Advice for returning player?

    Oct 22, 2017
    Reaction score
    Hey everyone, I've recently begun to get back into Starmade after a year or so long hiatus. (account isn't that old but I've played since before making this forum account) I've been reading all the stuff about the upcoming power update, and I can tell the general consensus concerning that is to wait until it does come out before going too crazy with builds, but aside from that, has anyone good advice/suggestions for someone who's missed a year's worth of updates to the game? :D
    Feb 27, 2014
    Reaction score
    • Purchased!
    • Legacy Citizen 4
    • Top Forum Contributor
    Welcome back Maegor The Cool !
    Looking through the past dev announcements is a good step to cover the features that have been implimented starting from page 3 should be around accurate for when you left off.

    This will ignore bugfixing and minor improvements/changes.
    Heres just a basic rundown of the dev posts since March, 2016:

    This is an entirely new system within the game’s backend. It is basically a cached virtual layer that can quickly operate on the main database of a server without the need to actually load in ships.
    [2nd March, 2016]

    Here’s an overview of how fleets work in-game: A player can create a fleet in the new fleet panel (default key ‘k’) and add multiple ships to it. There are several other management options for fleets in that panel as well. The first ship in the list is always the flagship (the ordering is easy to change later), and a ship can only belong to one fleet at a time. The flagship of every owned fleet will also always appear in the galaxy map. Ships don’t require Bobby-AI blocks to be part of a fleet.

    Fleets can currently perform the following actions:

    • Idle: This is the default state. Ships in this fleet will neither move on their own nor attack. In the event of a server restart, fleets will automatically revert to this order. (In the future, the last fleet order will be saved.)

    • Move: The Move command sends the fleet to a sector, whether or not that sector is loaded. Currently the fleet’s movement speed while in an unloaded state is fixed, and the fleet is also unable to use jump drives as of yet. These will be added in the future.

    • Attack: A fleet will go to a specific sector and attack. Currently, attacks will only commence on loaded sectors; if a sector is unloaded, the fleet will wait on the sector’s edge until it is loaded.

    • Defend: Similar to Attack, the fleet will go to a sector and attack any (loaded) enemies. However, the fleet will not pursue any enemies beyond 2 sectors of the target sector.

    • Sentry: The fleet will attack any enemy in proximity.

    • Formation Idle: the fleet will assemble into a formation, but will not attack anything. The flagship can be manually controlled.

    • Formation sentry: the fleet will assemble into formation. Additionally, ships will break off and attack any enemy in proximity.

    • Carrier Callback: This order is explained further below.

    Important: Formation orders are currently experimental and may lead to strange AI behavior or fleet pile-ups.

    Carriers are now supported in-game thanks to the new fleet system. For this purpose, we’ve added three additional blocks: the Pickup Rail, the Pickup Point block, and the Shootout Rail. All of these blocks are non-physical and only visible while in build mode. This means that, while the two new rail blocks still function as rails and allow you to change them using existing logic systems, you can not collide with them even if you’re on the rail itself. They also do not provide any armor or hp to the ship.

    StarMade News - StarMade v0.19590 - Fleets and Carriers

    Fleet Mining
    Fleets now have an additional order “Mine Sector”, that when given will do exactly that. Keep in mind that for now the sector they are mining in will have to be loaded. Also, the flagship will not participate in any mining. It currently only works on Asteroids.
    [March 20th 2016]

    Main Menu Update
    A lot of things had to be done to give players the best possible experience starting the game. We designed a new GUI theme from scratch. Most importantly, you’re now able to switch from server to server or to a single player universe without having to restart the game. Not only that but once the game resources are loaded, they stay loaded. So switching worlds or servers just takes seconds.
    [May 22nd 2016]

    Tutorial Videos
    The engine can now play videos ingame. You can either watch it in a player or in the background while you play.

    At the moment, the videos available are those from our youtube channel. We will be improving, optimizing, and expanding them for ingame tutorial usage. Also, while at the moment, the videos are 720p, in the future we will try to offer a low quality offline option with the ability to stream full quality directly from youtube if possible. It may be a while before a full series of quality videos are available.

