A Reason To Play

    Dec 31, 2013
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    Right, faction level PVP is absolutely pointless right now, not the least because of broken weapons and a pain in the ass power system...

    But even without those it wouldn't happen on large scales because there is no reason to. There is no reward to the risk.

    So instead I propose 3 simple things that will encourage factional PVP and keep newbies out of things that would lead to them being dejected and pushed out of the game.

    1: A proper tier system for Factions.

    Factions should be separated into tiers. These tiers have certain FP(hereafter referred to as simply point/s) ranges to be within them. Let's say that Tier 1 is between 0 points and 50 points then Tier 2 could be from 51 points to 150 points, Tier 3 could be 151 points to 250 points, and so on and so on until the top tier of, as an example, 20 where it would be from something like 15,001+ points.

    These are just examples and not real world numbers, but they provide a model here.

    Now, in order to prevent, say, Tier 7 factions from hunting down Tier 1 factions there could be a lock applied. The ships from the Tier 7 factions could fire on the lower tier ships, but they wouldn't do anything. Just make a lot of flash and color in the air. A 2 or 3 Tier range around each faction level would work for this, so a Tier 5 could attack a Tier 3 and a Tier 7, but not a Tier 8 and the Tier 8 would be similarly unable to attack the Tier 5. No one can attack a Tier 1 or 2 faction bar other Tier 1 and 2s.

    Declarations of War, if accepted, should be able to break this rule until a peace treaty is signed or a certain amount of time has passed without any battles.

    2: FP Shouldn't be Passive

    Points should be gained through physical means. Space Stations, Planetary Bases, Capital Ships. These should all add Points to a faction. Planetary Bases, so long as they are viable, should give the most Points when built and fortified. Each piece of fortification should give differing amounts. Weapon systems should give the most, let's say 5 points for each weapon block, and decorations should only be worth perhaps .5 points. Defenses should give a middling amount depending on the exact defense, shields giving the most and basic armor the least. Each faction should only be able to hold however many planets they can defend, being able to purchase them with credits from the "locals" perhaps. Destroy the faction block or the planet and the points go away.

    Second most rewarding to keep and hold are Space Stations beyond your Home Base. Similar rules and guidelines as the above only the point values are halved. These only require a faction block and a build block to be made after all, and thus spamming them shouldn't be an optimal way to get Points. Still, they are big unmoving targets, so there is still a risk to them being found and destroyed by rivals. These could passively gain credits or facilitate trade to allow a faction with many of these to purchase a planet, but that may be too complicated.

    Finally, you have Capital Ships. These should give the least amount of Points and should be limited based on your faction's rank. A Tier 1 faction may only have one, Tier 2 may only have 2, and so on. This could be a non-linear growth, a Tier 20 could have 50 or 60 of them, or it could be linear and it would only be allowed to have as many as it's rank. These should have another halving of point values, so they give half the amount that Space Stations give. This is because they can be moved and thus could be a challenge to hunt down. They are also the only real source of Points for the lower ranking factions as they can't yet defend a Space Station nor afford a Planet. They are the most offensive way to gain Points, but also the most vulnerable as they must carefully balance mass put into weapons and defenses and mobility. Ideally they will be the largest ship the faction owns, but the faction leader must decide on that themselves.

    3: To the Winner, the Glory

    This is all a rather complex and deep system, but it doesn't exactly give a reason to do battle... But why not? Really, it's all because people can't see point values. They can't sort by what faction is the most powerful, which is the least.

    What if the galaxy had a Leaderboard? A list of the most powerful factions, a PVP win/loss ratio, the amount of Points they've amassed, how many they've lost overtime, etc. That would provide incentive to fight, to win, to be good enough to reach the top of the Leaderboards. Perhaps the players of those factions at the top could have special cosmetic effects to show that they are the best. They themselves have little reason to challenge those smaller than them... but those who are below, looking on with envy... well, we all know how it is on the top, don't we?
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    Reactions: MacThule
    Jul 4, 2013
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    I think this would discourage PvP overall because people would accidentally get to too high a tier and then be unable to kill anyone else. Similarly, some people would intentionally stay at a low tier to stomp noobs. Other people would spend a lot of time going up tiers just to go toe-to-toe with one guy. This leads to huge splits of who can PvP with who at any given time with only a promise of leaderboard ranking.

