Control scheme alterations

    Sep 19, 2017
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    This is my third try. Things keep timing out on my phone, so I drafted this up in Word then pasted it into the forum.
    I would like to suggest the following control changes for later patches. I realize some of these may have been suggested in posts elsewhere and elsewhen, but here goes.

    1. Change the current weapons config panel to allow dynamic grouping with sub-groups permitted. Also, the ability to name individual weapon computers would be really helpful.

    2. Weapons or weapon groups should be assigned to the three mouse buttons, not hotbar locations. The hotbar positions should be for systems such as jump drive, aux power, etc.

    3. Make focused/unfocused fire a toggle changed from a key on the keyboard.

    4. Include a toggle to detach/attach navigation from the mouse cursor.

    5. Include a meta-camera view that simply follows the mouse cursor when the cursor is detached from navigation. This meta-camera would be set to rotate around the ship from a radius where it would never clip.

    6. Throttle should be the % of max thrust when an engine burn is performed.

    7. To allow for better control, show a gyroscope that indicates ship heading versus its current direction of travel versus universal axis.

    8. The joystick axis controls should be tied to ship movement instead of the mouse cursor.

    I realize not everyone will agree with these suggestions, but I feel they will greatly improve usability. Obviously, some of these will be easier to implement than others.
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    Jul 30, 2017
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    7. To allow for better control, show a gyroscope that indicates ship heading versus its current direction of travel versus universal axis.
    This is the item on your list that I really want to second a request for.
    Sep 19, 2017
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    This is the item on your list that I really want to second a request for.
    I know, right. It would be sooo much easier to navigate with a proper gyroscope.

    Sadly, I think this one might be on the list of harder to implement.
    Jul 30, 2017
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    I know, right. It would be sooo much easier to navigate with a proper gyroscope.

    Sadly, I think this one might be on the list of harder to implement.
    I don't see why, all three variables should be commonly used already and available to the playerside client. I'd rather have a visually toggleable navball than a HUD pointer, though, as there's already a lot of different things that can create HUD pointers and it can result in serious clutter.


    Part-time God
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    1. Sounds interesting.

    2. Disagree. It's not unusual to have more than three different "groups" of weapons, and three is the average amount of accessible mouse buttons.

    3. My opinion is that this is unnecessary

    4, 5. You can actually already do this. One of the F keys (F2 I think?) detaches mouse and you can scroll out and look around using the shift keys (hold left shift to scroll out, hold right shift to free look).

    6. Personal opinion, not needed.

    7, 8. Agree


    Who's idea was this?
    Sep 8, 2013
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    I like most of these, and as Calhoun mentioned there are already floating and adjustable camera views available.
    I quite regularly use the shift-scroll, double shift, free camera and build mode for docking and orientation myself.

    A option to rapidly select a percentage of max speed for cruise would be useful, I stress option however as a non optional setting would pretty much ruin thruster related power management.

    On the Gyro, a dynamic particle field is generated based on the current vector from your center of mass.
    As you move the camera around, or turn your ship the particles react accordingly giving you a estimate of your current direction of travel or rotational velocity.
    Sep 19, 2017
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    2. I suggested 3 main groups simply for assignment to mouse buttons. I would like to re-think that and re-phrase to three active groups that could be swapped out on the fly. Think sort of how skills are assigned to mouse buttons in Path of Exile.

    3. Because of number 2.

    4, 5. Huh holding right shift while in the core seems fine, but it goes wonky when using cameras. Suggest a fix maybe?

    6. Agreed. I find it would be more useful on small, crazy-fast ships than on big slow ships.
    On the Gyro, a dynamic particle field is generated based on the current vector from your center of mass.
    As you move the camera around, or turn your ship the particles react accordingly giving you a estimate of your current direction of travel or rotational velocity.
    I know. I would simply prefer a more concrete gyro with actual numbers and markers to the current particles alone.
    [doublepost=1505903300][/doublepost]Huh. Seems camera double-shift mode is no longer wonky.
    [doublepost=1505903711][/doublepost]Sorry. I need to clarify detaching the cursor. By this, I mean that the weapons continue to track, but navigation/turning the ship does not.
    I'd rather have a visually toggleable navball than a HUD pointer, though, as there's already a lot of different things that can create HUD pointers and it can result in serious clutter.
    Crazy thought: Is there a way to add a filter to toggle which types of nav pointers show up?
    Aug 25, 2013
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    6. Having an actual throttle control would be helpful for maneuvering fighters inside of a hanger bay or whenever you need precise control of the ship.
    7. The gyroscope would be nice to have. I would also like a way to see the relative speed and heading between my ship and whatever is currently targeted.


    Me, myself and I.
    Mar 12, 2015
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    Throttle Control
    I would like a throttle control that I can use either with keyboard or with my joystick.
    It would be nice to either punch up % of thrust or preconfigured buttons. Useful for long halls where you would like to keep at 100% until you get close to destination without the thing slowing down if the dampening is set.

    I would like a better way to realtime navigate without using the star dust movement as a guide.
    The whole nav needs a reboot. We at least need tactical vs non tactical modes.
    I would combine turret management aspects into the tactical mode. Such as battle group targeting and orders for not only fleets, but turrets as well. Perhaps use the fleet engine to combine turrets into a battle group. I don't know.
    Regular piloting mode would only need the basics.
    Sep 19, 2017
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    I wanted to make sure I clarified my throttle thoughts.

    When I said throttle %, I meant the % of maximum thrust used on a thruster burn, not % of maximum velocity achieved.