    We will also be looking into implementing an ingame browser for our wiki and link that to the game, so you could look up info about a block or a system via a context menu.
    New Lighting System

    As most of you know, the shading on structures, especially on angled shapes has serious problems with lighting.
    The reason why those errors persisted so long, was because the lighting normalizer required a full rewrite, and to make things worse, is one of the most brain scrambling things to implement. However, it was time to do it, and the new system is now able to be easily adaptable to new blocks. Fixing any remaining lighting errors and other related glitches should now be a lot easier, as the new system is now modular and abstract instead of just one big pile of if-then-elses, which grew with every new block shape added.

    [5th June 2016]

    New Asteroids, Custom shapes, New Languages, New GUI
    -A new (faster) system for generating terrain noise has been added. This system has tweaked asteroid generation to produce larger and more natural looking asteroids.

    -The engine now supports custom shapes. Those shapes can pretty much be any 3d object. The game automatically handles natural Level of Detail. That means that from afar, shapes will automatically turn into either cubes, “sprites” (like current flowers for example), or completely transparent. Objects further away will not have any decrease in fps that way. The distance at which objects blend to blocks can be adjusted in the options.

    StarMade News - StarMade v0.198.219 Custom Shapes, 7 Languages, reworked GUI graphics & new Asteroids
    [19th June 2016]

    Trading System
    This update marks an important step in the overall progress. The trading system will be used throughout the universe -- not only by players, but in the future by NPC Factions as well. This will create a dynamic economy throughout the universe, and should make gameplay much more engaging.

    The most important part of the trading system is the Trade Network. This network makes it possible to access inventories and prices without having to visit the stations themselves (or even having them loaded). Not only can they be accessed, but they can also be modified, meaning stations may trade with one another regardless of their distance and loaded states.

    The Trading Guild itself handles trades made using the Trade Network. This means anyone can trade with any other shop in the network, given they have sufficient credits to pay the Guild its fee.
    StarMade News - StarMade v0.198.476 - The Trading System
    [13th July 2016]

    Chunk32 Update
    With this update, all worlds will use the new chunk format, which (among other things) increases the chunk size from 16x16x16 to 32x32x32. Code wise, this was probably one of the biggest changes in a long time because it affects such a huge portion of the codebase: we needed to update pretty much every area that interacted with chunks. Not only that, but we also had convert old worlds and blueprints and make sure everything is still fully functional.

    A new object always starts at the center of a chunk, so moving to 32-block chunks means all blocks in every object had to be shifted by 8 blocks in all dimensions. But not only that: all logic, connections, rails, and a lot more had to be adapted as well.

    The reason for centering objects within their chunk is simple: small objects only consume one chunk (instead of eight), not only saving memory, but significantly improving the performance of nearly every operation (physics, lighting, etc.) as well.

    This change also requires converting all files, which happens while initializing the universe. All existing blueprints are fully compatible with the new system, and are converted while initializing, or when used in-game if needed. They will also migrate on the fly if you upload an old version of a blueprint, or if you copy one directly to the blueprint directory.

    Note: Converted blueprints are not backwards-compatible; however, the game retains backups of the chunk16 blueprints, so downgrading is not an issue.

    The new format considerably reduces both the amount and size of files stored in the database, resulting in a significantly smaller overall size. As an example, the test server shrunk from 49GB to 9.2GB with the new format -- 81% smaller! Other servers can expect similar reductions.

    StarMade News - StarMade v0.199.132 - Huge performance upgrade for chunks, also now supporting Portuguese-Brazilian Language
    [Augest 2nd 2016]

    Faster Chunk Loading/Performance increases
    [August 26th 2016]

    Auxiliary Power, Better Graphics, Better Textures, and Bugfixes
    The need for power in StarMade is always present. So much so, that players came up with complex designs that involve using the supply beam to overcome built in restrictions to docked entities.

    The problem with this kind of construction was, that they didn’t really perform very well, and if they actually undocked in combat or on accident, they would cause major lag.