    Too complicated and too intangible for what it's trying to accomplish I think.
    Dec 31, 2013
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    I think this would discourage PvP overall because people would accidentally get to too high a tier and then be unable to kill anyone else.
    There is a level cap.

    Similarly, some people would intentionally stay at a low tier to stomp noobs.
    Prove this.

    Other people would spend a lot of time going up tiers just to go toe-to-toe with one guy.
    This is a good thing. You want players to join factions that are high ranked to be able to fight other high ranks. This isn't a downside.
    Jul 4, 2013
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    There is a level cap.

    Prove this.

    This is a good thing. You want players to join factions that are high ranked to be able to fight other high ranks. This isn't a downside.
    Just because there's a cap doesn't mean that many people reach it. You're looking at a game where 50 active players at once across all servers is unusual, remember.
    Noobstomping is something some people like to do, that's a simple fact. Similarly, not everyone likes leaderboards.
    The problem with wanting to rank up is that people will want to find a cheaty way to get a tier to fight the big guy. And during all that time, they're not actually PvPing, whereas without this, they'd fight the big guy right away. It's not a good thing.
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    Reactions: Captain Fortius
    Dec 31, 2013
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    Just because there's a cap doesn't mean that many people reach it. You're looking at a game where 50 active players at once across all servers is unusual, remember.
    For now.

    Noobstomping is something some people like to do, that's a simple fact.
    So ban people from twinking if you don't want it done as a damn server admin.

    The problem with wanting to rank up is that people will want to find a cheaty way to get a tier to fight the big guy. And during all that time, they're not actually PvPing, whereas without this, they'd fight the big guy right away. It's not a good thing.
    Except that other groups may want to fight them.

    Oh, oh! How about getting points from destroying other people's points? Say... half rate or so? You thus have incentive to fight.


    Nov 30, 2015
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    Prove this.
    I dont think anybody needs to prove this due to the fact the history of Starmade is full of it. I don;t even need to name any players or specific factions: just take player piracy as an example. On quite a few servers they thrived by killing new players, getting their loadout and cash and waiting near spawn for the next one.
    May 28, 2017
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    I agree with this idea, despite the illogical nay-sayers. It does need some refinement.

    as for the "noob stomping" ... they would make a HB and be safe like normal, and after a few days of playing, their tier would be higher already, thus avoiding the issue anyway.

    and no, before you start assuming how pvp is, I play on the ONLY PVP SERVER IN STARMADE... LVD.
    I go mining all the time just fine, people don't actually sit there waiting at your doorstep all day or anything, it's just every once in a while you get a chance encounter, or you're talking a lot of smack and people are targeting you, but it's not as extremely exaggerated as some people tend to make it out to be.
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    Reactions: MacThule and Vyor
    Dec 31, 2013
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    I dont think anybody needs to prove this due to the fact the history of Starmade is full of it. I don;t even need to name any players or specific factions: just take player piracy as an example. On quite a few servers they thrived by killing new players, getting their loadout and cash and waiting near spawn for the next one.
    Some players, not all players. And that means it doesn't make the problem worse, merely gives additional ways to deal with it.
    May 28, 2017
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    yeah it would actually prevent people from making alts and noob stomping, in fact.
    [doublepost=1534115925,1534115451][/doublepost]also, for the outposts "only needing a faction block and build block" ... they shouldn't -only- require that... just like you said for planetary bases, give each block a "score" and depending on what blocks the station is made of, it will add to your score pool, until it's destroyed.
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    Reactions: Vyor
    Dec 31, 2013
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    yeah it would actually prevent people from making alts and noob stomping, in fact.
    [doublepost=1534115925,1534115451][/doublepost]also, for the outposts "only needing a faction block and build block" ... they shouldn't -only- require that... just like you said for planetary bases, give each block a "score" and depending on what blocks the station is made of, it will add to your score pool, until it's destroyed.
    Similar rules and guidelines as the above only the point values are halved.
    I covered that :P
    Jan 31, 2015
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    I dont think anybody needs to prove this due to the fact the history of Starmade is full of it. I don;t even need to name any players or specific factions: just take player piracy as an example. On quite a few servers they thrived by killing new players, getting their loadout and cash and waiting near spawn for the next one.
    It's not even about Starmade; this was a constant problem in Starcraft II as well. Some players would specialize in reducing the match-making value of their team. They'd throw a big run of random pub matches, which sucked for their pub teammates because often they were lobby-shopping to be teamed against their very skilled actual team. They'd get their rating into the bottom 25%, then re-team with their friends for a few hours of pub-stomping, being able to matchmake against opponent teams that weren't also very high skill and just talk trash and troll really obnoxiously when everyone could see the scores and knew exactly what was going on -5 players with a 2500+ rating and one with a 320 all on a team...

