Build Drones?


    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    Random thought, but...

    Was thinking about some kind of shipyard design feature for stations, which lead to "Well, we couldn't really do an actual shipyard to build stations with, because they're stuck wherever they spawn, so how would you automate building a station from a blueprint?" and it hit me.

    Construction drones?

    We have talks about the weapons update containing the Mine Layer again, where the system is going to be basically some kind of mini-factory that uses materials to create the mines that float in space, what if we based some construction drones off of that?

    As in, we make ships with some sort of construction modules, and give them a cargo hold full of raw materials. You could then issue a fleet command along the lines of "Build this station in this sector" and have them go out with the materials to start constructing your outpost for you, instead of having to fly out there personally to spawn from a filled blueprint (which the devs have said they're trying to move away from).

    I rather like the idea of construction bots and a heavy duty cargo ship moving into position and setting up shop for you.

    GDPR 302420

    When the devsquad decides to do away with spawning shit from BPs then maybe, but right now such a feature is not necessary.
    Sep 14, 2017
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    I think this is a good idea for when BPs get removed as Red said, but frankly, this should be one of the last features the game sees before going into beta since things like this and shipyards really need core mechanics to be unbroken first before they can be effectively implemented.
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    Feb 27, 2014
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    I think this is a good idea for when BPs get removed as Red said, but frankly, this should be one of the last features the game sees before going into beta since things like this and shipyards really need core mechanics to be unbroken first before they can be effectively implemented.
    So true!
    If there were alternative (and stable) ways of constructing ships I could get behind removing BPs, however atm I refuse to even touch shipyards.
    Load up the wrong BP and it could crash the server -_-

    I would very much like to see an alterior form of ship construction rather than Ribbed Shipyards, as I find the giant lines of metal horryfyingly ugly
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    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    When the devsquad decides to do away with spawning shit from BPs then maybe, but right now such a feature is not necessary.
    Well clearly, this is looking a bit further ahead than just the next update. Long term goals and all that. :)
    Sep 14, 2017
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    So true!
    If there were alternative (and stable) ways of constructing ships I could get behind removing BPs, however atm I refuse to even touch shipyards.
    Load up the wrong BP and it could crash the server -_-

    I would very much like to see an alterior form of ship construction rather than Ribbed Shipyards, as I find the giant lines of metal horryfyingly ugly
    This is more an issue of player laziness. Some factions have constructed some pretty nice looking shipyards, and I suspect the number of nice ones will go up once the devs can figure out how to get them stable enough for more ppl to care.

    Sol-series Shipyard
    Sep 12, 2013
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    shipyards right now just dont work like they should If they added a way to make them biger easy like with a pistion are rail system then you could build a small one at first and expand it easy but right now you got to tear the hole thing down and build a huge one and then on top of that your ships are biger than the station so it just looks bad lol