    We don’t want to punish players by just taking their power away, so we had to come up with a compromise. Together with the council we developed a new block: Power Auxiliary

    This new power block replaces the functionality of the current docked reactor concept with an onboard block. Eliminating any lag caused by physics.

    Auxiliary power can be assigned to your hotbar (from your weapons menu) and can be turned on and off on demand. It works like a reactor with internal storage that can act as a buffer.

    When it’s on, its regeneration gets added to the main ship and also its stored power gets dumped into it (even if there is no room).

    When it’s off, it charges its internal storage although at a slower pace compared to its normal generation.

    Stations/Planets can’t switch between modes, their reactor is always on. The AI though can’t use the block right now, that will be added at a later stage.

    Docked reactors had downsides though. They were easily found on a ship because of their navigation markers. And when damaged, they would rapidly lose their efficiency.

    The new block has a different downside that comes down to the same thing, loss of efficiency/regeneration.

    If a block of a group gets taken out, the whole group starts to discharge. Explosions will occur inside that group. The amount of explosions, their radius and damage depend on the size of the group at the time of being hit.

    The biggest reactors can almost reach an efficiency of 200 power per block but they’re also the ones that are easily hit and take the most damage when exploding. They’ll lose most of their blocks in about 1-2 minutes which still makes them useful for a short period after they got shot.

    However, it is strongly advised to use armor, not only to protect those groups from external damage, but also to interlace it within the group, so a potential discharge would minimize damage inside a group.

    It’s a high risk high reward system. Using it wisely can make your ship superior to others. Using it recklessly can make your ship useless with some lucky hits. Your power is the most important part on your ship and you want to make sure it’s out of reach.

    StarMade News - StarMade v0.199.214 - Auxiliary Power, Better Graphics, Better Textures, and Bugfixes
    [9th September 2016]

    New Logic Blocks
    This update adds a new logic block and system to the game.

    Randomizer Block
    As you probably guessed by the name, this block produces random results when activated. Each time it receives any signal (true or false) it has a 50% chance to change its state.

    This can have several applications:

    Using multiple randomizers can create a random binary number depending on how many you use. You also can also modify the odds by chaining these blocks together with ANDs to reduce the odds, or ORs to increase them.

    Logic Sensor Block (Council suggestion T1756)
    The logic sensor block is part of an entirely new system that can probe the current state of most systems on a structure, such as power or shield percentage. This means you can now include the state of those systems in your logic circuits.

    The following systems can be probed:

    ~ Power and Power Aux: The output is based on the power/capacity percentage.

    ~ Shields: The output is based on the percentage of shields compared to its capacity.

    ~ Jump Drive: The output is based on the charge percentage.

    ~ Jam/Cloak: The output is 100% when it’s on and 0% when it’s off.

    ~ Doors: The output is 100% when closed and 0% when open.

    ~ Cargo: The output is based on that unit’s volume/capacity percentage.

    We will add more in the future.

    (For more information on reading from the values, see below.)

    The sensor block outputs a true signal to all touching logic blocks if its condition is met.

    It only does this check when it’s triggered by an external signal such as an incoming true signal from a button/activation module. It’s best to make your own clock so it constantly asks the sensor block to check again.
    Just link the sensor to any of the systems mentioned above to change what it should be checking. Linking it to a single block is enough. For doors it will look at the entire group, for systems such as power it will look at the total power. Make sure you only have 1 type linked.

    Its default condition is 100% (or above but it’s already the maximum value). Meaning that closed doors, cloaker/jammer/… enabled, and fully charged power/shields/.. Will make it output a true signal when triggered.

    You can change this condition by linking the sensor to activation modules. It’s using the same system as rail speed controllers so it’s looking at the ratio of true signals versus the total linked.

    3 true activation modules out of 5 linked ones means the condition is set to 60% (3 / 5 * 100) and above.