    Pretty sure anyone who has played ranked and tiered PvP games has seen this practice.

    I actually think there is a lot of merit in the OP, but... "Prove" any of the assertions made in the OP. It's not possible. There is no possible "proof" that there is currently no cause for faction warfare because this isn't maths. But people know it's the case. No one came out all hard like '"prove it" that power is a pain in the ass.' I don't think there is any need to get defensive about legit criticisms. They don't invalidate the general idea.

    No system will be perfect and they will all have pros and cons. Almost anything would be better than the current stagnation.
    yeah it would actually prevent people from making alts and noob stomping, in fact.
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    Reactions: Captain Fortius
    Dec 31, 2013
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    It's not even about Starmade; this was a constant problem in Starcraft II as well. Some players would specialize in reducing the match-making value of their team. They'd throw a big run of random pub matches, which sucked for their pub teammates because often they were lobby-shopping to be teamed against their very skilled actual team. They'd get their rating into the bottom 25%, then re-team with their friends for a few hours of pub-stomping, being able to matchmake against opponent teams that weren't also very high skill and just talk trash and troll really obnoxiously when everyone could see the scores and knew exactly what was going on -5 players with a 2500+ rating and one with a 320 all on a team...

    Pretty sure anyone who has played ranked and tiered PvP games has seen this practice.
    The thing with this is that it gives the newbies an easy way to get away from such: simply level up somewhere that it's easy to hide and you can avoid twinking. Or just ban people from servers for doing it. You can't stop twinking in general, but you can make it more annoying. The investment in time and resources in this system would discourage allowing yourself to fall in Tier.

    I actually think there is a lot of merit in the OP, but... "Prove" any of the assertions made in the OP. It's not possible. There is no possible "proof" that there is currently no cause for faction warfare because this isn't maths. But people know it's the case. No one came out all hard like '"prove it" that power is a pain in the ass.' I don't think there is any need to get defensive about legit criticisms. They don't invalidate the general idea.

    No system will be perfect and they will all have pros and cons. Almost anything would be better than the current stagnation.
    Mmm, it was a rather sharp response I'll grant, but they were using it as a reason the system shouldn't be implemented in discord when, uh, it's not an actual reason to not implement things?

    I'm confused on that as well.
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    Reactions: MacThule
    Jun 11, 2016
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    I would be very fond of any faction tier system that prevents smaller factions from getting easily raided.

    Tough this whole suggestion only makes sense, if player can't switch their faction as they like. I mean I just leave my tier 8 faction and create a tier 1 faction to fight weaker enemies - and beforehand I unclaim a really high tier pvp metaboat so I can claim it with my new faction identity.

    My suggestion here: Cooldown timers that prevent any pvp for the player if he does one of the following: Joined server first time, left faction, joined faction.
    Dec 31, 2013
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    Tough this whole suggestion only makes sense, if player can't switch their faction as they like. I mean I just leave my tier 8 faction and create a tier 1 faction to fight weaker enemies - and beforehand I unclaim a really high tier pvp metaboat so I can claim it with my new faction identity.
    Said boat would make you higher than tier 1 or 2. Maybe 3 at best.

    There could also be a personal rank that coincides with faction rank.

    My suggestion here: Cooldown timers that prevent any pvp for the player if he does one of the following: Joined server first time, left faction, joined faction.
    There's a reason I have the tier 1 and 2 values so low in my example, it's nearly impossible to build a ship that would destroy everything else with the low mass budget allotted. A miner or a small gunboat are all that's really possible with it.

    Though that is a good idea.
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    Reactions: MacThule and JinM
    Jun 11, 2016
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    Said boat would make you higher than tier 1 or 2. Maybe 3 at best.
    Ah okay I overread that you also want ships put into a classification.

    But let's be real here: Even if Starmade has balanced weapons, there would still be meta ships that simply beat any newcommers engineering skills. This is just the nature of this game.

