Yes. Only player designed and flown ships are a true representation of combat. Starmade has virtually no PvE at all, you can roflstomp any pirate station with a well designed fighter.
I agree with you for the most part, but don't forget that well designed drones in fleet are their own brand of threat. As long as a player is there to scan-nerf and direct them they often out-perform your average plebian pilot. Add in logic-controlled effects (like a clocked push system to force maneuvering, and "if situation then effect" sensor systems)
The regex update has given some not-yet-really-noticed buffs to piloted and unpiloted ships.
You can believe that if you like but you have no way of knowing exactly what other people test their designs on in single player or for what purpose. For example; I don't fight stock pirates and stations when I test my weapons. As such; the question of whether the opinions of PVPers carry more weight than everyone else is not relevant to this discussion, so I'm going to politely ask you to save that opinion for a more appropriate discussion and not derail this thread.
As always, the goal here is to enhance the game and be fair about it. Constructive input on how to ensure that both of these goals are met would be appreciated.
You're kinda right. I've taken to testing my ships in uncouth ways, like "how long can it survive in the heart of a blue star"
At the same time, ONLY in player verses player situations can "balance" outside of paper-pusher balance be tested.
-On PAPER a waffled mis/pulse system is a finisher-weapon. In practice it's more like a "super move" from street fighter: it leaves you open, and it can only be used in the right "I will hit it" situation. It needs the enemy to already be movement crippled via stop effect, or existing thruster damage, or energy-siphon, or positioning.
No matter what you set up for tests or theory craft, another player being "stupid and illogical" can turn all theorycraft to ashes. EG, Back wn salvage on an unsalvageable entity caused e/sec to be unable to update from FPS lag. O the "support system" power drain being by weight over 10* as efficient as 100% ion effect despite what the "on paper" showed.
That's why balance can, and should, only really be talked about by people who experience it on the daily. The sum of individual parts is lesser than the whole, especially "over time".
HOWEVER: When theoryrafting SOMETHING NOT YET SEEN (like ammo) nobody has any real idea about what the evolved gameplay will be. That's the Nature of "meta", you CANNOT predict it well without experiencing it.
Oh. I guess that works too.
Ever heard of a jump drive? Jump out, then jump in a random direction. You're safe. Until scanners get ship searching.
Why don't you guys find some server time and teach the good doctor how pvp is done? Or go to PM or something.
Ever hear of Inhibitors(especially docked self-powered ones), stop/ion effect, or "crowd control" in general?