    Visual examples:

    The reasoning behind requiring a logic signal to pulse the sensor is that it both adds more control over signal rates and significantly reduces overhead. A reverse trigger (meaning the block automatically firing when sensing the desired value) had several problems: Not only would it be performance intensive by having to iterate through all sensor blocks on every update (as inputs don’t know their incoming connection), but it is also less versatile, since this logic-based approach lets you sense a value on events (e.g. a better automatic door that only sends a signal to close a door that is actually open).
    The whole system also ties nicely into the general design of StarMade, which is to avoid countless menus of configuring systems with dropdown menus and entering numbers.

    Radial Menu

    We have developed and included a new radial menu for this update. This menu will finally make remembering shortcuts for menus a thing of the past.

    The default hotkey for the menu is TAB; everything that was previously bound to TAB has been moved to F1. Keep in mind that the design and usability of this menu is not final! We understand that there are several approaches and ideas on how radial menus work, and we will adapt it according to what feels the most comfortable for users.

    New Graphical Effects

    This update also contains some shiny new effects, as well as improving existing ones:

    (Ship made by napther)

    Thrusters and Cannons
    We’ve added new post-processing to both the thruster plume and cannon fire that will make your ships significantly prettier, and the effect isn’t simply linear, so the more thrusters you expose, the more rockin’ that ship’s tail will be. This is a prototype and it will be expanded upon later.

    Likewise, cannon fire now glows, and scales with that cannon’s damage. You can also customize the muzzle flash by connecting its computer to a light block. The same goes for the thrusters on your ship, just connect the ship core to a light.

    This glow has also been applied to our beacon blocks.

    Display Block Logic

    Due to high demand, we’ve had this planned for quite a while now. The content of display blocks is transferrable, and it works exactly the same as rail replacement. Just place an activation block next to a display block and connect it to a second display elsewhere. On activation, the content of the adjacent display block will be transferred onto the remote display. This allows, among many other things: cycling systems readouts, security feeds, and even a chat/alert system.

    Since we’re aware that players will make some crazy things with this, we’ve made improvements to the network code so that changes only affect nearby players. In this case, it only sends the text to nearby players (as opposed to everyone) when displays change.

    Rail Connection Logic

    You may now connect rails to activation blocks. This allows you to use logic without needing to place the activation blocks directly adjacent to your rails -- potentially in the middle of nowhere. This will, however, disable touch logic for the specific rail block you’ve linked.
    StarMade News - StarMade v0.199.234 - More Logic, New Effects, and Radial Menu

    [24th September 2016]

    Fog of War and Display upgrades:

    [8th October 2016]

    NPC Faction Update:

    After weeks of non-stop work the first NPC Faction update is finally ready to release. By introducing a completely autonomous systems for AI controlled factions the universe will no longer be as empty and lifeless as it was before. Offering us more options to expand upon and create an engaging universe.

    This update adds the basic NPC factions and features with many more to come.
    StarMade News - StarMade v0.199.349 - NPC Faction Update

    [18th December 2016]

    New Blocks and Combined blocks:

    [28th January 2017]

    Power system overhaul dev blog:
    Power System Overhaul Proposal
    [11th Febuary 2017]

    Suprise Update:

    [1st Aprill 2017]

    Following from that you have more improvements, fixes, End Goal documents and the more recent power overhaul.
    You can read about all of them here:
    Game News

    Oct 8, 2016
    Reaction score
    Ps: Fleetmining is very hard to use so you should read tutorials and do a lot of trial and error and read all the info you can about fleetmining if you want to use it.
    You might on the other hand just use firepower spaghetti monster fleets to kill gigantic ships at a low cost.(fleet fighting works fine indeed)
    Oct 22, 2017
    Reaction score
    Welcome back Maegor The Cool !
    Looking through the past dev announcements is a good step to cover the features that have been implimented starting from page 3 should be around accurate for when you left off.

