially hardened hull, so chances of people using a pistol to grief your ship is unlikely unless said person has nothing better to do with his/her life. Also as it stands people are already capturing each others blueprints through dirty spy methods or simply causing the core to overheat with minimal damage then entering and repairing the damages.

    One way or another your blueprints will never be safe.
    Well, you are correct. However, it's simply tedious to constantly repair damages nooblets do to your prized, intricately detailed vessel.
    As for blueprint capturing, well, yes. But this allows literally any player that just arrived to the server to smack your ships.
    Jun 15, 2014
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    this has been suggested before but maybe add some sort of hacking device to hack though doors and the bigger the door the longer it tacks to hack the door and open it
    and also make so you can have interior turrets that are one block big. does 1 damage per hit and has 25-50 hp
    Oct 11, 2013
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    Still, interior turrets are a bit meh (they look crap, and need at least a core, a weapons computer, AI, and a weapon)

    I would indeed prefer hacking. But again - that would take away the point of having sidearms. I suppose they would be more useful with creatures coming up.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    Just link invisible area triggers to explosives beneath a Deco-block on the floor, below the lowest block of a wall or below a door.

    Just enter the core or a build block and place dis-integrators around the intruders.

    If boarding should ever be viable, we need to block build blocks as long as enemy players are in your ship, enable spawn points inside nearby own ships, make players immune to pulsars add heal-items, reduce dis-integrator-damage, ...
    Jun 26, 2013
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    I believe a hacking tool would be good if the correct situation was given.

    I would suggest the following guideline be meet in order to use the hacking tool:
    • Faction Use - you must be part of a faction to use it
    • Faction State - factions should be at war with your faction.
    • Home Base - You can not use it on home base and home base docked items
    • Turrets - it can hack turrets however you can not undock, only operate/fire and use against the host ship. Hacking the turret also disables the AI. In order to gain control of the hacked turret, you must hack it back.
    • Doors - you can hack doors to a open position or a closed position. This jams the door and the door must be hacked back in order to operated it again.
    • Cores - Hacking the Ship Core(not in overload! The core and the faction's Faction module must be still present) of a warring faction will provide random info of location of other given faction control ship location (like hacking into their navigational computers). However this will send a message to the faction message system that such and such ship is accessing navigational data(may be super rare chance of giving the blueprints data of the given ship your hacking) without authorization(this happen even if the hack timer was meet or not). That way a faction can dispatch to try to recover or destroy the ship to prevent further hacks using that core.
      • Note: Hacking a Core is base off the original mass of the ship, not what's left so not to lessness the hacking time by whittling it down to only the core and it's faction module.
    • Factory Modules(not the Enhancers) - You can hack them off and must be hack back on for the faction to use them again.
    • Plex Storage - War is war...there either going to blow it up to access or hack it open...pick your poison
    ! Hacking stuff should have a hack timer. The hack timer should be base off the block count of what you are hacking. So a large ship Core would take a bit of time

    We could add a skill system so there is a possibility of failure attempt that gets reported to the given faction and or a time to hack buff dependant on skill level.


    Aug 30, 2013
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    I literally just suggested this, but good idea anyways.
    Oct 11, 2013
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    I literally just suggested this, but good idea anyways.
    FYI, this thread was made far before yours. Always check if there are threads like the idea you are planning to share before actually doing so. It saves a lot of trouble.


    Aug 30, 2013
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    FYI, this thread was made far before yours. Always check if there are threads like the idea you are planning to share before actually doing so. It saves a lot of trouble.
    Ah, alright. Sorry
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Note pistols still take time to break through blocks, especially hardened hull, so chances of people using a pistol to grief your ship is unlikely unless said person has nothing better to do with his/her life. Also as it stands people are already capturing each others blueprints through dirty spy methods or simply causing the core to overheat with minimal damage then entering and repairing the damages.

    One way or another your blueprints will never be safe.
    yeah you could also have damage pulse logic clocks all over your ship so that with the press of a button anyone who comes near the ship gets pulverized.


    Aug 30, 2013
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    This is why we need programmable blocks, because hacking.


    Maiden of crashes
    Oct 15, 2013
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    Perhaps we can have the best of both worlds? Pistols don't bypass shields but have shields only cover the exterior of the ship (not sure how hard that would be) so you can damage a shielded ship with your side arm assuming you can get inside it. Thats where infiltrating, hacking and people forgetting to close their doors comes in.
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    Mar 11, 2015
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    Let pistols only bypass shields on door- and forcefield-blocks, and of course on the core.

    Or better, no shield bypass on the core but let us hack the non-overheating core with right-click, takeing 60 seconds or so.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    I see a few issues with this. It would be interesting to have some way of boarding... However;
    1). Allowing pistols to negate shields just allows anyone to go and grief my ships.
    2). You can already grapple on to a ship by pressing the spacebar (or any other key you assigned to said function)

    This is also not very nice for those who wish to keep their ship designs somewhat private. For example, a player enters the ship, shoots the doors, smacks the core, enters the ship, saves it, and then - a few days later - a copy of your own ship slowly approaches to murder you. :/
    How would people get to your ship without getting shot up, though? I suppose you could with a cloaker + jammer, but once we get logic powered scanners, that'll be trivial.
    Oct 11, 2013
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    How would people get to your ship without getting shot up, though? I suppose you could with a cloaker + jammer, but once we get logic powered scanners, that'll be trivial.
    Well, the people seizing it wouldn't necessarily be at war with my faction.

    Nice necro btw Ace.
    Jul 16, 2014
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    I think this is a great idea, people will use it to" grief" people but it would be apart of the game.besides unless you just sit there and let the person shoot up your ship your safe, if some one is in your ship you can do several things to kill them without a seconds thought.

    You can set up a damage pulse for your ship to kill invaders

    You can fire swarm missiles

    You can set upinteriorturrets