    So your tought to give each player an own level is the only solution here, and I think this actually is a great idea.

    Because player levels (or tiers what ever name we use) would be allready possible with server side scripts. Maybe not today, but some day soon I am pretty sure Starmade will provide the neccessary server scripts.
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    Reactions: MacThule and Vyor
    Jul 1, 2013
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    While i do think pvp needs work in general, i dont think this tier system will make it any more interesting. More restrictive definitely from larger factions POV, but not more fun per se. Taking and holding stations and territory is something i think a lot of people are interested in, but not solely for the purpose of giving you more points towards your faction tier or leaderboard ranking, some other purpose behind them would be nice.

    Not everybody is going to care about a leaderboard, frankly that seems as bad an excuse as "because i wanna" to do anything from my point of view, though that would be interesting to share that information, just because.
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    Reactions: Captain Fortius
    Dec 31, 2013
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    While i do think pvp needs work in general, i dont think this tier system will make it any more interesting. More restrictive definitely from larger factions POV, but not more fun per se. Taking and holding stations and territory is something i think a lot of people are interested in, but not solely for the purpose of giving you more points towards your faction tier or leaderboard ranking, some other purpose behind them would be nice.
    I did note that space stations could generate credits or resources.

    Not everybody is going to care about a leaderboard, frankly that seems as bad an excuse as "because i wanna" to do anything from my point of view, though that would be interesting to share that information, just because.
    You'd think so, but look at how obsessive people are to get higher ranks in things like CS:GO. It's just a number and a fancy graphic and yet...
    Jul 1, 2013
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    That last bits a good point, but starmade also attracts players interested in building ships, or empires, or pve and exploration. And some players absolutely loathe pvp play. Or dont engage in faction vs faction pvp, only work as individuals but want to be respected for their skills playing solo. What can we do for leaderboards and station/game mechanics that would interest them too?

    Like, there could be a bounty board of players who have engaged in pvp against or stolen from opponents who they werent already at war with, and a notable bounty hunters list, of players who have killed these pirates and brought in the biggest bounties. Killing npc pirates or factions could be thrown in there, ive sometimes wondered if there was a point to killing pirate stations besides looting the ships that attack me.
    Major planetary discoveries by explorers could earn fame and cash for catalogueing and selling information on things players or npc factions wanted, stuff like that, because the games not all about pvp.
    Dec 31, 2013
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    That last bits a good point, but starmade also attracts players interested in building ships, or empires, or pve and exploration. And some players absolutely loathe pvp play. Or dont engage in faction vs faction pvp, only work as individuals but want to be respected for their skills playing solo. What can we do for leaderboards and station/game mechanics that would interest them too?
    Non-PVP servers and "solo-faction" servers.

    Like, there could be a bounty board of players who have engaged in pvp against or stolen from opponents who they werent already at war with, and a notable bounty hunters list, of players who have killed these pirates and brought in the biggest bounties. Killing npc pirates or factions could be thrown in there, ive sometimes wondered if there was a point to killing pirate stations besides looting the ships that attack me.
    Major planetary discoveries by explorers could earn fame and cash for catalogueing and selling information on things players or npc factions wanted, stuff like that, because the games not all about pvp.
    That's emergent behavior. If there's a trade system, that stuff will happen naturally.
    Jun 11, 2016
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    Some sort of leader board on a server, where people get levels and scorepoints for killing, would allready work if there wasnt any fight restriction. It just doesnt work now, because we have not full insight into what or who killed who in which circumstances.

    Lets say a tier 8 player attacks a tier 1 newcommer, and wins. He gets zero points. If the tier 8 player wins against a tier 5 player he gets 1 point and against a tier 8 he would get 5 points.

    But the deal could be, that tier 8 players could loose points for killing tier 1 or 2 players.

    Another scenario could be, that a tier 8 player could attack a tier 1 or 2 player. His coordinates get then revealed to everyone. The player that counterkills the anarchy tier 8 player would get plus 10 points.

    I just want to say that this scoreboard system would be an interesting way, but only a system that encourages same level kills, and discourages low level kills.

    And low tier players could challenge high tier players via command. This would circumvent the restriction of revealing the coordinates and the counterkillbounty.

    Or something like that. It's just brainstorming.