    This will ignore bugfixing and minor improvements/changes.
    Heres just a basic rundown of the dev posts since March, 2016:

    This is an entirely new system within the game’s backend. It is basically a cached virtual layer that can quickly operate on the main database of a server without the need to actually load in ships.
    [2nd March, 2016]

    Here’s an overview of how fleets work in-game: A player can create a fleet in the new fleet panel (default key ‘k’) and add multiple ships to it. There are several other management options for fleets in that panel as well. The first ship in the list is always the flagship (the ordering is easy to change later), and a ship can only belong to one fleet at a time. The flagship of every owned fleet will also always appear in the galaxy map. Ships don’t require Bobby-AI blocks to be part of a fleet.

    Fleets can currently perform the following actions:

    • Idle: This is the default state. Ships in this fleet will neither move on their own nor attack. In the event of a server restart, fleets will automatically revert to this order. (In the future, the last fleet order will be saved.)

    • Move: The Move command sends the fleet to a sector, whether or not that sector is loaded. Currently the fleet’s movement speed while in an unloaded state is fixed, and the fleet is also unable to use jump drives as of yet. These will be added in the future.

    • Attack: A fleet will go to a specific sector and attack. Currently, attacks will only commence on loaded sectors; if a sector is unloaded, the fleet will wait on the sector’s edge until it is loaded.

    • Defend: Similar to Attack, the fleet will go to a sector and attack any (loaded) enemies. However, the fleet will not pursue any enemies beyond 2 sectors of the target sector.

    • Sentry: The fleet will attack any enemy in proximity.

    • Formation Idle: the fleet will assemble into a formation, but will not attack anything. The flagship can be manually controlled.

    • Formation sentry: the fleet will assemble into formation. Additionally, ships will break off and attack any enemy in proximity.

    • Carrier Callback: This order is explained further below.

    Important: Formation orders are currently experimental and may lead to strange AI behavior or fleet pile-ups.

    Carriers are now supported in-game thanks to the new fleet system. For this purpose, we’ve added three additional blocks: the Pickup Rail, the Pickup Point block, and the Shootout Rail. All of these blocks are non-physical and only visible while in build mode. This means that, while the two new rail blocks still function as rails and allow you to change them using existing logic systems, you can not collide with them even if you’re on the rail itself. They also do not provide any armor or hp to the ship.

    StarMade News - StarMade v0.19590 - Fleets and Carriers

    Fleet Mining
    Fleets now have an additional order “Mine Sector”, that when given will do exactly that. Keep in mind that for now the sector they are mining in will have to be loaded. Also, the flagship will not participate in any mining. It currently only works on Asteroids.
    [March 20th 2016]

    Main Menu Update
    A lot of things had to be done to give players the best possible experience starting the game. We designed a new GUI theme from scratch. Most importantly, you’re now able to switch from server to server or to a single player universe without having to restart the game. Not only that but once the game resources are loaded, they stay loaded. So switching worlds or servers just takes seconds.
    [May 22nd 2016]

    Tutorial Videos
    The engine can now play videos ingame. You can either watch it in a player or in the background while you play.

    At the moment, the videos available are those from our youtube channel. We will be improving, optimizing, and expanding them for ingame tutorial usage. Also, while at the moment, the videos are 720p, in the future we will try to offer a low quality offline option with the ability to stream full quality directly from youtube if possible. It may be a while before a full series of quality videos are available.

    We will also be looking into implementing an ingame browser for our wiki and link that to the game, so you could look up info about a block or a system via a context menu.
    New Lighting System

    As most of you know, the shading on structures, especially on angled shapes has serious problems with lighting.
    The reason why those errors persisted so long, was because the lighting normalizer required a full rewrite, and to make things worse, is one of the most brain scrambling things to implement. However, it was time to do it, and the new system is now able to be easily adaptable to new blocks. Fixing any remaining lighting errors and other related glitches should now be a lot easier, as the new system is now modular and abstract instead of just one big pile of if-then-elses, which grew with every new block shape added.
    [5th June 2016]

    New Asteroids, Custom shapes, New Languages, New GUI
    -A new (faster) system for generating terrain noise has been added. This system has tweaked asteroid generation to produce larger and more natural looking asteroids.

