Make planets moveable


    Professional Quickfire Hater
    Nov 8, 2017
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    So let's say you make a ship that is 10 km by 1 km by 1 km. If you ram into an asteroid, that poor thing will go flying. But if you hit a planet, it won't move an inch. So it would be nice to have planets be moveable by large objects like ships or asteroids.


    Cobalt-Blooded Bullet Mirror
    May 12, 2014
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    Given how unoptimized the current planets are, I'm afraid kicking them around would be quite messy. Landing a large ship without (heck, even with in some cases) using rails is already a good way to crash a server.

    Aside from that, there are entirely new planets in the works that will supposedly be bigger as well as more optimized, so I doubt any big changes will be made to the current ones.
    Jul 5, 2015
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    So let's say you make a ship that is 10 km by 1 km by 1 km. If you ram into an asteroid, that poor thing will go flying. But if you hit a planet, it won't move an inch. So it would be nice to have planets be moveable by large objects like ships or asteroids.
    Even taking into account that you could build a ship like that and have a sector size large enough to hold it, ramming it into a planet would probably kill the game on any known server (assuming you would be even be able to approach a planet in a ship that big, and not kill the server while at it, due to planets being already laggy and prone to crashing servers even on their own).

    A ship that size would probably have serious problems even being loaded correctly. Due to how entity rendering works in the game, any entity measuring more than 8km in any direction from the core usually ends up corrupted. Even if you put the core smack in the middle of the ship, the sheer size of the entity could cause a lot of lag and other weird things to happen.

    Also, you'd probably have a hard time trying to figure out how to get something like that powered and moving in the first place. Even conventional titans (about 1/10th of the proposed size) have enough problems with having enough thrust to move and turn at an acceptable rate, at the current thrust ratios.
    Last edited:


    Professional Quickfire Hater
    Nov 8, 2017
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    Even taking into account that you could build a ship like that and have a sector size large enough to hold it, ramming it into a planet would probably kill the game on any known server (assuming you would be even be able to approach a planet in a ship that big, and not kill the server while at it, due to planets being already laggy and prone to crashing servers even on their own).

    A ship that size would probably have serious problems even being loaded correctly. Due to how entity rendering works in the game, any entity measuring more than 8km in any direction from the core usually ends up corrupted. Even if you put the core smack in the middle of the ship, the sheer size of the entity could cause a lot of lag and other weird things to happen.

    Also, you'd probably have a hard time trying to figure out how to get something like that powered and moving in the first place. Even conventional titans (about 1/10th of the proposed size) have enough problems with having enough thrust to move and turn at an acceptable rate, at the current thrust ratios.
    Yeah I guess so.
    Given how unoptimized the current planets are, I'm afraid kicking them around would be quite messy. Landing a large ship without (heck, even with in some cases) using rails is already a good way to crash a server.

    Aside from that, there are entirely new planets in the works that will supposedly be bigger as well as more optimized, so I doubt any big changes will be made to the current ones.
    Given how unoptimized the current planets are, I'm afraid kicking them around would be quite messy. Landing a large ship without (heck, even with in some cases) using rails is already a good way to crash a server.

    Aside from that, there are entirely new planets in the works that will supposedly be bigger as well as more optimized, so I doubt any big changes will be made to the current ones.
    Hopefully when they release the new planets they are moveable.
    Dec 9, 2015
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    i dont think that there should be a ship big enough to moove a planet on impact... cfonsidering the speed needed to achive such a feat anything should vaporize in the atmosphere....

    starmade planets will get much bigger no way a "normal" space ship not even an 10*1*1km large one should be heavy and fast enough to moove a planet.

    maybe a StarWars DeathStar could... but they would normally just crash against each other and explode both...