Suggestion Dev Blogs!

    Mar 25, 2016
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    That's not monthly.
    Sometimes there is one mid month sometimes only in 1 and a half or 2 months but it is around monthly on average. Since they are doing it a bit unprofessionally you have to put up with it. This game has been in development for more than 6 years now. If anything you definitely need patience when it comes to its development and the developers.

    If the waiting game really annoys you I suggest looking up some other space games. Currently this game is nothing more than a poorly functioning alpha project in its current state anyways and will probably will be like this for a looooong time. There are several current space games out there with much more refined features. Just to name a few finished ones: Kerbal Space Program, Galactic Junk League, Space Engineers and some in early access but looking really spicy: Stationeers, Avorion, Star Citizen and some to look out for still in development: Dreadnaught, Limit Theory, Dual Universe... at least these are the ones i know and found interesting but you can look up for more if you wouldn't happen to have any interest in the ones i mentioned.
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    Feb 27, 2014
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    Been waiting for allmost 2 months for the Power 2.o release to be announced on the forums lol.
    All previous updates were, then they just stopped.
    Thankfully Duke has hinted that they may resume, but it just seems like they don't care enough for the 30 second posts anymore -_-