    -The engine now supports custom shapes. Those shapes can pretty much be any 3d object. The game automatically handles natural Level of Detail. That means that from afar, shapes will automatically turn into either cubes, “sprites” (like current flowers for example), or completely transparent. Objects further away will not have any decrease in fps that way. The distance at which objects blend to blocks can be adjusted in the options.

    StarMade News - StarMade v0.198.219 Custom Shapes, 7 Languages, reworked GUI graphics & new Asteroids
    [19th June 2016]

    Trading System
    This update marks an important step in the overall progress. The trading system will be used throughout the universe -- not only by players, but in the future by NPC Factions as well. This will create a dynamic economy throughout the universe, and should make gameplay much more engaging.

    The most important part of the trading system is the Trade Network. This network makes it possible to access inventories and prices without having to visit the stations themselves (or even having them loaded). Not only can they be accessed, but they can also be modified, meaning stations may trade with one another regardless of their distance and loaded states.

    The Trading Guild itself handles trades made using the Trade Network. This means anyone can trade with any other shop in the network, given they have sufficient credits to pay the Guild its fee.
    StarMade News - StarMade v0.198.476 - The Trading System
    [13th July 2016]

    Chunk32 Update
    With this update, all worlds will use the new chunk format, which (among other things) increases the chunk size from 16x16x16 to 32x32x32. Code wise, this was probably one of the biggest changes in a long time because it affects such a huge portion of the codebase: we needed to update pretty much every area that interacted with chunks. Not only that, but we also had convert old worlds and blueprints and make sure everything is still fully functional.

    A new object always starts at the center of a chunk, so moving to 32-block chunks means all blocks in every object had to be shifted by 8 blocks in all dimensions. But not only that: all logic, connections, rails, and a lot more had to be adapted as well.

    The reason for centering objects within their chunk is simple: small objects only consume one chunk (instead of eight), not only saving memory, but significantly improving the performance of nearly every operation (physics, lighting, etc.) as well.

    This change also requires converting all files, which happens while initializing the universe. All existing blueprints are fully compatible with the new system, and are converted while initializing, or when used in-game if needed. They will also migrate on the fly if you upload an old version of a blueprint, or if you copy one directly to the blueprint directory.

    Note: Converted blueprints are not backwards-compatible; however, the game retains backups of the chunk16 blueprints, so downgrading is not an issue.

    The new format considerably reduces both the amount and size of files stored in the database, resulting in a significantly smaller overall size. As an example, the test server shrunk from 49GB to 9.2GB with the new format -- 81% smaller! Other servers can expect similar reductions.

    StarMade News - StarMade v0.199.132 - Huge performance upgrade for chunks, also now supporting Portuguese-Brazilian Language
    [Augest 2nd 2016]

    Faster Chunk Loading/Performance increases
    [August 26th 2016]

    Auxiliary Power, Better Graphics, Better Textures, and Bugfixes
    The need for power in StarMade is always present. So much so, that players came up with complex designs that involve using the supply beam to overcome built in restrictions to docked entities.

    The problem with this kind of construction was, that they didn’t really perform very well, and if they actually undocked in combat or on accident, they would cause major lag.

    We don’t want to punish players by just taking their power away, so we had to come up with a compromise. Together with the council we developed a new block: Power Auxiliary

    This new power block replaces the functionality of the current docked reactor concept with an onboard block. Eliminating any lag caused by physics.

    Auxiliary power can be assigned to your hotbar (from your weapons menu) and can be turned on and off on demand. It works like a reactor with internal storage that can act as a buffer.

    When it’s on, its regeneration gets added to the main ship and also its stored power gets dumped into it (even if there is no room).

    When it’s off, it charges its internal storage although at a slower pace compared to its normal generation.

    Stations/Planets can’t switch between modes, their reactor is always on. The AI though can’t use the block right now, that will be added at a later stage.

    Docked reactors had downsides though. They were easily found on a ship because of their navigation markers. And when damaged, they would rapidly lose their efficiency.

    The new block has a different downside that comes down to the same thing, loss of efficiency/regeneration.

