Trying to refit my ship

    Apr 28, 2015
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    So ... I got an itch to fly once again.

    Trying to get a grip about power 2.0 and weapon 3.0 so I can start refitting my ships. So far it's just been a big clusterf*ck for me.

    Right now I'm stuck at an issue with my turrets can't fire their cannons. I thougt turrets would draw power from main ships reactor? But that doesn't seem to be the case? Thankful for any tip or advice.
    Mar 10, 2016
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    Right now I'm stuck at an issue with my turrets can't fire their cannons. I thougt turrets would draw power from main ships reactor? But that doesn't seem to be the case? Thankful for any tip or advice.

    I think you have to have both the turrets and the mother entity switched to the new power system.

    There is a rule that until a structure has even a single old power block left (including both the classic power reactors, power capacitors, and auxiliaries) it will work according to the classic mechanics. And once every classic power block is removed, and a new reactor block is placed, the structure's systems will switch to the new mechanics.

    Maybe the turret still has a few blocks in there, no? (To be sure, you can use the block-highlight option in adv. build mode, or check the blueprint's block list in the blueprint catalog.)

    Or does its weapon setup contain any of the old tertiary effects connected? - those were decommissioned as well, and might cause problems if present.
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