    If a block of a group gets taken out, the whole group starts to discharge. Explosions will occur inside that group. The amount of explosions, their radius and damage depend on the size of the group at the time of being hit.

    The biggest reactors can almost reach an efficiency of 200 power per block but they’re also the ones that are easily hit and take the most damage when exploding. They’ll lose most of their blocks in about 1-2 minutes which still makes them useful for a short period after they got shot.

    However, it is strongly advised to use armor, not only to protect those groups from external damage, but also to interlace it within the group, so a potential discharge would minimize damage inside a group.

    It’s a high risk high reward system. Using it wisely can make your ship superior to others. Using it recklessly can make your ship useless with some lucky hits. Your power is the most important part on your ship and you want to make sure it’s out of reach.

    StarMade News - StarMade v0.199.214 - Auxiliary Power, Better Graphics, Better Textures, and Bugfixes
    [9th September 2016]

    New Logic Blocks
    This update adds a new logic block and system to the game.

    Randomizer Block
    As you probably guessed by the name, this block produces random results when activated. Each time it receives any signal (true or false) it has a 50% chance to change its state.

    This can have several applications:

    Using multiple randomizers can create a random binary number depending on how many you use. You also can also modify the odds by chaining these blocks together with ANDs to reduce the odds, or ORs to increase them.

    Logic Sensor Block (Council suggestion T1756)
    The logic sensor block is part of an entirely new system that can probe the current state of most systems on a structure, such as power or shield percentage. This means you can now include the state of those systems in your logic circuits.

    The following systems can be probed:

    ~ Power and Power Aux: The output is based on the power/capacity percentage.

    ~ Shields: The output is based on the percentage of shields compared to its capacity.

    ~ Jump Drive: The output is based on the charge percentage.

    ~ Jam/Cloak: The output is 100% when it’s on and 0% when it’s off.

    ~ Doors: The output is 100% when closed and 0% when open.

    ~ Cargo: The output is based on that unit’s volume/capacity percentage.

    We will add more in the future.

    (For more information on reading from the values, see below.)

    The sensor block outputs a true signal to all touching logic blocks if its condition is met.

    It only does this check when it’s triggered by an external signal such as an incoming true signal from a button/activation module. It’s best to make your own clock so it constantly asks the sensor block to check again.
    Just link the sensor to any of the systems mentioned above to change what it should be checking. Linking it to a single block is enough. For doors it will look at the entire group, for systems such as power it will look at the total power. Make sure you only have 1 type linked.

    Its default condition is 100% (or above but it’s already the maximum value). Meaning that closed doors, cloaker/jammer/… enabled, and fully charged power/shields/.. Will make it output a true signal when triggered.

    You can change this condition by linking the sensor to activation modules. It’s using the same system as rail speed controllers so it’s looking at the ratio of true signals versus the total linked.

    3 true activation modules out of 5 linked ones means the condition is set to 60% (3 / 5 * 100) and above.

    Visual examples:

    The reasoning behind requiring a logic signal to pulse the sensor is that it both adds more control over signal rates and significantly reduces overhead. A reverse trigger (meaning the block automatically firing when sensing the desired value) had several problems: Not only would it be performance intensive by having to iterate through all sensor blocks on every update (as inputs don’t know their incoming connection), but it is also less versatile, since this logic-based approach lets you sense a value on events (e.g. a better automatic door that only sends a signal to close a door that is actually open).
    The whole system also ties nicely into the general design of StarMade, which is to avoid countless menus of configuring systems with dropdown menus and entering numbers.

    Radial Menu

    We have developed and included a new radial menu for this update. This menu will finally make remembering shortcuts for menus a thing of the past.

    The default hotkey for the menu is TAB; everything that was previously bound to TAB has been moved to F1. Keep in mind that the design and usability of this menu is not final! We understand that there are several approaches and ideas on how radial menus work, and we will adapt it according to what feels the most comfortable for users.

    New Graphical Effects

    This update also contains some shiny new effects, as well as improving existing ones:

    (Ship made by napther)

    Thrusters and Cannons
    We’ve added new post-processing to both the thruster plume and cannon fire that will make your ships significantly prettier, and the effect isn’t simply linear, so the more thrusters you expose, the more rockin’ that ship’s tail will be. This is a prototype and it will be expanded upon later.

    Likewise, cannon fire now glows, and scales with that cannon’s damage. You can also customize the muzzle flash by connecting its computer to a light block. The same goes for the thrusters on your ship, just connect the ship core to a light.

    This glow has also been applied to our beacon blocks.

    Display Block Logic

    Due to high demand, we’ve had this planned for quite a while now. The content of display blocks is transferrable, and it works exactly the same as rail replacement. Just place an activation block next to a display block and connect it to a second display elsewhere. On activation, the content of the adjacent display block will be transferred onto the remote display. This allows, among many other things: cycling systems readouts, security feeds, and even a chat/alert system.

    Since we’re aware that players will make some crazy things with this, we’ve made improvements to the network code so that changes only affect nearby players. In this case, it only sends the text to nearby players (as opposed to everyone) when displays change.

    Rail Connection Logic

    You may now connect rails to activation blocks. This allows you to use logic without needing to place the activation blocks directly adjacent to your rails -- potentially in the middle of nowhere. This will, however, disable touch logic for the specific rail block you’ve linked.
    StarMade News - StarMade v0.199.234 - More Logic, New Effects, and Radial Menu
    [24th September 2016]

    Fog of War and Display upgrades:
    [8th October 2016]

    NPC Faction Update:

    After weeks of non-stop work the first NPC Faction update is finally ready to release. By introducing a completely autonomous systems for AI controlled factions the universe will no longer be as empty and lifeless as it was before. Offering us more options to expand upon and create an engaging universe.

    This update adds the basic NPC factions and features with many more to come.
    StarMade News - StarMade v0.199.349 - NPC Faction Update

    [18th December 2016]

    New Blocks and Combined blocks:

    [28th January 2017]

    Power system overhaul dev blog:
    Power System Overhaul Proposal
    [11th Febuary 2017]

    Suprise Update:

    [1st Aprill 2017]

    Following from that you have more improvements, fixes, End Goal documents and the more recent power overhaul.
    You can read about all of them here:
    Game News

    Wow, thanks for the long response! This about covers what I missed :D


    Nov 14, 2013
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    Ps: Fleetmining is very hard to use so you should read tutorials and do a lot of trial and error and read all the info you can about fleetmining if you want to use it.
    You might on the other hand just use firepower spaghetti monster fleets to kill gigantic ships at a low cost.(fleet fighting works fine indeed)
    Indeed. Fleet mining sounds good, but it currently breaks constantly, and it is more trouble than it's worth. Fleets are, however, a functional way of moving ships and commanding drone fleets. Unfortunately the combat AI itself does not work much better than it did previously, but that revamp is planned too and will arrive someday.
    Oct 22, 2017
    Reaction score
    Indeed. Fleet mining sounds good, but it currently breaks constantly, and it is more trouble than it's worth. Fleets are, however, a functional way of moving ships and commanding drone fleets. Unfortunately the combat AI itself does not work much better than it did previously, but that revamp is planned too and will arrive someday.
    It seems like there's a lot of things planned for the future, I'm excited to see what the finished game will look like!


    Ol' Reliable
    Oct 5, 2013
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    A tip I would recommend is to mine EVERYTHING. Regardless of what it is, mine it and refine it. Buy a single capsule refinery and refine everything you mine. Sell stuff you don't need, but keep the resources such as shards and raw ore. After you have enough money, build a station, and make a bigger mining ship. With the station you can program it to collect the resources you mined, and to refine them while you go off and mine again. Then, when you're ready, make warships and have fun!

    However with the power update on the way, I wouldn't spend alot of time working on minute details of ships. Just build what does the job for the time being, and don't be upset if you have to redo the reactor when the update comes out.

    Welcome back to Starmade! I hope you enjoy it again!